What to do if your job search is taking longer than you expected

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Finding a job can take longer than you would like for many reasons and take a significant mental and emotional toll. So, what can you do when your job search just keeps on going?

On average, it takes Australians almost three months to find a new job. Given this is an average, it also means many people search for longer than this.

If you’re someone who’s been job searching and applying for what feels like too long, here are our top tips on persevering during what can be a difficult time:

1. Speak to a mentor or trusted friend about your approach

Often an extended job search happens for a range of reasons  – the current prospects for that sector or industry, the number of people with your qualifications who are searching, or simply the number of people applying for the same roles as you.

It can be easy to get caught on trying to figure out the reasons your job search isn’t succeeding. If the reasons are within your control, it can be helpful to examine them, but often they are well outside your sphere of influence. So, if you’re falling into the trap of blaming yourself, speaking to someone you trust for a different perspective can help break a negative and unhelpful cycle.

At the very least, ask someone you trust to read through your CV and anything you’re sending to employers, like your cover letter and responses to key selection criteria. if you’re not getting interviews, you may be making some mistakes in how you’ve been presenting yourself that you haven’t noticed before.

2. Take a break

It can be easy to feel a constant need to keep searching. Remember that even though you aren’t employed, job searching is a form of work; it’s taxing, and sometimes you need a break.

Unplug from your devices for a while or unsubscribe from your job alerts  temporarily. Signing up to alerts about new jobs can be helpful in finding available roles, but it can also become overwhelming. Getting a notification every day encouraging you to look at a potential employment opportunity fuels your search – but when you’re fatigued, it can be draining and potentially upsetting.

It is okay to take  a day, or a week, of rest.

3. Learn something new – either professionally, or personally

Unemployment can be a time to upskill, but it can be equally useful to learn new things that aren’t related to work – picking up a new hobby, or learning about something you’ve always been interested in. It’s a great way to protect and boost your mental health and brain function.

If you have time, volunteering can be a great way to make connections and learn new things.

Rebecca McDonaldCEO and Founder of Australian literacy organisation Library for All, says

“There’s nothing like volunteering to demonstrate your ability to learn new skills, contribute value and get some great experience along the way. Once you’re on the inside, network and keep your ear open for opportunities that are coming up.”

4. Attend an event, even if it’s a virtual one

Even if you hate networking, attending an event can be a great way to gather inspiration and energy, especially if you’re feeling down about your industry or your job type. You can find events on Eventbrite, or Humanitix, or through industry associations or umbrella bodies.

Even if an event is taking place virtually, hearing ideas from people in your field may spark some reflection, or motivation to redouble your efforts to get a foot in the door at your next employer.

5. Remember that the length of your search doesn’t reflect your professional value

Taking pride in your accomplishments and the value you have to offer is a key step to succeeding in finding a job. We recently interviewed Diana Khamon, who lost her job during the pandemic, but went on to find her dream job as Philanthropy Manager at St Kilda Mums. She shared this advice for jobseekers who are stuggling with rejection:

Don’t lose hope when you’ve had rejections as your dream job could be around the corner! Every time I was being rejected from something I thought was good for my career, I was actually being redirected to somewhere better. Have self-confidence and apply for roles which attract and challenge you – you’ve got this!”

Brisbane New Labour Hire licensing regulations

The Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 (LHL Act) and the accompanying Regulation will commence on 16 April 2018. The LHL Act establishes mandatory labour hire licensing which requires:

  • labour hire agencies in Brisbane to be licensed to operate in  Queensland
  • persons who engage Brisbanes labour hire agencies to only engage licensed providers
  • labour hire licensees to satisfy a fit and proper person test to establish that they are appropriate persons to provide labour hire services
  • labour hire agencies in Brisbane to comply with all relevant laws
  • the labour hire business to be financially viable (i.e. be able to pay workers promptly and also meet its other obligations (e.g. taxation, superannuation, WorkCover, etc.))
  • licensees to report on their activities six monthly
  • there to be penalties for breach of obligations, and
  • the establishment of the Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit within the Office of Industrial Relations with inspectors responsible for monitoring and enforcement activities.

Existing labour hire Agencies have until 15 June 2018 to apply for a licence. Those providers can continue to operate after 15 June 2018 while their application is being assessed. After 16 April 2018, any new labour hire business must have a licence before it commences operation.

Information on the LHL Act and scheme will be available on the Labour Hire Licensing Queensland website. The website will be supported by a help desk call centre which can be contacted on 1300 576 088. The website and contact centre will be available from 16 April 2018. The licence application will also be made through this website.

The website will have:

  • a register of Brisbane’s licensed labour hire agencies
  • avenues to report problems and contact the Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit
  • resources such as application guidance material, examples of labour hire arrangements and industry fact sheets, and
  • other information for labour hire agencies, workers and users of labour hire.

The LHL Act covers the labour hire industry. It does not apply to genuine subcontracting arrangements or recruitment and permanent employee placement services (where a recruitment agency supplies the worker whom the end user employs and pays directly). The Act has a specific provision that a building contractor is not a labour hire provider merely because they enter into a contract to carry out construction or building work (section 7(3)(b)). Also, volunteering and student placements are not labour hire arrangements. In addition to the Act, the Labour Hire Licensing Regulation (the Regulation) provides further clarification to ensure that the Act does not capture unintended classes of workers. These are:

  • genuine secondments
  • workplace consulting
  • a high-income worker (defined using the Fair Work Act, i.e. an employee earning over $142k per annum and not covered by an industrial instrument)
  • a worker who is also the director, partner or owner of the business supplying to themselves
  • an in-house employee who is temporarily supplied to another person. An in-house employee is defined as an individual who:
    1. is engaged as an employee by the provider on a regular and systematic basis; and
    2. has a reasonable expectation the employment with the provider will continue; and
    3. primarily performs work for the provider other than as a worker supplied to another person to do work for the other person.
  • employees working for an employing entity used wholly within a single recognisable business. This means an individual who a provider supplies to another person to do work if the provider and the other person are each part of an entity or group of entities that carry on business collectively as one recognisable business (a person includes a company or other employing entity).

The Regulation also provides:

  • what an applicant’s declaration of financial viability means for the LHL Act and examples of the types of financial documents an applicant must nominate to be able to make this declaration
  • details about how compliance with specified work health and safety, fair work, migration, anti-discrimination, transport and accommodation laws will be demonstrated
  • details that the Chief Executive must have regard to when considering if a person is fit and proper to be a provider of labour hire services
  • further details about what a licensee must report on, including specific details about accommodation, transport and services used by labour hire workers, and
  • renewal, restoration, and application fee tiers and amounts.

The Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 (Qld) (‘the Act’), which was passed in late 2017, came into effect in April this year. The Act imposes strict licensing requirements on various parties to labour hire services in Queensland. According to Labour Hire Licensing Queensland, ‘the scheme aims to protect labour hire workers from exploitation, and ensure rights are upheld.’

Labour hire providers; or those parties who provide labour hire services to other parties, are subject to a mandatory licensing scheme and face severe penalties under the new legislation for non-compliance.Labour hire users; or those parties who contract, employ or otherwise use labour hire services, are subject to strict obligations under the Act.


The scope of the definition provided under the Act is intentionally broad:

‘A person (a provider) provides labour hire services if, in the course of carrying on business, the person supplies, to another person, a worker to do work.’

This realistically captures a vast number of varying service agreements. The Act includes examples of labour hire service scenarios such as; a contractor who supplies fruit pickers to a farm, an employment agency who on-hires administration staff for external offices, and a group training organisation that supplies apprentices to employers. It is important to note that there are some exceptions that apply when the labour is carried out within the meaning of the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 (Qld). These scenarios should be approached on a case-by-case basis.


The Act sets out a number of contracting and employment arrangements that constitute the provision of labour hire services. At section 7(2), the Act states that a provider provides labour hire services regardless of –

(a)      whether or not the worker is an employee of the provider; and

(b)     whether or not a contract is entered into between the worker and the provider, or between the provider and the person to whom the worker is supplied; and

(c)      whether the worker is supplied by the provider to another person directly or indirectly through 1 or more agents or intermediaries; and

(d)      whether the work done by the worker is under the control of the provider, the person to whom the worker is supplied or another person.

As illustrated by these examples, there are a multitude of differing labour arrangements that may fall within one of the abovementioned categories. Note that there is a legislated exception for genuine subcontracting arrangements. It is important to ascertain whether you may be classified under the Act as a labour hire provider – if you are found to by Labour Hire Licensing Queensland, and you cannot demonstrate compliance with the Act – you may face penalties of up to $391,650.00 for a corporation, and $134,988, or three years imprisonment for an individual.


A labour hire user is any person who enters into an arrangement with a labour hire provider for the provision of labour hire services. Whilst labour hire users are not required to hold licences under the Act, they are subject to strict obligations, and severe penalties in the event of non-compliance. Labour hire users must not enter into avoidance arrangements (agreements designed to circumvent the obligations of parties under the Act), must only use licenced labour hire providers, may have their workplaces inspected and should report providers that do not comply with their obligations. The penalties for non-compliant labour hire users are identical to the penalties for non-compliant labour hire providers.


Applications for labour hire licences can be submitted online through the Labour Hire Licensing Queensland website. Application fees apply, and labour hire providers must not provide labour hire services until the licence has been officially granted. A decision will be made within 28 business days of the submission of an application for a licence.

The assessment process will consider various factors relating to an applicant’s eligibility, including whether they are a fit and proper person, whether the purpose of the licence is financially viable, and whether the applicant has a demonstrable history of compliance with similar laws.

The application fee schedule is as follows:

Total amount of wages paid in the financial year preceding the day the application is made Tier Licence fee as at
1 July 2018
$1.5 million or less 1 $1,000
$1.5 million and up to $5 million 2 $3,000
Over $5 million 3 $5,000

With risks of severe pecuniary penalties and imprisonment for non-compliance, it is critical that labour hire providers and users recognise their role under the Act and comply with the regulations accordingly.

This article is intended to provide a brief overview of a developing area of the law. For more information on labour hire licensing, or legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances and concerns, please contact ABKJ Lawyers on (07) 5532 3199.

OnTalent is proud to announce that we have received our Labour Hire Licence and are officially a Registered Labour Hire Provider.

From the 16th of April this year, Labour Hire service providers in Queensland are required to be licensed by the state.

The main purposes of the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 and accompanying Regulation are to protect workers from exploitation by providers of labour hire services; and to promote the integrity of the Labour Hire industry. As active corporate members of the Recruitment Consulting Services Association, we at OnTalent champion this on a daily basis and we have already commenced the license application process, which includes the following:

  • Labour Hire licensees are to satisfy a fit and proper person test to establish that they are appropriate persons are to provide labour hire services
  • Labour Hire providers are to comply with all relevant laws
  • The Labour Hire business to be financially viable (i.e. be able to pay workers promptly and also meet its other obligations (e.g. taxation, superannuation, WorkCover, etc.)
  • Licensees are to report on their activities every six months
  • There will be penalties for breach of obligations
  • The establishment of the Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit within the Office of Industrial Relations with inspectors responsible for monitoring and enforcement activities

The Regulation does clarify several classes of worker that are excluded from the Act, including:

  • genuine secondments;
  • workplace consulting;
  • a high-income worker (an employee currently earning over $142,000 per annum and not covered by a state award, a modern award or an enterprise agreement)

As a result of this Act and Regulation, as an employer of Labour Hire workers (including temporary and contract workers), you must now use a licensed provider. All existing providers may continue to operate until the 15th of June 2018 while their application is being assessed. If you’re unsure whether your provider is licensed or currently applying, it’s best to ask the question.

OnTalent has already submitted our license application and over the next few weeks, we will be helping to educate our candidate base on these new legislative changes to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. If you’re looking to engage Labour Hire workers, get in touch with Queensland’s contingent workforce leader.


Brisbane City Council’s $44 million recruitment bill

Brisbane City Council spent more than $44 million on recruitment and labour hire agency contracts across one year, new figures reveal.

The LNP administration released the figures in response to a question on notice from the Labor opposition.

Brisbane City Council spent more than $44 million on professional services contracts with recruitment and labour hire companies in 2017-2018.
Brisbane City Council spent more than $44 million on professional services contracts with recruitment and labour hire companies in 2017-2018.CREDIT:DARREN ENGLAND/AAP

The question asked for a list of all companies that provided professional services to the council during the 2017-2018 financial year and the total value of contracts with each company.

Recruitment companies topped the list, the top three highest contracts being with job agencies.

The council spent an average of $858,311 per week on more than 25 contracts with recruitment companies and agencies over the 2017-2018 financial year.

Eleven of those contracts were between $1 million and $8 million.

The three most expensive contracts were with international recruitment company Hays and Peoplebank Australia, both of which had contracts with the council at $8.6 million.

BCC had more than 8000 full-time equivalent employees in 2017-2018 and, according to its annual report, received 18,234 job applications that year, of which 1817 people were appointed.

Finance and administration committee chairman Adam Allan (Northgate) did not respond to questions about why the council was spending so highly on multiple recruitment agencies.

Cr Allan did not answer whether the council had its own in-house recruitment department, or how much it spent in total on recruitment in the 2017-2018 financial year compared with the year prior.

Instead, a spokeswoman from the lord mayor’s office said: “Brisbane City Council will use agencies to find the best qualified people for specialised employment positions”.

Asked for further detail, the spokeswoman said the council at times “engages temporary administration and trade workers through agencies to meet the demands of peaks in workloads”.

“This is a more economically viable option as using temporary staff can keep costs down on projects, ensuring we are getting the best value for ratepayers,” she said.

Labor lord mayoral candidate Pat Condren called on the council to explain in detail why so much was spent in one year.

“It’s an eye-watering amount,” he said.

“Brisbane residents will be cranky to learn so much of their money is being spent on services that could be done in-house.”

Other professional recruitment contracts included a $5.3 million deal with McArthur Management Services and a $3.9 million agreement with specialised heavy industry recruitment firm Rexco People.

Smaller contracts included DFP Recruitment Services Australia at $1.2 million, along with Professional Recruitment Australia, and Eden Ritchie Recruitment, which specialises in accounting and IT jobs.

Among multiple smaller contracts with boutique recruitment and contract-hire companies were Davidson Recruitment at $506,075 and Contract Personnel at $423,096.

9 Interview Tips To Help You Impress Your Interviewer
9 Interview Tips To Help You Impress Your Interviewer

Before you apply these interview tips, you must first establish rapport and small talk. Once you master the small talk, here are some interview tips that will help you impress your interviewer.

  • Work on your handshake:

    Don’t offer up a flimsy or sweaty hand. Instead, when you meet with prospective employers or interviews, offer a firm handshake, with one or two pumps from the elbow to the hand. It’s a good way to illustrate your confidence and start the interview off on the right note.

  • Get serious:

    If you take a casual approach to the initial interview with a company, especially with a screening interviewer from the human resources department, you may be sealing your fate. Job seekers should treat every interview as if it’s their one and only chance to sell themselves to the recruiter.

  • Get the practice:

    If you find yourself being offered an interview for a job you are not really interested in, go on the interview anyway; you can make contacts for future job opportunities and get valuable interview practice.

  • Be enthusiastic:

    Bring a positive attitude to your interview. Most interviewers won’t even give a second thought to someone who has a negative presence or seems like they almost need to be talked into the job. “You’re selling yourself, and part of you is the positive approach you’ll bring to the office every morning, ” says Alison Richardson, a recruiter for several New York financial firms. “That smile and friendly demeanor go a long way.”

  • Ask questions:

    When interviewing for a new position, it’s essential to have a handful of questions to ask your potential employer. Some questions could include: What do you consider to be the ideal background for the position? What are some of the significant challenges? What’s the most important thing I can do to help within the first 90 days of my employment? Do you have any concerns that I need to clear up in order to be the top candidate?

  • Tell a story:

    Your interviewer wants to know about your skills and experiences, but he or she also wants to know about you. Don’t fire off routine answers to questions. Instead, work your answers into stories or anecdotes about yourself. People remember the people who are interesting. Prove your value by tailoring stories that address the main concern an interviewer may have: What can you do for us?

  • Show restraint:

    During an interview, what you don’t say may be as important as what you do say. As a rule, don’t talk about money or benefits, especially during the first interview. You should already know if you fit the parameters. Don’t badmouth about any of your past employers. Organizations don’t hire complainers. Don’t mention outside career aspirations or part-time jobs. Employers are looking for people who want to be part of their organization for the next decade and beyond.

Whatever you do, don’t mention the need for an immediate vacation. First of all, you’re making an assumption that the recruiter wants to hire you. Second, you’re essentially removing yourself from the list of potential candidates. A job candidate we once interviewed was quick to announce that she needed time off immediately for a two-week honeymoon. We hadn’t even offered her the job. Needless to say, we didn’t. Certainly, there are scenarios in which you’ll need to discuss pending scheduling conflicts, but the interview isn’t one of them.

  • Be memorable:

Considering the number of job seekers interviewing for positions today, it’s fair to suggest that many HR workers can hardly keep track of the differences. That’s why it’s important to do or say something that will allow you to stand out in the mind of your interviewer. This could even be one of the important interview tips you put in mind. It will strike a personal note and also provide a point of reference when it’s time to recall the top candidates. Sure, the job candidate with “American Idol” experience had no real usable background for the job we were looking for, but he was memorable.

  • Among the interview tips, don’t forget to ask for the job:

    “Tell your interviewer you want the job — period, ” says Dana Fulbright, an IT recruiter for Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla. “So many people leave without ever saying they want to be hired. It sounds so simple, but it’s true. Let your employer know that you want to work there.”

So, good luck! Landing a job would be easy if you are just prepared and has followed all these vital interview tips.

Job Interview Tips : 10 Tricky Interviewers To Watch Out For
Job Interview Tips : 10 Tricky Interviewers To Watch Out For

No matter how many job interview tips you review in preparation, there’s no guarantee you won’t get an absolute shock in the form of an interviewer with a totally uncomfortable style about them. Sound negative? No, it’s called being realistic.

Ideally you’ll be greeted by someone who’s relaxed, friendly, professional and approachable. Following their lead will be relatively straightforward and natural. Your nerves will be put at ease early on in the meeting, leaving room for you to ace your answers and prove yourself. Unfortunately, this perfect type of interviewer doesn’t surface every time.

Instead, you might find yourself confronted with a really difficult person. They might not be the hiring manager you expected to see, or your new potential boss, but for whatever reason, getting this unknown person’s tick of approval has become a pre-requisite for winning your dream role.

Interviewer 1: Robotic Rhonda

RR might as well be a brick wall with a brain. She asks questions in monotone and stares at you blankly while you reply, offering little conversation in return. She does not show any emotion and appears to be running through a list.

Interviewer 2: Timid Tim

You can barely hear TT when he asks questions. He appears extremely nervous and struggles to maintain eye contact… perhaps this is his first time conducting a job interview? And you thought you were scared!

Interviewer 3: Joker Josh

JJ has a huge personality and isn’t afraid of trying out his latest comedy routines on you. He makes several inappropriate jokes and you don’t know when he’s being sarcastic and when he’s having you on, waiting for a reaction. You can’t help but feel like you aren’t being taken seriously the whole time.

Interviewer 4: Hyperactive Holly

HH is like a bull at a gate as soon as you walk in. She’s here, there and everywhere. Her questions are fired out of her mouth at a million miles an hour and she interrupts your questions with her own anecdotes. She nods along intensely as you talk and maintains eye contact the whole time. HH is full on!

Interviewer 5: Pressurer Paul

PP will stare you down and make you work hard. He will ask you difficult, trick questions that don’t seem to have an obvious point, he will phrase questions in a negative way and make you feel like you’re being investigated, rather than attending the job interview.

Interviewer 6: Overly-friendly Fiona

OFF really wants to be your best friend. They spend half of your job interview time asking you irrelevant questions about your favourite breed of dog and have a ‘oh my gosh, me too!’ response to everything you say. She doesn’t seem too interested in your skills or expertise, but more what ice cream flavour you enjoy the most.

Interviewer 7: Rushed Rob

RR makes you feel like he has a million other things he needs to be doing. He makes you feel like his time is unbelievably precious and you’re kind of wasting it by being there. He’ll shoot questions out quickly and nod along preemptively as you speak, in an effort to speed things up.

Interviewer 8: Frowning Fanny

FF seems really irritated. She seems offended by everything you say and wears a really sour look on her face the whole time. She makes you feel like you’re really annoying her; draining her of all energy. Your attempts at a light-hearted joke to lighten the mood go ignored.

Interviewer 9: Hurricane Henry

HH is potentially the most unorganized person you’ve ver come across in your life. He has no idea what he’s doing there, what you’re doing there, what the role is and what he should be asking you. He has coffee stains on his shirt and his hair looks like a mad scientist’s.

He’s clearly been asked to step in for someone off sick, and he’d doing a bad job of hiding the fact he has no clue what’s going on.

Interviewer 10: Bored Bill

BB makes you feel like he’d rather be literally anywhere else in the world. He yawns when you speak and asks questions that come out as half-finished sentences that you have to guess the end of for him.

How to deal…

It’s important for candidates to be themselves in an interview and let their true personalities shine out, however it is also extremely important to be aware of social cues, as well as the pace and tone being used by the interviewer, and adapt accordingly.

It’s exactly the same as if someone you recognize rushes past you in the street, clearly running late to something, and so waves a quick hello to you before continuing on, barely stopping to make eye contact.

You would not then call out that person’s name, and have them stop and explain to you how they’ve been, how their day’s going, where they’re off to and so forth – it’s all about knowing when to take someone else’s lead. They want to keep moving, so let them.

If you’re confronted with one of the above interviewers, you’re going to have to follow their lead. Always remember not to say what you think they want to hear, but stay true to yourself and answer honestly. Don’t let their intensity or flippant demeanor rock you or stumble you.

Don’t take their attitude personally – they don’t even know you. Just focus on delivering the messages you’ve been preparing for and practicing.

Using A Recruitment Agency For Short Term Labour
Using A Recruitment Agency For Short Term Labour

Both large and small businesses require temporary staff from time to time. Perhaps you’re looking for a person to fill a position for the busy season but are concerned that business might slow down at a certain point and the extra help will no longer be required.

Or maybe your business’ needs change frequently requiring last-minute or on-call temporary employees. Short term labour provides an excellent workforce solution for these situations and other labour gap situations common to businesses dealing with changing or uncertain circumstances.


Use Recruitment Agencies To Save Time And Money Recruitment agencies find and provide the ideal employees to suit your company’s circumstances so that you do not have to keep repeating the recruitment process every time you need a temporary employee.

The benefits of using a recruitment agency for your temporary labour needs include:

  1. Emergency or short notice cover. Sometimes the need for an extra worker cannot be predicted beforehand or something might come up such as employee illness or injury requiring prompt replacement. This is where recruitment agencies become lifesavers. Because employment agencies have candidates who are ready and willing to take on work on short notice, you can get temporary cover for your vacant position in no time cutting on downtime and losses.
  2. Strong selection processes. Quality should never be sacrificed for quantity. This can easily happen when you are looking for a large number of temporary employees to fill several positions. Luckily, recruitment agencies offer both quantity and quality. As a result of the large number of job seekers registered with recruitment agencies and their strong selection processes, your business will get access to a large number of high-caliber temporary workers within a short time. The selection process used by recruitment agencies helps to match job seekers with job opportunities based on the information and criteria submitted by both parties.
  3. Network. Â Recruitment firms have a larger network of available workers than any employer could have. For an employer looking to hire a temporary worker, you would need to advertise the job opening, interview candidates, and then process new hire documents for a relatively short employment period. A staffing agency on the other hand keeps relationships with workers that they have already identified as reliable, dependable, and conscientious and can fill a vacant position in a matter of days, or even hours. The network maintained by staffing firms is a broad one from which they can get capable employees to fill any position you might have or anticipate.
  4. Cost. By using a recruitment agency, you will be able to lower the costs associated with staff recruitment. Because staffing agencies take care of the entire employment process, they will relieve you of recruitment costs such as CV evaluation, pre-employment testing, drug screening, and background investigations. In addition, you will be able to save money on costs related to payroll processing and administration for your temporary staff as this will be handled by the recruitment agency. By using a recruitment firm for your alabour needs you will get access to qualified workers at a fraction of the cost.
  5. Knowledge of the market. Â Great recruitment agencies have their finger on the pulse of their specialist markets and will therefore be able to give your HR department insight into what is going on. They know the available talent, where they are situated, and how to reach them. They also have an understanding of the current hiring complexities, available skill-sets, and the current salary rates. If other companies are struggling to find the same worker like you, they will offer advice on viable alternatives. A good recruitment agency acts as a collaborator and partner while still being your eyes and ears in the labour market. The knowledge recruitment agencies possess will ensure that you get the right person to fill your current labour gap regardless of the prevailing market conditions.
  6. A recruitment agency acts as a one-stop-shop for all your labour needs. Regardless of the position you need filling, you can be certain that the recruitment agency will provide a qualified person within the shortest time possible.

    At Complete Staff Solutions, we strive to provide the best quality labour hire for our clients. That is why we thoroughly vet all candidates and follow up on employee progress even after placement.

    We believe in our ability to successfully match employees with employers so much that we’ll not charge you if you are unsatisfied with a worker within the first 8 hours of hire.


    All Recruitment Australia


For Employers
Large Project Coming Up? How A Labour Hire Agency Will Take The Stress Out Of Recruitment

You have just signed a contract for a large project. Your initial thought – how are you going to get experienced staff to help out on the project? Rather than heading to the employment pages, why not start with a labour hire agency that can help you with your business?

 Here are some tips on how a labour hire agency can help you complete your large project on time and on budget.

Large numbers of staff

With a large project, you will need higher numbers of staff. Once you’ve committed to provide an outcome, you need to be able to deliver and with a large project that means all hands on deck. The best place to start to find the numbers in one place is a labour hire agency. They will have plenty of people on their books with the skills you need, ready to start straight away.

Experienced staff

The next important factor in a big project is experienced staff. Not only do you need many hands to make light work of the project, but it’s important to have experienced and skilled staff. Labour hire agencies examine the skill sets and qualifications of staff, so that you don’t have to. They work with the people on their employee lists to make sure their skills and accreditations are up to date so that anyone they send to your site is job-ready.

Save time and money searching

A labour hire agency can also save time for your large project. Rather than spend hours advertising for workers, you can save the advertising dollars and put the money straight into the workers for the project. A labour hire agency can help with one phone call. Let them know what you need, when and for how long and they can gather the best staff to assist you with your project.

Staff in the right place at the right time

Heading to one source for workers means you get the right staff in the right place at the right time. On time delivery is crucial for large projects and is vital in ensuring budgets are met. Your labour hire agency can be a partner in this process and help you by doing all the screening, HR and insurance so that you can pour your time into your project to ensure its success.

Do you have a large project coming up? Contact us Today for our most competitive rates from a Company who follow through and delivery not just great rates, but the assurance and confidence you”ll have the Right People, at the Right Time to help secure and service all your Projects large and small.

Brush Up On Your Interview Skills
Interview Tips You Should Never Miss

Someone said on Twitter, these are not rocket science, but really timely interview tips of the basics.

Do you know how to sell yourself in an interview? Have you found yourself freezing up? Have you ever had a question where you have not been able to work out what the interviewer was asking – or you could give an answer, but didn’t know if it was the right one? Here are my top 10 interview tips for this month.

1) Research the organization:

Everyone gets nervous in interview. It’s a big occasion and you should be nervous. However if you start with some thorough research, you start to build a case in your own mind of why you should be sitting in that interview room or in front of a panel. Having some confidence is a solid first step to overcoming nerves.

You can actually tell a lot about an employer from the employment pages of their website. Things such as the values they have, how easy it is to find out about potential jobs and their responses to you when you apply, can all tell you about the way they handle their recruitment. This in turn may be a reflection of what it’s like to work there. If it’s friendly and easy to apply for a job, then chances are they have given some thought to why you would want to work for them.

The web is a such wealth of facts, but what you need to do, is turn this into information. You can look at annual reports, media releases and product and service information. Online directories have company information and Google indexes the latest media news and references from other sources. If a career page has an email contact for an employee, and invites contact, then do it. Often companies will use testimonials that way to attract new people. Use sites such as linked in to research companies.

When you look for this information, you are not just looking for a set of unrelated facts. You should be looking for reasons that you want to work for that employer. You’ll really impress the interviewer if you find some simple yet compelling reasons as to why you want to work for the employer and what appeals to you about the role.

2) Research the role:

One thing that constantly surprises me is that how few people really have any understanding of the role that they are applying for. Job advertisements are partly to blame for this. They are often misleading. The person writing the advert is often not the person that you’ll be reporting to. Things always sound different on paper compared to what you will actually be doing in the role.

One of my clients recently applied for a job in the public sector. The position description said:

Building effective communication strategies with a variety of stakeholders and colleagues to ensure information exchanges are timely, accurate and useful.

This is what this statement meant:

Providing advice to staff and students on the status of their research applications.

If you see something like the above, try to talk to someone who knows about the role. A good question to ask is “what does a typical day/week look like?” Once you know what’s expected of you, preparing for the interview is instantly easier.

Also important is a real insight into the role and the recruitment process. Dig deeper than the advertisement. Put a call through if a contact number is provided. You can find out which of the skills that the employer requires are actually the priority. You can determine what you can do without and importantly you can start to make yourself known (in a good way) to your future employer. Even if the advertisement doesn’t invite it, you can still contact the recruiter. If there are no contact details, be scrupulously polite, it usually means the employers are expecting a deluge of applications.

Ask them questions about the recruitment process, what the steps are, how long each step takes, and whether they’ve had many applicants. You’d be surprised at the information you’ll receive if you sound polite and interested.

3) Research yourself:

Employers want you to be self-aware. Have a long hard look at what you have achieved, the way you have achieved that result and the skills you developed or demonstrated along the way.

This type of reflection helps you understand your strengths. It gives you confidence and helps you overcome nerves.

4) Interviewer insight:

No two interview processes are the same. Depending on the organization and the role, you could be interviewed by a recruitment consultant, the HR department, the line manager, all three individually, or any combination. Each will have a different agenda for the interview. This is important to remember as your approach with each should be slightly different.

The recruitment consultant is always the first screener.

Their role is to match you to the employer’s requirements and sell you as an applicant. The consultant establishes their credibility with each good candidate they put forward to the employer. Take time to woo them, even if you think they don’t know their stuff (as is a common criticism). Their role is essentially a sales one: to sell you the job and, if they believe you are right for the role, to sell you to their client. Make the consultant’s role easier by focussing on your strengths and achievements and point out why you are a good match.

The HR consultant is usually the recruitment procedural expert. One of their jobs is to ensure the organization meets its legal requirements. They often set up the recruitment process and have a strong attachment to ensuring it is working. It’s a safe bet that you will face a more structured interview from them, than you will from a line manager. They are often the employer’s first screener and may need to sell you further, depending on their position and influence within the organisation.

The line manager will be the person who is most concerned about finding someone for the role. They may be a person down or not meeting their organisation’s objectives by being understaffed. In the interview it will be the line manager who has the greatest sense of urgency about filling the role. Focus on your workplace achievements when fielding their questions. Work hard to build a rapport with them. They will be assessing your fit for their team.

It may sound obvious but treat each interviewer as if they don’t talk to each other and know anything about you. You’d be amazed at how little communication sometimes goes on between each party.

5) Practice:

Most organizations now use behavioural questions – which means they will be expecting you to provide specific examples of where you have demonstrated the skill they are seeking.

I strongly suggest practicing for an interview and seeking professional help. A professional is skilled at drawing examples out of you and finessing the ones you already have. However never rote learn your lines as you can never predict all the recruiter will ask. Memorizing answers will make you stressed in the interview if you can’t recall what you want to say. You may even be not be answering the questions the interviewer asks.

6) Build rapport:

Be friendly. People like that!

One of the best ways to relax is to assume the interviewer is on your side. Good interviewers are not interested in tripping you up. In fact, most of them are on your side, or are at the very least they will be approaching the interview in a professional manner. It may even help to you to relax if you think of the interviewer as someone who wants you to do your best

7) Give yourself time:

Leave plenty of time to get to the interview. Rushing breeds panic. No matter what excuse you have, lateness is noted. It creates a negative impression and it puts you behind immediately. Allowing waiting time for an interview gives you time to compose yourself, gather your thoughts and be mentally prepared.

8) Please be yourself:

That is please be yourself. You will be doing yourself no favours if you try and suppress your personality, or pretend to be something that you aren’t.

9) Relax:

While you think this may be the perfect job for you, it may be that it’s not. There are other jobs out there. If you keep this in mind then you’ll remove some pressure from yourself that this is your only chance to perform.

If you think the interview is going badly, relax and use it as practice for the next one. You never know, you could even recover if you take this approach.

10) An insider’s tip is one of the best interview tips:

The interview is just the formal means of assessing your suitability as a candidate. However you are not just assessed there. Each interaction you have with your future employer feeds into the bigger picture of their impression of you. Use this knowledge. Be polite and friendly with whomever you meet in the process from the very first phone call to the last goodbye to the receptionist on your way out.

Interviews can be daunting. Please contact me if you need some help putting it all into practice or just some extra advice. Here’s another blatant plug. Explore more job interview tips with professionals to enhance your interview skills.

Top 10 Cover Letter Tips
Top 10 Cover Letter Tips

We have cover letter tips for you, so you can wow interviewers and employers. The closer to perfect your letter is, the better your chances of getting the interview. When you need to write a cover letter to apply for a job, it’s sometimes the small things that can make a big difference.

Review these tips and techniques for writing top-notch cover letters to send with your resume, including format and presentation, advice for choosing a type of cover letter, writing custom cover letters, how to send, and examples and templates.

1. Select the Right Type of Cover Letter

There are several types of cover letters that can be sent to employers and contacts. Be sure to choose a type of cover letter that reflects how you are applying for the job or the type of job search assistance you are requesting.

Your cover letter should be designed specifically for the purpose you are writing and customized for each position you seek. Review samples of each type of cover letter, and pick the one that works best for you.

2. Try to Find a Contact Person

When it comes to cover letters, taking the time to get personal is really important. Find out as much as you can about the company and the hiring manager.

Personalize your cover letter and, if you can, address it to the individual responsible for hiring. If need be, research online or make a phone call to find out who the hiring manager is.

3. Address Your Cover Letter Correctly

How to address a cover letter can be tricky. Like, say, you are responding to a blind ad. You don’t have a contact person’s name to include. You don’t know the hiring manager’s gender as well. It’s best that you use gender-neutral words then.

4. Explore Other Cover Letter Tips and Examples

Take the time to review cover letter examples before you start writing your own. Make sure that your letter explains how your skills relate to the criteria listed in the job posting.

5. Format Your Cover Letter Properly

How you format your cover letter, both from a content (the information you include) and a presentation (what your cover letter looks like) perspective is important.

Even when applying online or via email, your cover letter needs to be properly formatted, readable, and without any mistakes.

6. Include Keywords in Your Cover Letter

It’s important to include skill, results and recognition keywords. Make sure that these match the description of the job for which you are applying and attest to your credentials in your cover letter. These cover letter tips can increase your chances of getting selected for an interview.

7. Write a Custom Cover Letter

It can be time-consuming to write a custom cover letter for each job you apply for, but it’s important to take the time. Your giving effort will show the company why you are a good match. This is actually the most important cover letter tips you can have in mind.

8. Start From a Cover Letter Template

A cover letter template can be a good way to get started writing cover letters to send with resumes when you apply for jobs.

Use a cover letter template as a starting point for creating your own personalized cover letter by adding your own information to the template.

9. Send an Email Cover Letter That Will Get Read

The most important part of sending an email cover letter is to follow the employer’s instructions. If the job posting says to include your cover letter and resume as an attachment, attach Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF files to your email message.

It’s important to send your cover letter and resume attachments correctly. Make sure to include all the information you need so your email message is read. Then, let the receiver know how they can contact you to schedule an interview. Never miss this among the cover letter tips you have known so far.

10. Explain an Employment Gap

Prepare to explain when you have recent gaps in your work history. You may want to share why you have been laid-off and out of work. You can also tell that you were taking time out from the workplace to spend with your family, traveling, going back to school, or for any reason. Your cover letter gives you an opportunity to explain the employment gap.

These are just cover letter tips you can follow to be guided. But certainly, your cover letter should mainly answer what the job post requires. To satisfy what the recruiter and employer with what they are looking for, is the most important cover letter tips you note.

get job faster
How To Speed Up & Enhance Your Job Search

Doing a job search can also be a full-time job in itself. It is time-consuming and often hard work.

  1. Know what you want before you start a job search

Spend some focused time working out exactly what you want to do. Self-analysis work is a key before you put your effort in. Knowing what you want and what you are good at and enjoy will save you time, ensure you come across as focused and self-assured and it will also be helpful when asking others as they will then know to think of you when a particular opportunity arises.

  1. You do a job search in a network

First, build your network by reaching out to relevant people within your network. Then, learn from your network. You can seek out others within your networks’ network that you could be introduced to/speak to. Ensure that you contact senior people too; they may be more likely to have hiring power. Once people are aware of your area/needs, doors should open. Speak to people who have done well in your chosen field. Most often, people who have done well in their area and enjoy it are very happy to talk to those who are equally passionate and considering entering their area. Learn from others, speak to them about how they did it or look at their bios. If you are considering a course/some development in your area of interest, get recommendations from people who know.

  1. LinkedIn

Use this to its full advantage in your job search. Whilst looking for a position, you could consider joining linked in premium facility which is free for the first 30 days or look into their job seeker app. LinkedIn is a hugely powerful tool when it comes to recruiting and job change – spend time on perfecting your profile. Recruiters, headhunters and decision-makers are using it to recruit so you are missing a trick if you are not using it to its full.

  1. Agencies

Join them. Identify three or four recognized agencies, headhunters or job search firms that recruit the types of positions that you are looking for at the correct level of seniority. A tip on finding them…. Ask your network, think of good agencies you have used in the past for recruiting and join them. Call a few of the companies you would like to work for and see if you can find out which agencies they use – then join them. Another key tip is to build a relationship with your key recruiter and their team. If they like you they will fight for you. The relationship with them is the key in a successful job search! Like Complete Staff Solutions

  1. Build your experience

Once you have identified what you want build your experience in that area. This could be internally within your company, by volunteering outside of work or offering on projects. Also pick out and highlight the relevant experience that you have on your CV or LinkedIn profile.

  1. Be visible

Whether this is in person networking or at events and conferences or ‘on line’ joining in on discussions and in groups be visible and get out there! Explore your options and choices in doing a job search.

  1. Work on preSenting yourself

Interview well, have an elevator pitch, look good in person and on paper. Make sure your online presence, CV and LinkedIn profiles are impressive. Spend time on this.

  1. Match

Be attentive and smart in doing a job search. Match your CV and LinkedIn profile as closely as you can to the job specifications that you are looking at. Pull out the key words and relevant experience that you have.

  1. Research

Once you have identified a position, research and do more job research. Research the company hiring process, the person interviewing you, others who work there, the market, their presence within the market, any articles related to them. Go beyond with the job search.

  1. Follow up – Ask and re ask if you need to

Reach out and ask others when you do a job search. Can you help them out too in some way? Don’t be afraid to ask and talk to people. Why not approach that person at that company you have always wanted to work for and send your CV. They can always say no but they may say yes!

  1. Testimonials and recommendations

Ask people to write these for you on LinkedIn. People generally have to be approached and asked to do this. If you can ask for a testimonials from a 360 perspective – a boss, a colleague, a client, customer etc. Have at least six.

  1. Courses

Are there any courses you could complete whilst you are still working at your current company or relevant ones you could do alongside?

  1. Keep up-to-date

Join groups on LinkedIn, sign up to blogs relevant to your field, and prescribe for an industry relevant magazine, sign up to newsletters. Go to conferences and any relevant meet ups. Learn, read and absorb any relevant information. Sign up to Google alerts. These alerts (based on single words or phrases) will generate news articles that contain them emailed directly to your in box every day and will flag newsworthy content. Perhaps sign up with three or four relevant words. Set up Google alerts for the companies you are interested in and interviewing for. All of the above will result in you coming across more knowledgeable and up to date with market changes and they may flag information on openings competitors or help you think about the specific areas you are most interested in. Read a daily newspaper to keep you informed and up to date.

  1. Keep going and try to keep positive in your job search

You will be more attractive as a candidate and others will want to help you. If you feel you need it and require assistance to get from where you are to where you want to be hire a career coach. Similar to asking for personal training if you have fitness goals a career coach could provide the extra support you need in your job search.

15 Resume Writing Mistakes Costing You Interviews
15 Resume Writing Mistakes Costing You Interviews

Your Resume is an important part of your armory when looking for a job.Avoid these 15 Resume Writing Mistakes to ensure you snare you next position.

Your Resume has to look good and be as close as possible to the job description to get you through to the next stage. As one of the first documents that someone will ask for to represent your capabilities, your Resume should be completed with focus, time and care. Resume Writing can often be the difference between securing an interview for your jobs applied, and not making the initial cut.

If you’re guilty of any of the Resume Writing mistakes below, you’re probably costing yourself some great interviews:

1. Bad formatting

Your Resume should be formatted perfectly. It should be consistent throughout in terms of bullets, text and margins. Your Resume should be readable on a mobile device as well as on a computer screen; so ensure it displays perfectly for both. Saving it as a PDF is a great way to ensure it is easy to read on tablets and phones. There is no excuse for untidy, inconsistent formatting. Check once, and then double-check this!

2. No contact details

These should be clear, correct and visible. Perhaps they could be in a header to ensure they are easy to find if the pages are not kept together.

3. Too many pages

The ideal length of a Resume is two pages.

4. Jam-packed paragraphs

Your Resume should be split up clearly with bullet points. HR professionals and recruiters want to read the relevant information quickly and easily, and will not waste hours reading through long scripts.

5. Hidden information

Your Resume needs to match as closely as possible to the job description or job requirements. Often Resume’s are selected via key words so the words that appear on your ideal job description should also (if you have the experience) appear on your Resume.

6. A rush-job

Rushing to produce a Resume without really thinking through and analyzing what it is that you want to do next. Take your time to analyse yourself; self-awareness and knowing what you want and are suited to should be your first step before producing your Resume.

Real freedom to choose and some control over what you now want must involve some self-awareness work first. My book What to do next? is a practical exercise book which can help you with this (available on Amazon).

7. Wordy profile statement

Your profile statement needs to be short, strong, snappy and not generic. They need to be objective. In one or two sentences summarise and emphasise your key attributes, experience and your intended future career path.

8. No summary of skills

These should be clearly visible, don’t hide them. Some people like the top part of their Resume to look like a snap shot of your experience. Your skills should be bulleted and separated and can appear under your profile statement so the reader can quickly see them.

9. Inconsistent, incorrect tenses

I often see Resumes where the starting word is in the wrong tense. If you are currently working there, it should read, for example: Reviewing, Liaising etc. If, however, it is a previous role, it should read: Reviewed, Liaised. It’s an obvious one, but I see it on almost every Resume that crosses my desk.

Perhaps this is because people update their CV as they go, and don’t necessarily go back to change old roles.

10. Overuse of one particular word

Again a regular mistake that I see. People often have one word that they repeat over and over again watch out for this, it is often the first word of your responsibility bullet points. Ask a couple of people to read through and check your Resume for you.

11. Omitting relevant qualifications/training/courses

Often people miss internal training or courses that they have done in the past. List all of them.

12. Failure to quantify things

A great way to add strength to your bullet points is to add numbers and percentages. What did you do, what was the outcome, can you quantify it?

13. Unorganised bullet points

I prefer Resume’s that have clear bullet points for each position. They can be easily read and are clear. Even within those bullet points think about which ones are at the top. The first two bullet points position you. Think about which are most impressive or most relevant to the job you are applying to and put them first.

14. Lack of tailoring

For those good important jobs that you really want make sure you tweak your Resume and pull out the most relevant experience and information that you can. Change the order of bullets, add figures. Go through the job specification and match your CV as closely as you can to it. Take time over this.

15. No references

Have them. Either references on request or list the names of two individuals you have asked at the bottom of your Resume.

Fixing these problems in your Resume will help a great deal with your job search, however, you should also make sure your social media profiles match the calibre of your Resume. Make sure your Linked In profile gets just as much attention.

The two will work together and these days both need to be strong. Also, be careful not to use too much jargon and simplify your language where possible. Some industry jargon is necessary for keyword searches, but try to stay away from inter-company jargon all over your Resume it will only alienate the reader.

Finally, don’t forget to do your research. Find out as much as you can about the company you’re applying for; the culture, job description, their social media presence. Try to gain a true understanding of what they are looking for before you apply.

Decide then if that is what you want and if the answer is yes, tailor your Resume with your relevant experience and attributes to match that. Avoiding these Resume Writing Mistakes will no doubt increase your success in securing an interview for more of the jobs you want.

Want some advice? Click to obtain a free Resume Review from one of our Recruitment Advisors and see how your Resume stacks up to our 15 Resume Writing Mistakes.

Jobs In Sydney – Seek Employment Trends
Jobs In Sydney – Seek Employment Trends

SEEK Employment Trends: available jobs in sydney

The Emerald City was shining brightly in March 2016 with an increase in SEEK job ads across the majority of industries. While the inner suburbs of Sydney continue to be the employment hot spots for industries such as construction, experts are now seeing promising signs of growth in the city’s west for full time and flexible jobs.

Sydney’s job market has been increasingly strong over recent months. This trend is reflected across much of New South Wales, which experienced a year-on-year boost in SEEK job ads of 14.9% in March 2016 and a mild tightening of candidate availability.

“It feels like Sydney and NSW have returned to the front of the pack over the past 18 months,” says Mark Smith, director of recruitment firm People2People. “We’re not the poor cousin to WA anymore now that the resources boom is over and you can really feel that in the marketplace. Business confidence is up and that’s because, as a state, we’re back.”

Growth goes west

Sydney’s CBD has always been its economic focus; however, Smith says the western suburbs are experiencing growth. “It’s like western Sydney is really shaping its own identity. It’s an interesting area to watch,” he says.

“When you look out the window of our Parramatta office, you can see 13 cranes in the sky because the area is really beginning to build up,” adds Smith. “Traffic is also a nightmare in Sydney so people are wanting to work close to where they live, so that may also be having an influence on growth in this area of the city. I think the market in western Sydney is bigger than Brisbane and Adelaide put together. It’s untapped.”

Dylan White, partner with recruitment firm Denovo, says the entire city has a growing influence on the global stage. “It has always been a city of influence and, as the rest of the country has caught up, we are seeing Sydney take an even greater step into the spotlight,” he says. “It’s become the first major city in Oceania to operate in similar ways to New York or London. Traditionally, if you were an American company you would go to Europe and then Singapore or Hong Kong for expansion. Now international companies are seeing a huge talent pool in Sydney.”

White says this may be contributing to the increase in SEEK job ads for sectors such as CEO and general management, which saw a year-on-year boost of 35% in March 2016.

“Companies that are coming across from the US and Europe are starting their presence with just a few people and then they build brand awareness and employ a senior management team,” he explains.

Construction on the horizon

The Sydney skyline is a good indication of the city’s growth. “There are so many cranes out there,” says Smith. “It almost worries me because there is such a boom in construction and after a boom there is always a bust.”

Sydney’s construction sector experienced a 21% year-on-year increase in SEEK job ads in March 2016. Related industries, such as design and architecture, grew by 14% compared to the same time last year and SEEK job ads for trades and services were up by 24% year-on year. Meanwhile, Sydney’s real estate and property sector saw year-on-year growth in SEEK job ads of 9%.

White notes that the construction boom is creating a backlog of work for these related industries. “I think they will settle down when they catch up with the rate of construction,” he says.

A slip in four sectors

Looking at March 2016 data, only four industries experienced year-on year declines in job ads in Sydney. Sales roles dipped only 1%; however, Smith says the industry remains steady. “We haven’t felt any change,” he says. “There’s still organic demand for sales roles.”

Job ads for the farming, animals and conservation sector were down by 19% and in the accounting industry they declined by 8%. Meanwhile, the banking and financial services sector saw a decrease of 4%.

Smith says the decline in job ads in banking and financial services may be the result of cost cutting. “Margins are being squeezed and when you need to cut costs, you tend to go offshore,” he says. “This sector offshored a lot of customer service roles some time ago and then did it again with transactional accounting roles. It’s happening now to some extent with analyst roles but, as far as I’m concerned, there’s still a lot of activity in the market here.”

As Sydney continues to assert itself as a global city, White says its job market will continue to shine. “Australia is now a more influential hub for technology and finance and we have a lot of resources that we can provide the global economy. As a result of that, Sydney is naturally the centre point for where we sit as a nation offering flexible, full time and permanent positions for job seekers.”

The Ultimate Guide To A Successful Interview
Inside The Mind Of A Candidate


Inside the Mind of a Candidate

31 July 2017 by Guest Author

If you’ve ever wondered what a candidate is thinking then you can stop second-guessing thanks to LinkedIn. It carried out a global study called, Inside the Mind of Today’s Candidate, which sought the views of over 6,500 professionals and 7,700 recent job-switchers.

Their findings revealed that while 4 out of 5 (82 per cent) British professionals are interested in new job opportunities, almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of the UK’s recent job-switchers did not know or knew very little about their current employer before hearing about their job.

UK employers could be missing opportunities to attract top candidates by not building awareness of their brand among potential future hires. The research also revealed that one in five job-seekers in the UK are unable to clearly see what it would be like to work for an employer prior to applying for a job, with 14 per cent citing too vague information on would-be employers’ websites.

Commenting on the research, Jon Addison, head of Talent Solutions at LinkedIn UK, said:
With over 5.5 million companies in the UK and unemployment currently at a 42 year low, today’s job market is candidate-centric, giving job-seekers a wealth of options when looking for their next role. One effect of this is that the battle for talent between employers has become fierce, and British employers cannot afford to rest on their laurels when it comes to attracting candidates – both
active and passive.

Our research shows that while the potential candidate pool in the UK is huge, with four out of five professionals interested in hearing about new opportunities, British businesses simply aren’t doing enough to promote their employer brands and show candidates why they are great places to work. It’s important that they address this, or risk being left behind as top talent
joins forces with better known brands.

Top tips for building employer brand awareness

To help businesses – large or small – better connect with prospective hires, Jon Addison shared the following tips for building awareness of your employer brand.
● Join up recruitment and marketing: ​By drawing on the skills and experience of marketing specialists in your organisation, recruitment teams can make sure they are pitching their employer brand message in ways that will resonate with and reach your target audience
● Leverage your employee ambassadors: ​No one can say why you’re a great place to work as well as your existing employees. Encourage them to share their experiences of work with their own networks to widen the pool of potential candidates you reach.
● Get creative: ​To stand out from the crowd as an employer, it is important to inject creativity into your employer brand campaigns. This doesn’t need to cost the earth; a simple social strategy, or developing engaging content for your website can be effective ways of showing
what you offer to candidates.

LinkedIn’s research also revealed the top things that most motivate British professionals to look for a new job, with better pay topping the list, closely followed by wanting a better match in interests and wanting a better work-life balance.



Tags: candidatesEmployer Brand AwarenessJon AddisonLinkedInRecruiting

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5 Ways To Land Your Dream Job With These Top Interview Tips
5 Ways To Land Your Dream Job With These Top Interview Tips

5 Ways to Land Your Dream Job with These Top Interview Tips

Hands up! Who loves the sweaty palm inducing process that is the ‘dream job interview’? So far, you have impressed them with your CV and completed a great application form. You may have aced tests and now comes the face-to-face meeting.

Now is your chance to shine and show the interview panel that you have the personality as well as the skills to do the job and fit right into their culture.

But your mind is blank and your mouth dry. They ask you a question you weren’t expecting and you feel your dream job slipping away before your very eyes. STOP this happening with these five great ways to grab the upper hand at your next job interview.

1. Prepare for the obvious questions

No two interviews are the same and with every business interviewing candidates differently, it is hard to come with a set formula for your pre-interview research.

However, spending some time preempting some of the possible questions is a great way to spend half an hour or so in the days before the interview. If you were on the panel, what questions would you ask?

These questions might not come up in your interview but they may be worth pondering;

  • How do you stay up to date with issues in our field? What blogs etc. do you follow?
  • What do you think are the key issues OR what problems can you foresee in the future?
  • Where do you see yourself in X years’ time?

It is also worthwhile preparing for the icebreaker question – tell us a bit more about you? – even though you are an expert on you, it is amazing how quickly your mind forgets the very basics of your life!

Top tip – interviewers and interviewing panels are not looking for the perfect answer. What they are looking for is someone who has clearly done their research and can present a reasoned argument or answer under pressure.

2. Bring backup

This doesn’t mean bringing your mum but bringing materials that back up what you talk about in the interview. Anyone can say that they turned a business around, bringing a 50% rise in membership, for example, but bring the information to back it up – what about a colourful spreadsheet or graph – and the panel can see that again, you are the person who likes to be prepared.

Print a couple of copies, make sure your name is all over them and have a keen eye for the detail and leave them with the panel at the end of your interview.

3. Interviewers are not always experts

Sifting through CVs and application forms, meeting and greeting candidates and interviewing people is a time-consuming process. It comes on top of all their other responsibilities and thus, the interviewer can often be less prepared than they would like.

See this as an opportunity and a means by which you can steer the conversation. This works well for you both. The interviewer or panel get a great interview with plenty of insight and you show yourself to be uber-capable of taking on the role.

BUT – and this is a big but – don’t go flying in there assuming that the interviewer is ill-prepared and that you are their saviour! Check the situation first because some companies will wheel out their most experienced interviewer to wheedle out those that say they walk the walk, and talk the talk, but don’t really deliver.

4. Ask the right questions

You now the question is coming, “Do you have any questions?”. It is the part of the interview that most people stress out about and mess up as a result.

There are some fantastic creative questions you could ask but take care that they don’t come across as being too off the wall or rude;

  • What do see as my goals for the first 3/6/9/12 months in the post?
  • How will my success be measured?
  • What skills do you think are needed to excel in this role?
  • What are the biggest challenges the company is facing right now?

Top tip – these are just a few examples and work well but no matter what questions you ask, make sure they are not ‘yes and no’ ones. Interviews are a two-way street!

5. Look at your body language

Some people have a practice run with a friend and have the ‘interview’ videoed and the results can be surprising. Did you know your play with your rings or wring your hands? Were you aware you constantly touch your nose or your ear when nervous? Do you lean too far forward or slouch in the chair?

Preparing for an interview is about looking at the whole picture and understanding how you come across. It could be that you are too enthusiastic if there is such a thing, or maybe you are not vibrant enough. Giving the right impression at an interview is about creating the right impression from the moment you walk into a room till the moment you leave.

Use these five tips to be better prepared and remember, make a point of slowing down your speech (we garble when we are nervous), concentrate on steadying your breathing, relax and if you can, enjoy it too.

About the author: This article was written by the team at NCC Home Learning, one of the fastest growing online learning providers in the UK. With many years’ experience in helping students to study for the qualifications and skills that propel their careers from ordinary to extraordinary, the NCC team also know the importance of interviewing well too. These tips were gathered from their own in-house team, as well as from students over the years. 


Tags: candidatesdream jobInterview PreparationInterview TipsInterviewersNCC Learning
For Employers
Management Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Temporary Workers

Temporary employees or temps as they’re commonly known come in a number of different forms that include on-hired workers (labour hire workers), contract workers, and direct-hire temps. Once you’ve decided to add temporary workers to your workforce, you will need to manage them effectively to ensure that you get the most out of them.

Managing temporary workers can be quite challenging as the rules and expectations differ significantly from those for managing permanent employees. With temps, you will need to figure out how to keep employees who will be working for you for a short duration of time interested, motivated, and excited about their job.

Because of the short tenures of temporary employees, many managers assume that they do not need to tend to them as they would their permanent employees. And while there’s some degree of truth to this notion, it does not mean that you should go completely hands-free with your temps. You will still need to actively and thoughtfully manage these workers to ensure that you get the best output from them and their experience working for you is pleasant  especially if you’d like to work with them again in the future.

So how do you manage your temporary workers to make sure they deliver the calibre and volume of work you hired them to do?

Here are some tips to guide you:

1. Create a clear action plan.

Before you bring in temporary workers, make sure you address the following questions:

  • How long will the temp be working for you?
  • What is the scope of their responsibilities?
  • How can you convey this information (from the second question) accurately and succinctly to a person who’s unfamiliar with your company?

Temporary work requires individuals to be able to move as smoothly as possible from one role to another and quickly learn what’s expected of them. To facilitate this smooth transition, make sure you provide your temps with all the information regarding the job you are assigning them to.

While you wouldn’t want to overwhelm your temps with information, you’d want them to be armed for success. As such, you need to clearly articulate your expectations to your temps. Don’t just say it to them, put it down on paper as well so that they can review the processes, parameters, and responsibilities related to their job whenever they need to.

2. Treat your temps like you do your employees.

Some years back, temps might have been thought of as mindless drones clocking in and out or viewed as young people in search of money who are not invested in their day job. This is, however, no longer the case. A lot of intelligent and engaged individuals are choosing temporary work for the variety and flexibility it offers, to enhance their networking prospects, and/or to get exposure to new ideas and industries.

For this reason, it’s important that you make it rewarding for the temps to work in your company as their contributions are important. This means including them in correspondences and meetings that are related to their jobs instead of limiting the conversation to your full-time employees. Keep in mind that temps are especially reliant on the information provided to them as they lack the prior history of your company that they can base decisions on while conducting their work.

Additionally, you should also include your temps in any activities and events undertaken in the workplace. Simple things like asking them to sign a birthday card for a co-worker or inviting them to a team lunch can really help them feel part of the group. Even if they decline the offer, the gesture still helps them feel included which could see them putting more effort into their assigned tasks.

3. Solicit input from your temps

Because temps are constantly moving from company to company and from project to project, they tend to amass quite a significant amount of diverse skills and experience. Temps could possess other useful skills (apart from what you hired them for) and ideas that could be of benefit to your business.

To tap into these additional skillsets and information, you will need to talk to your temporary workers. Ask them about their previous work experiences and dig deeper on things that correlate with what your company is involved in.

You can also ask for the temps input when appropriate to get fresh ideas as well as to have a new perspective on things. In doing this, your temps can act as your own in-house focus group that helps you make better decisions. It will also make your temps feel valued something that will help boost their morale.

4. Provide mentorship.

Your temporary employees, similar to your full-time staffers, are eager to develop their careers. So instead of keeping them at arm’s length, you should engage with them and act as their mentor.

Provide guidance relevant to the business, give constructive feedback, answer their questions and assist them in trying out new things even at the risk of failure. You’ll find that this kind of interaction makes your temporary employees more satisfied with their job, engaged and more productive which are all pluses for you.

5. Build a relationship.

Although your engagement with a temporary worker will be naturally limited to a short period of time, it doesn’t mean that all your interactions with them should be purely transactional. Get to know a little bit about your temporary employees. Inquire about their out-of-work interests, their families as well as their career ambitions. This shows your temps that you actually care about them which can increase their dedication.

In conclusion¦

Managing temporary workers might be quite different to what you are used to, but that doesn’t mean you deny them the same direction and attention you accord your full-time staffers. After all, for temps to actually help achieve your company’s goals, they need to be just as productive as your regular staff  if not more.

Other than the temporary nature of their engagement, temporary employees are very similar to your full-time employees in that they need proper management to ensure that they’re productive. So, to get the most out of your temporary employees, provide effective management of them to ensure both the business and the temps benefit from the arrangement.

Looking for temporary labour hire?

Why Use Agency For Recruitment As According To Jacob
Why Use Agency For Recruitment As According To Jacob
1. You Need to Fill a Critical Position

The number one reason to hire a recruiting firm is that there is an unfilled position critical to running your business. Recruiting firms provide high-quality candidates in a shorter time-frame than an in-house HR department.

2. Best hires

Recruiting firms have access to the best of the best candidates wherever they may be.

3. Huge Network

Recruiting firms know where to find talent, how to reach out, communicate, screen and present candidates from any location and background.

4. More than inbound applicants

Recruiting firms do much more than just rely on job boards and filter through dozens of subpar resumes, they actively search for the best candidates which cuts down on time lost managing underqualified job seekers.

5. Industry knowledge

Recruiting firms know where to find potential employees and more importantly, they also know the necessary skillsets, salary rates, and career expectations for specific industries and categories.

6. Free your time

Most recruiting firms offer additional services such as background checks, sourcing candidates, reference checking, and pre-interview screening, all of which free your time.

7. Quality not quantity

Because the end goal is to hire the most qualified and appropriate candidate, the best-recruiting firms aim to find a loyal employee and will offer longer guarantee periods — typically 3 months.

8. Company representation

Building a strong relationship with a recruiter helps you attract the best employees as the recruiting firm will promote your company’s culture and employee benefits to potential candidates.

9. Focus

While your primary focus is running your business, your recruiter’s focus is finding you the best hire. Assigning hiring tasks to an overwhelmed hiring manager or HR department could delay the process and even prove costly.

10. Avoid mistakes

Hiring the wrong person can be far costlier than hiring a recruiter. Besides the cost of onboarding and training the wrong person, there are significant costs to repeating the process for a replacement and perhaps a decline in employee morale. Recruiting firms are dedicated to finding a candidate with stability.

Job Search Statistics Every Job Seeker Should Know
Job Search Statistics Every Job Seeker Should Know

Job Seekers could have all the skills and  experience to make you the best candidate for a role, but if you’ve made sloppy mistakes on your resume, or not taken the time to write it in a way that will get you noticed, it could cost you the job.

Recruiters generally make up their mind about a Job Seeker within 60 seconds of glancing at their resume, so it could be something as small as a spelling error that gets your application discarded.

So what makes a stand out resume and what are the most common mistakes that job seekers make?

CV and Resume Statistics:
What are the top reasons that recruiters reject a Job Seekers resume?
  • 59% of recruiters will reject a candidate because of poor grammar or a spelling error. Though these mistakes seem small, they indicate that the candidate is sloppy and hasn’t taken the time to proofread their resume.
  • Over 50% of recruiters will reject a candidate if their resume is full of cliches. You need to differentiate yourself from the crowd, cliches are boring.
  • Over 40% are also put off by too much design, such as snazzy borders, inappropriate fonts, clipart images…..or even an emoji!
What are the top 10 resume cliches that recruiters hate?

“I can work independently.” – Most people can!

“I’m a hard worker.” – Yes, aren’t we all?

“I work well under pressure.” – Congratulations you tough cookie!

What makes a great resume?
  • Read through your resume at least 3 times to make sure there are NO spelling or grammar mistakes and it all reads smoothly. Get someone else to check it over too, in case you missed something and to get a second opinion.Keep your resume as professional as possible. Photosare not necessary and fancy fonts make it look slightly unprofessional. Stick to a simple font such as Calibri or Arial, use bullet points for easy scan-ability and ensure that they layout is consistent throughout. Try to keep it to a couple of pages long.
  • Ensure that your contact details are correct and up to date.
  • Tailor your resume for the job, mentioning keyword s and skills that are included in the job advert.
  • Use specific examples of achievements from each role
Facts from Recruitment Agency Source
  • On average, each corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes. Of those candidates, 4 to 6 will get called for an interview, and only one will get the job. (Glassdoor)
  • Recruiters take an average of six seconds to scan a resume. (TheLadders)
  • What recruiters say they look for on a resume (Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report 2016):
    • Job Experience – 67%
    • Cultural Fit – 60%
    • Cover Letters – 26%
    • Prestige of College – 21%
    • GPA – 19%
    • 62% of employers are specifically looking for your soft skills. (Careerbuilder)
  • What a list of what recruiters want to see from job seekers (Careerbuilder):
    • Resumes Tailored to the Open Position – 63%
    • Skill Sets Listed First on a Resume – 41%
    • Cover Letters – 40%
    • Application Addressed to the Hiring Manager – 22%
    • Links to Personal Blogs, Portfolios, or Websites – 16%
    • 53% of employers feel they need more than a resume to assess if someone is fit for a job. (Careerbuilder)
  • 44% of job seekers think they spend 1-5 minutes reading a job post when they spend 49.2 – 76.7 seconds reading a job post. (TheLadders)
  • Recruiters will penalize people who have pursued non-standard work or work that’s “beneath” the candidate. (American Sociological Review)
  • Not using your professional skills can hurt a resume as much as one year of unemployment. The damage is limited for those who had temp agency employment. (American Sociological Review)
  • Recruiters penalize men for part-time work but not women. (American Sociological Review)
  • 4% of resumes errors come from mistakes in former job experience descriptions. (TheLadders)
  • 6% of resume errors come from the miscommunication of skills on a resume. (TheLadders)
  • 7% of resume errors involved missing accomplishments. (TheLadders)
  • Here’s what recruiters say will get a resume rejected in 2016 (Careerbuilder):
    • Impersonal Applications (No Hiring Manager’s Name) – 84%
    • No Thank You Note After Interview – 57%
    • Resumes Aren’t Customized and Tailored – 54%
    • No Cover Letter – 45%
    • No Follow Up With Employer After Interview – 37%f
5 Mistakes You Should Never Make On A Cover Letter
5 Mistakes You Should Never Make On A Cover Letter

When it comes to applying for a job your cover letter is usually the first thing most employers will see. This is your chance to say “Hi, I’m here and you should really hire me”. Any error will be the written equivalent of tripping over as you enter the room or spilling tea all over the boss.

It says everything about you right from the start. That could be the bad as well as the good. It’s true that we can learn from our mistakes, but you really don’t want the application for the job of your dreams being the place to make them, do you? So ensure you don’t make them in the first place. Enhance your chances of being invited for an interview by making sure your initial application stage is spot on!

Here are some of the most common – yet avoidable – cover letter mistakes that you need to guarantee you don’t make when applying for your dream job:

1) Getting the basics wrong:

You’ve sent off an application for the job you’ve been waiting for all your life, and just as you press SEND! you realize you’ve misspelled the name of the hiring manager wrong. Well it’s too late to do anything about it then. You probably won’t be hearing from that company again in all honesty.

If you can’t be bothered to proofread your own cover letter, what does that tell a company about the kind of employee you’ll be? It’s so important to make sure all your basic details are correct and you’ve taken the time to ensure information is correct – and that doesn’t just mean running a spell check.

Check and check again to make sure ALL of the details are correct and there are NO spelling or grammatical errors before you submit your cover letter.

2) Being too formal in your cover letter:

There’s no shame in being enthusiastic about a job you want. So why should you feel you have to bottle up that enthusiasm when you are telling a prospective employer how much you want to work for them?

Experience and qualifications are one thing. However, at this stage it’s all about getting the attention of the person who is hiring. Don’t go too heavy on the technical speak (your CV will show what you have done before). Just explain why you want the job. Tell them why you think you’re the best person for the position in the same way that you would if you were talking to someone personally.

3) Not writing enough:

The secret to a great cover letter is getting the balance just right. Too long and you will lose the attention of the person writing it (they might receive hundreds of letters for just one job). Too short and it won’t say enough about you to really catch their eye. Aim for around 200-250 words maximum and pick out some of the key reasons you feel you are the ideal candidate for the job, trying to focus on one major success story you are particularly proud of. “I successfully increased revenue by 200% during my time at the company”, for example.

If your letter is good enough then you’ll have the opportunity to tell them more about yourself at the interview stage.

4) Using generic text in your cover letter (To Whom It May Concern):

Whatever you do never use these five little words to address a cover letter. And come to think of it, Dear Sir/Madam isn’t much better either.

Do whatever you can to find out the hiring manager’s name, and address your letter to that person directly. Anything else will make you appear lazy and less than bothered if you get the job anyway.

Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask who it is that’s hiring for this position. You might get passed from pillar to post initially but remember, it’s a real person you are trying to impress here. Little details like this can make a huge difference.

5) Not selling yourself enough:

One of the most common mistakes applicants make when writing a covering letter is to simply repeat what is already on your CV.

What’s the point of that?

Don’t hold back. Especially when it comes to telling your potential employer why it is you want to work for them. What it is you like about the company, as well as changes you would make that might improve the business. Also, mention awards and achievements that might enhance your chances of securing an interview at the very least. This is your chance to really shout from the rooftops about what you can offer this company – so don’t sell yourself short. Never make these mistakes on your cover letter.


8 Essential Interview Tips By A Recruiter
8 Essential Interview Tips By A Recruiter

As a recruitment company, we feel we can offer job seekers some well needed interview tips into the mind-set of recruiters and our decision making processes.

We see so many worthy candidates that we have to trust our instincts when it comes to choosing the cream of the crop. So here are the interview tips to make you a stronger candidate for the job outside of your CV.

1. Personality

Robots might be intriguing to watch but that doesn’t mean companies want one working for them. Someone who comes across as genuine and confident about themselves and their opinions will prove far more popular than a candidate wearing a polite mask of agreement. Building a rapport with an interviewer means that you will be more memorable, and have more chance of standing out from the crowd. And let’s face it – in a group of potential candidates, all with impressive backgrounds, the best way to get noticed is to connect with the interviewer on a more personal level.

2. Vibe

That indescribable feeling that someone gives you – it can either put you at ease around them or do the opposite. Us humans make snap judgments – it’s pure instinct – so being positive, smiling and greeting the interviewer confidently can help them feel positive about you in return.

3. Sociability

Long office hours and working as part of a team requires the ability to interact well with a number of different people. As biased as it might be, the recruiter will want someone who fits in with the team on more than just a work level. Companies are increasingly focusing on the culture and community of the work place. Usually, the most efficient employees are those happy employees.

4. Natural ability

If you are able to pick things up quickly this will lessen the amount of hand-holding needed in training – a huge benefit for companies. These days, employers are particularly worried about graduates; their lack of real work experience can mean they take more time to adapt to a work environment. Unless it’s a job that comes with training, companies will want a smooth change over between employees.

5. Appearance

A well-groomed appearance shows you understand the level of dress that’s generally expected in professional environments. Heed the saying ‘it is better to be over dressed than under dressed’. At the same time don’t let worrying about your outfit make you late for the actual interview – aim to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time.

6. Body language

Recruiters register body language – crossing your legs or arms might be a subconscious move, but remember to check yourself every once in a while and think about how your body language might be coming across. And yes, constant eye contact might feel a tad awkward in a small interview room, but it looks a lot better than staring at the desk the whole time.

7. Duration of roles

Websites and companies often under-rate certain aspects that recruiters will actually pay more attention to. For example, someone with 3 or 4 internships might, on paper, look better than someone with only 1 or 2. But consider the strength of each individual placement. Recruiters will note the length of time spent at each company and will get references about the candidate.

The candidate with only 1 internship may have spent 6 months there and have a glowing reference. If the other candidate’s internships are for shorter periods of time, with only standard references, the recruiter will choose the first candidate. A recruiter is searching for a strong candidate that will take to the task immediately. He will become a fixed member of the team.

8. Homework

Doing your research on the company is one of the essential interview tips! It means when they come to asking you tricky questions you can deflect them by relating it back to the company. You also use them as an example. Showing an understanding of the company and giving your own insight will tell the interviewer a great deal about your work ethic and ability. It also gives you the opportunity to ask your own questions and take control over the interview so it is not all one-sided. You can avoid making it feel more like a discussion.

Of course, looking good on paper is imperative, especially for securing those all-important interviews. However, during the interview, it’s those little extras that help the interviewer decide which candidate to go with.

How do we know that this process works? We follow up on each and every candidate that we’ve recommended. We wouldn’t be successful in the recruitment industry if we didn’t to put the right people forward for the right positions. For companies to confidently invest in us, we make it our business to get to know each and every candidate. All these are interview tips I can share as a recruiter.

Ace the interview get the job
Interview Tips 101: How To Ace Your Interview And Land The Job?

There are actually no interview tips that can get us a job that easily, but at least we have guide to help us land a job.

The interview is your opportunity to make an unforgettable impression on the company you want to work for and get the job you want. Here are some interview tips and pointers that will help you make that positive impression:


Always be fully prepared – often it is the one thing that an otherwise very competent candidate is lacking. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Some of you are wondering what does that mean? Some tips for that include:

  • Drive to the location before the interview so that you know how to get there, where there is parking etc
  • Know the full name and title of the individual you are to meet with.
  • Learn as much as you can about the company.
  • Find out as much as you can about the interviewer and what they look for in a good candidate.
  • Know what your goals and objectives are for the future so that you can measure these against what is being offered.
  • Prepare questions that are specific to that position and that company.
  • Always be professionally dressed. Even in business casual environments a business suit is required for the interview process.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Bring hard copies of your resume. Often the interviewer will have printed it for themselves but it is always good practice to have it on hand just in case.
  • Bring a pen and a note pad in case you want to or need to make any notes
The Interview:

Remember this is your opportunity to shine.

  • When greeting the interviewer make eye contact, extend a firm handshake and address your interviewer by last name.
  • The interview is your chance to bring forth your strengths and to point out areas of your expertise that are applicable to this position. If you think you might forget some of these at the time, because of nerves, then be sure to list them on your note pad and, with your interviewer’s permission, refer to them. It would be best if you could remember them in case you do not get the opportunity to refer to your notes.
  • Practice your answers; it will help in your memory.
  • If you are interested in the opportunity, indicate that to the prospective employer.
Do’s and Don’ts:
  • Be on time or a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time.
  • If an application is necessary; fill it out in its entirety. Nothing is more annoying to an interviewer than looking at a blank application if it is part of their process. This, ladies and gentlemen, applies equally to interviews with companies and recruitment firms.
  • Remember to smile and present yourself in an energetic and professional manner at all times.
  • Never speak negatively about past employers or peers.
  • Always maintain eye contact.
  • Ask questions that are pertinent to the position and company.
  • Point out areas that are a match between your skills and the requirements of the position.
  • Be prepared to discuss ways in which you have excelled or situations where you have demonstrated your initiative and ability to be proactive.
  • Be enthusiastic and positive.
  • Bring an original copy of your resume.
  • Always answer with a complete sentence. No “yes” or “no” answers.
  • Never smoke or chew gum in an interview.
Arrive prepared to answer questions about:
  • Your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Why you are interested in that company.
  • What you know about the company.
  • Why they should hire you
Arrive prepared to ask questions, such as:
  • What would be my day to day responsibilities?
  • Then, what is the career path from this position?
  • What is the company policy on promoting from within?
  • How do I fit this role?
Do not ask questions like:
  • How much vacation do you offer?
  • Never initiate the salary question. Let your interviewer bring it up at the appropriate time.
  • How many sick days are offered?
  • Interview tips such as these only leave the impression that you are only interested in how this role and company will serve your needs rather than a give and take of rights, expectations and responsibilities.
When Interviewing with a Recruiting Firm:

This step in the process is often underestimated and mistreated. In the current market, more than 70% of available opportunities are handled by recruitment firms. This includes permanent, contract, temporary, and project. Please remember when you have a meeting with a recruiter whatever side of your personality you choose to display is the side your recruiter will tell their client about.

If you mistreat your recruiter by being late, not completing their internal forms, being surly and uncooperative in the interview with them or in the time you spend in their reception area they WILL NOT REFER YOUR RESUME to their client. This is not because they want to be mean to you but because you are their reputation. Give this some thought…recruiters do not manufacture anything, Their product is their customer service and YOU.

If you, the candidate, mistreat the recruiter they can only assume you will also mistreat their client. They have worked long and hard to get that client and they will not risk sending someone in who will potentially damage that relationship.

Jobseeker Tips – More Employable Common Interview Question Responses
Jobseeker Tips – More Employable Common Interview Question Responses


When you are looking for employment one of the best ways to ensure that you get the job you seek is to actively work towards making yourself more employable. Nailing Common Interview Questions is a great place to start.

This involves a variety of things; some of them are easy while others take some time and effort. These are things that make you more desirable by an employer, and help you to stand out from the competition. Some people will have these qualities already, and others must work to get a few or all of them.


Make sure that you have all of the skills that are needed for you to apply for a specific job. Carpenters, welders, equipment operators, cement finishers and other trades all have specialist skills that are required. Make sure your skills and qualifications match the requirements


It can be a bit of a catch-22 where you need more experience to secure employment in a better job, but you can’t get that experience without working on the job. So what can you do?

Try volunteering your time with a company on the understanding that you will be gaining much needed experience. They may even pay you a portion of what those with experience are earning, or the voluntary work may lead into aid work with that company.


A positive attitude is one of the best things that you can have. Make sure that you put a positive spin on your answer to the questions asked of you in an interview. If you are not sure how you can do this, it is a good idea to practice with a friend to see how you might answer certain questions.

A potential employer is more likely to remember a person who has a positive outlook.

Here is an excellent list of common interview questions:https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/01/11/how-to-ace-the-50-most-common-interview-questions/

Resume (CV)

Make sure your resume (CV) is up to date with important relevant work experience and/or volunteer positions. Employers want to see that you have either worked in the field or you have been attempting to get your name out in the field among those employers who will be looking for your particular skill set.

Use a professional format for your resume with a list of education, work experience and relative skills. If you are not sure about what that looks like, look at examples of resumes online until you see a format that catches your eye.

For Job Seekers

Labour Hire firms like Complete Staff Solutions make the process of finding work easy: one interview with us so we can learn all about your skills and past experience and no fuss.

After seeing us we will be actively looking for work for you that match your skills, experience and the types of work that you prefer doing, or you can find a specific job with us that appeals to you and apply

Look for jobs here: https://www.completestaff.com.au/employee-services/available-jobs-looking-for-work

Sydney Jobs Seek Employment
Sydney Jobs Seek Employment







Sydney’s CBD has always been its economic focus; however, Smith says the western suburbs are experiencing growth. “It’s like western Sydney is really shaping its own identity. It’s an interesting area to watch,” he says.

“When you look out the window of our Parramatta office, you can see 13 cranes in the sky because the area is really beginning to build up,” adds Smith. “Traffic is also a nightmare in Sydney so people are wanting to work close to where they live, so that may also be having an influence on growth in this area of the city.

I think the market in western Sydney is bigger than Brisbane and Adelaide put together. It’s untapped.”

Dylan White, the partner with recruitment firm Denovo, says the entire city has a growing influence on the global stage. “It has always been a city of influence and, as the rest of the country has caught up, we are seeing Sydney take an even greater step into the spotlight,” he says. “It’s become the first major city in Oceania to operate in similar ways to New York or London.

Traditionally, if you were an American company you would go to Europe and then Singapore or Hong Kong for expansion. Now international companies are seeing a huge talent pool in Sydney.”

White says this may be contributing to the increase in SEEK job ads for sectors such as CEO and general management, which saw a year-on-year boost of 35% in March 2019.

“Companies that are coming across from the US and Europe are starting their presence with just a few people and then they build brand awareness and employ a senior management team,” he explains.


The Sydney skyline is a good indication of the city’s growth. “There are so many cranes out there,” says Smith. “It almost worries me because there is such a boom in construction and after a boom, there is always a bust.”

Sydney Jobs in the construction sector experienced a 21% year-on-year increase in SEEK job ads in March 2019. Related industries, such as design and architecture, grew by 14% compared to the same time last year, and SEEK job ads for trades and services were up by 24% year-on-year. Meanwhile, Sydney’s real estate and property sector saw year-on-year growth in SEEK SYDNEY job ads of 9%.

White notes that the construction boom is creating a backlog of work for these related industries. “I think they will settle down when they catch up with the rate of construction,” he says.


Looking at the March 2016 data, only four industries experienced year-on-year declines in job ads in Sydney. Sales roles dipped only 1%; however, Smith says the industry remains steady. “We haven’t felt any change,” he says. “There’s still organic demand for sales roles.”

Sydney Job ads for the farming, animals, and conservation sector were down by 19% and in the accounting industry, they declined by 8%. Meanwhile, the banking and financial services sector saw a decrease of 4%.

Smith says the decline in job ads in banking and financial services may be the result of cost-cutting. “Margins are being squeezed and when you need to cut costs, you tend to go offshore,” he says. “

This sector offshored a lot of customer service roles some time ago and then did it again with transactional accounting roles. It’s happening now to some extent with analyst roles but, as far as I’m concerned, there’s still a lot of activity in the market here.”

As Sydney continues to assert itself as a global city, White says its job market will continue to shine. “Australia is now a more influential hub for technology and finance and we have a lot of resources that we can provide the global economy. As a result of that, Sydney is naturally the centre point for where we sit as a nation.”

How A Labour Hire Agency Will Take The Stress Out Of Recruitment
How A Labour Hire Agency Will Take The Stress Out Of Recruitment

You have just signed a contract for a large project. Your initial thought – how are you going to get experienced staff to help out on the project? Rather than heading to the employment pages, why not start with a labour hire agency that can help you with your business?

Here are some tips on how a labour hire agency can help you complete your large project on time and on budget.

Large numbers of staff

With a large project, you will need higher numbers of staff. Once you’ve committed to providing an outcome, you need to be able to deliver and with a large project that means all hands on deck. The best place to start to find the numbers in one place is a labour hire agency. They will have plenty of people on their books with the skills you need, ready to start straight away.

Experienced staff

The next important factor in a big project is experienced, staff. Not only do you need many hands to make light work of the project, but it’s important to have experienced and skilled staff. Labour hire agencies examine the skill sets and qualifications of the staff, so that you don’t have to. They work with the people on their employee lists to make sure their skills and accreditations are up to date so that anyone they send to your site is job-ready.

Save time and money searching

A labour hire agency can also save time for your large project. Rather than spend hours advertising for workers, you can save the advertising dollars and put the money straight into the workers for the project. A labour hire agency can help with one phone call. Let them know what you need, when, and for how long and they can gather the best staff to assist you with your project.

Staff in the right place at the right time

Heading to one source for workers means you get the right staff in the right place at the right time. On-time delivery is crucial for large projects and is vital in ensuring budgets are met. Your labour hire agency can be a partner in this process and help you by doing all the screening, HR, and insurance so that you can pour your time into your project to ensure its success.

Do you have a large project coming up? Contact us today for our most competitive rates from a Company that follows through and delivery not just great rates, but the assurance and confidence you”ll have the Right People, at the Right Time to help secure and service all your Projects large and small.

Use Recruitment Agencies To Save Time And Money
Use Recruitment Agencies To Save Time And Money
Hiring new employees is time-consuming and expensive. These costs increase if you make a hiring mistake. Skilled and professional recruitment agencies can save you time and money in the long run. They can also increase your chances of getting the right employee on the first try.

Recruitment Agencies, Use Recruitment Agencies to Save Time and Money Recruitment Agencies, Use Recruitment Agencies to Save Time and Money

Here’s how:


It’s possible a great potential employee may never come across your job posting. The best recruitment agencies have broad networks and keep the resumes of thousands of skilled local professionals on file. Upon seeing your needs for a position, agencies provide you with a candidate who’s more apt to be the right fit than you could likely find on your own. They also save you the time of wading through a multitude of resumes from applicants who don’t fit the bill.

In addition to seeking out your perfect employee, recruitment agencies handle the most time-consuming aspects of the hiring process, including the initial interview, skills testing, and select reference checks. That way, you don’t take valuable time away from your own duties or the daily tasks of your management staff until you’re presented with A-list candidates.

Another plus: Staffing specialists devote their workday to finding staffing solutions, so they’re able to move a lot faster. If you go it alone, the job search can proceed only as fast as your schedule allows.


Turnover can be expensive. In fact, a survey reports a poor-performing employee takes up about 17 percent of a manager’s time. That equals almost one wasted day per week. Factor in the time it takes to train a replacement, and you’re looking at a lot of lost hours.

Recruitment agencies may help reduce turnover by vetting candidates before they even walk through your door. In many cases, recruiting agencies have worked with a candidate on a temporary or consultative basis before, giving staffing specialists a good idea of whether the potential employee will be able to perform to your standards and mesh with the office culture.


Another way recruitment agencies cut your expenses is by performing pre-employment evaluations for you. They cover a lot of the expensive legwork that can drain your budget. These expenses can really hurt a small or even midsize organization with a tight budget, limited manpower, and limited human resources support.

This is in addition to the potential cost of a bad hire if someone doesn’t work out. Recruitment agencies also often offer their candidates access to a variety of resources and training opportunities so they can continue to hone their talents, gain updated job skills, learn field-specific regulations and stay current with technological advancements. This training ensures you get a capable employee with a wide-reaching skill set and industry specialization.


Recruitment agencies can help you save money during busy times, such as when you need skilled temporary workers to perform an audit, file taxes, initiate an IT upgrade, or publish new marketing materials. Staffing specialists have a diverse roster of candidates who boast the skill sets you require to fill the gaps, which eliminates the cost of paying overtime to your full-time staff and avoids burning out your most valuable team members.

The long-term benefits and savings of working with a recruitment agency can alleviate the strain on your organization in terms of time management and budget. Staffing solutions also afford you access to the cream of the candidate crop.

Safe Work WHS
Safe Work Isn’t Cool

From age 7 to 31, you’re never too cool to be safe at work. Safe Work at any age it’s no more important for anyone but YOU.

The skating rink was packed. Children’s screams and the whirring of wheels on wood filled the far reaches of the aging facility.

Groups of kids skating as part of birthday parties filled the floor, clusters of wobbly bodies circling the rink. But in between those groups, there were glimpses of the telltale white of the skating aids – PVC contraptions used to help shaky skaters find their balance.

The 7-year-old with whom I went skating was new to the wheeled-shoe game. Once he mustered up the courage to try skating, he took to the floor. On his own.

He refused to hold anyone’s hand or to use a skating aid. He wanted to master this by himself.


While part of it I’m sure was a determination to conquer this new challenge, another equal but unspoken part was social pressure.

Because safety isn’t cool. But isn’t it when we are discussing safe work.

From the way his eyes darted around the room, silently assessing the abilities of the other kids his age, I could tell that my 7-year-old friend was cognizant of his peers and didn’t want to embarrass himself.

To him, it was better to fall than to be seen as childish for holding an adult’s hand or using a safety device.

We’re friends here, so I feel like I can disclose something. I fell on the treadmill at the gym Saturday. It was not my proudest moment.

Mid-run, I took a sip from my water bottle, which ended up leaking onto the belt. I slipped and fell on the water, and ended up clinging to the machine, desperately trying to reach the emergency stop string.

I didn’t have the emergency stop clip hooked to my shirt because no one ever falls on a treadmill, right?

When I first started running at the gym a few years ago, I immediately clipped the safety device on. Until I realized no one else did. Not wanting to be seen as a novice, I too started running untethered.

It turns out, what really isn’t cool is having four massive bruises all over my legs and repeatedly needing to painfully apply medicated bandages.

The skating adventure turned out well for my friend’s son. He became more confident and left the rink excited to go skating again.

But he, like me, took a calculated risk.

In his case, the skating aid was a backup option for new skaters and he knew a fall at his speed and height was unlikely to do much damage. In mine, I openly ignored a designed safety function and paid the consequences, brought to my knees by my now-wounded pride.

Safety may not be cool, but it definitely protects us from pain and injury. And I’d much rather be sitting at my desk free of pain every time I move my legs than worrying about being the beginner at the gym who uses the safety clip.

Now, that would be cool. Work Safe the Only Cool at Work you should be worried about. 

Recruiters Top Traits
Top 5 Super Annoying Linkedin Approach Styles

Prospecting on LinkedIn is a huge part of many peoples’ roles. It’s kind of what LinkedIn is for, isn’t it? We put our profiles up there knowing full well that people will have the option of messaging us. We can also decide who we want to connect with and even turn off the InMail messaging function if we want to, restricting it only to introductions that are being made by people in our approved and trusted network. We can’t really complain about people prospecting to us… can we? No.

However… what we can complain about is the style people choose to use. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a recruiter sourcing candidates for a role or sales person trying to sell new software to online businesses. Most sales professionals would agree that tailoring and personalising prospective approaches is the best way to start a potentially fruitful relationship over LinkedIn. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach or the perfect method, but generally I prefer contact to be direct, honest and clear, with the person explaining who they are, who they work for and why they’re reaching out. Prospectors have to dangle some kind of bait to make their message stand out and capture attention / spark some interest in the recipient… but in my opinion, some people make pretty bad blunders!

Here are my top 5 annoying LinkedIn approach styles:

1. The overly-friendly message

When you’re having a busy day and some random person emails you asking how you’ve been, what the weather’s like and whether you have any exciting plans for the weekend, I just think, ‘who is this and why are they asking me these questions?’ This uncertainty / confusion kind of undermines the good intention. InMails should be pleasant and contain some niceties, however when it’s from someone I’ve never met, I prefer them to be more direct and open about why they’re getting in contact, without the small talk. How can they possibly care about my wellbeing when they don’t even know me? To me that signals they want something from me, but feel guilty asking for it outright.

2. The cocky message

Have you ever opened up a message that includes some kind of weird, cocky attitude about it? Sometimes sales people try to get the upper hand in their LinkedIn message, and attempt to make the recipient feel like they owe this random person something. Sometimes it can come in the form of highlighting the fact that ‘yes, it’s a generic approach’ but ‘I’m just doing my job’. I really don’t have time for this. While mass-sending emails is a realistic approach many sales people need to opt for, highlighting your own apathy for the task or lack of tailoring is a massive turn-off.

3. The apologetic message

I can’t count how many times I have received LinkedIn InMails from people apologising for taking my time or contacting me out of the blue, before I even have any idea why they are getting in touch. If someone can truly add value to my career or workplace, why would they need to apologise? To me, apologising signifies they have done something wrong or they are going to waste / misuse my time. Positivity and openness is key!

4. The daily message

When it comes to prospecting, persistence is key… not stalking! Sending the same message or a similar one day after day after day is the perfect recipe for getting annoyed. When someone sends you a text message, you kind of feel compelled to respond within a reasonable amount of time, probably on the same day. With LinkedIn, I believe you get a bit more time. A sales person shouldn’t expect to hear back from their prospects immediately or on the same day. I totally respect persistence, but daily repetition is a different story.

5. The sloppy message

Put simply, bad grammar, misspelled names and dodgy auto-fill lines that get your name wrong or accidentally pull through your surname instead of first name are just massive red flags to me.

So there you have it. The annoying LinkedIn messaging styles that are fairly annoying to be on the receiving end of. Having said this, you’ll notice I haven’t screen-shotted images of real examples nor named and shamed anyone. Why? Because that’s just so unprofessional and unnecessary – after all, prospecting candidate is part of many peoples’ jobs – mine too! Unless the message is threatening, malicious or somehow dangerous or disturbing, ignoring it will probably do the trick. Or maybe tagging them in this article… No need to drag someone’s career down in the public eye. They’ll do that themselves with their dodgy prospecting tactics – ha!

Central Coast Jobs Labour Market Conditions
Central Coast Jobs Labour Market Conditions
Labour Market Conditions in the Central Coast Region
Labour market conditions in the NSW Central Coast region are soft and have continued to weaken over the past 12 months.

 Total employment in the Central Coast region has decreased by 900 in the past year. Male and female full-time employment both fell substantially over this period (990 and 3770 respectively).
 Employment in Health Care and Social Assistance, increased by 4770 over the past two years
 The unemployment rate in the region currently stands at 6.7 percent,3 compared with 6.2 percent for Australia.
There is considerable variation in the unemployment rates for the two Local Government Areas in the region, with Wyong particularly high at 7.9 percent compared with 5.1 percent in Gosford.
 Some 29.6 percent of all unemployed persons in the region are long-term unemployed, compared with 21.7 percent in Australia.
 A larger proportion of the working-age population is in receipt of income support benefits (21 percent) compared with NSW and Australia (both 17 percent).

What employers are telling us

The survey results show that recruitment activity in Jobs on the Central Coast is generally soft.
 Just over half (55 percent) of employers in the region had recruited in the 12 months preceding the survey, compared with 61 percent for all regions surveyed.
 Consistent with a softer labour market, only 1.6 percent of vacancies remained unfilled, and only 28 percent of recruiting employers reported recruitment difficulty.
 Some 78 percent of applicants did not qualify for an interview, with the most common reasons being a lack of relevant experience (47 percent) or insufficient qualifications (30 percent).
 Employers’ recruitment expectations for the year following the survey were subdued, with only 36 percent of employers reporting that they would recruit.

Where are the opportunities?

Despite the weaker labour market conditions in the region, opportunities exist in some industries.
 A large proportion of employers recruited in the Accommodation and Food Services and the Health Care and Social Assistance industries, due to high staff turnover and employment growth respectively.
 Employers expect to recruit for a variety of occupations over the next year, including Sales Assistants (General), Waiters, Chefs, Kitchenhands, Aged and Disabled Carers, Child Carers and Registered Nurses

Looking for a Recruitment Agency on The Coast to help find the right applicant or job? Register for work –  or Contact our Expert Consultant
I Need A Job
I Need A Job

I need a job!

Sick of saying it? The coming year looks positive for job seekers, with the rise of the services economy shifting away from manufacturing and providing more job opportunities for contractors and work-from-home roles making up the list of Available Jobs for 2019.

According to the latest SEEK Job Growth Report, some of Australia’s fastest-growing jobs can be found in education, government and defense, design, and farming and conservation, offering a variety of opportunities across the country.

Education & Training

The rate of population growth within Australia is higher now than it was for the Baby Boomers, putting pressure on Australia’s education system and driving demand for additional teachers across multiple disciplines. This growth, combined with an influx of parents striving to set their children up for academic success, is also impacting the tutoring industry in a positive manner.

The education and training industry is projected to:

  • Grow 13.3 percent by 2018 – nearly doubling last year’s projection (Industry Projections to November 2019, Department of Employment)
  • Create 58,900 more jobs within five years
  • See 222,000 university undergraduate degrees completed in 2019/2020 (up 25,000), according to the Department of Education

Hot jobs & the courses to help get you there:

  • Teacher Aides & Special Needs Teachers: The latest SEEK Job Growth Report shows the demand for these roles has grown by 112%, with the average salary also increasing slightly (8.8%) over the past year. Get prepared to provide individual support to students with a certificate III in Education Support (CHC30213) – no prerequisites required.
  • Primary School Teachers: The SEEK Report also states that the number of job advertisements for teachers in the primary school sector has increased by 96%. If you’re interested in working as a primary school teacher in Australia, you will be required to have a bachelor degree in Primary Education or a postgraduate degree in Primary Education.
Healthcare and Medical

The demand for healthcare and medical workers is being boosted across the country as a result of the aging population and advanced medical treatment technologies.

Consequently, the healthcare and medical industry will see:

  • Job numbers grow 16.3 percent by November 2019, as predicted by the NSW Government
  • Australia faces a shortfall of 109,000 nurses by 2025 (Health Workforce Australia)
  • The trend towards more specialised nursing continues, as experienced nurses approach retirement age and technology makes its mark on the sector
Government & Defence

Jobs in the government and defence sector were in hot demand in 2019, with public service employment in the air force, police and corrections, and policy analysis expected to grow substantially in the New Year.

Hot jobs & the courses to help get you there:

  • Government workers: Job ads for local government workers saw an increase of 77% over the past year across Australia, with federal government roles doubling in Victoria. Looking forward, employment for Intelligence and Policy Analysts to November 2019 is expected to also experience very strong growth (Department of Employment). These Government and Defence courses are a sample of the kinds of courses that can lead to work with the local, state, or federal government, or a role in the navy, army, or air force.
Design & Architecture

The demand for design professionals sky-rocketed in 2019, with the need for architects and interior designers to increase across the country.

In a promising outlook for both sectors:

  • The Housing Industry Association now forecasts over 183,000 new dwellings will be built in 2019
  • Federally funded programs such as Generate Design are seeing innovation and growth brought into Australia’s $33 billion creative industries, fuelling demand for services

Hot jobs & the courses to help get you there:

  • Interior Designers: In 2019, the interior design industry experienced job growth of 62%, with the average salary of an Interior Designer sitting at $76,203. Aspiring Interior Designers have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of interior design with a Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration (MSF50213).
  • Architects: Demand for architects has escalated over the past few years making the profession one of the most sought after in Australia. To work as an architect, key skills include strong design capabilities, an aptitude for business, engineering knowledge, and an understanding of the relevant laws.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

ICT professionals play a vital role across almost every industry in Australia as technology becomes more integral to every facet of our lives. As an enabler of productivity and innovation in the economy, ICT is unmatched with an increased need for more specialist skills.

  • The Department of Employment is predicting strong growth in the demand for technology professions of 12.8 percent by the end of 2019 (Occupation Projections to November 2019, Department of Employment)
  • The highest growth nationwide is expected for computer network professionals, with a 20.5 percent increase projected (Industry Projections to November 2019, Department of Employment)
Building Trades

It’s a great time to be in the building trades, with the construction industry expected to grow 8 percent by November 2019 (Industry Employment Projections 2019 Report, Department of Employment). Building trades jobs are in demand across the country (and not just in urban areas), while technicians and trade workers make up more than half of the industry.

Significant demand is evidenced by:

  • The National Skills Needs List including a number of building trades: bricklayer, cabinetmaker, carpenter, joiner, drainer, electrician, fibrous plasterer, floor finisher, gasfitter, painting trades worker, roof tiler, solid plasterer and stonemason

Building trades expected to rise by 83,500 jobs by the end of 2019 (Industry Employment Projections 2019 Report, Department of Employment)

9 Interview Tips To Help You Impress Your Interviewer

Been invited to a telephone interview? Here’s our top tops on how to ace it.

So you’ve applied for your dream job and been invited back for the second stage: the telephone interview. Congratulations – getting to the first stage is often the hardest part. But whether you’re a natural on phone calls or they fill you with fear, the telephone interview should not be overlooked.

We asked career coach and ex-recruiter Michelle Baker for her top insider tips on how to succeed in the telephone interview, and maximise your chances of getting through to the next interview stage…

What is a telephone interview?

Telephone interviews are a way to filter out candidates who recruiters feel are unsuitable based upon the job description, personality fit and experience required. It can be carried out by HR and recruitment teams, or it might be with your potential new line-manager.

It can be as short as 15 minutes, or take up to an hour, and it’s essentially a way for your potential new employer to ensure that your CV sticks to the facts, before they bring you in for a face to face interview.

Image: Adobe Stock

How do you prepare for a telephone interview?

First and foremost, have a snappy elevator pitch in the bank, that sums up who you are and your experience in a concise way.

Start with your current position, and lay out your key responsibilities there. Then, summarise the key educational and professional steps you’ve taken to get there.

Top Tip: Remember to keep it brief – three to four sentences will do. You’ve got the whole interview to go into further detail on your key achievements and skills.

Make sure you know your CV and cover letter inside out. This is what you’ll be questioned on, after all, so make sure you’re prepared for questions about your employment and education experience. The best part of a telephone interview is that you can keep your CV in front of you, so you can refer to it if you get tongue tied.

Top Tip: In the call, they’re going to be fact checking your CV and cover letter, so make sure you go over these and think of anecdotal evidence of your previous experience that you can share on the phone.

It’s also important to show your enthusiasm for the job on a telephone interview. Drawing from her experience, Michelle says:

“The one factor that influenced me above all others was that they expressed a sense of occasion; that this was important, they really wanted the job, they were enthusiastic and even if they didn’t have all the qualifications or experience, they sold themselves to me. In doing so they gave me confidence that they would do a great job of representing not only themselves, but also myself and my company.”

How do you conduct a phone interview?

While the interviewer can’t see you, it’s still a good idea to dress smart. This will help you feel more professional, and you’ll carry out the phone interview more confidently. Plus, if your phone signal cuts out and you have to resort to video interview, at least you’ll look the part!

Next up, when you answer the phone make sure you sound professional – not like you’re greeting your mates!

“Be sure to smile too, as this naturally ensures you sound enthusiastic. You could even try standing up, as this will make you feel more assertive” says Michelle.

When it comes to answering competency-based telephone interview questions, try to use the STAR technique, where you lay out the situation you were facing, the task you had to do, the action you took and what the result was.

  • Situation: Start by outlining the situation you were in.
  • Task: Talk about the task at hand. What was required of you?
  • Action: What did you do? What action/s did you take and why?
  • Result: Summarise the results of your actions.

This will help you to show your experience for the position, and to formulate your answers in a clear, concise and confident manner.

Image: Adobe Stock

Typical Telephone Interview Questions

Each telephone interview is different, but according to Michelle:

“Questions are used in a way to confirm the details on the CV were correct, gaps in the CV can be accounted for, that the experience matches the language used by the individual, the confidence matches the level of experience, and the candidate can demonstrate their work in a variety of ways.”

Job interview questions will be varied, but you’re likely to be asked questions in line with the below, so it’s a good idea to prepare for them using the STAR technique.

  • Tell me about yourself and your experience
  • Why do you want to work in this industry?
  • Why do you want this role?
  • Why do you want to work at this company in particular?
  • What is your greatest achievement?
  • Can you share any experience of when you managed a team?
  • Tell me about a challenge you have faced and how you solved it
  • Where do you see your career heading in the next five years?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What do you do in your personal time?

Of course, some interviewers have been known to put some curveball questions out there, but these are more of a test of the way you cope in the face of pressure.

Common telephone interview mistakes

A common mistake people make when on a telephone interview is that they start to waffle. It’s easy to do, when you can’t see the recruiter’s face it’s tricky to gauge what they’re thinking! But don’t worry about silences on the call, it’s not your job to fill them, feel comfortable to stop talking when you have made your point.

People can make the common mistake of thinking that the interview is less formal when it takes place on the phone, but it’s important that you treat it in the exact same way that you would a face-to-face interview. Dress smart, keep it professional, and make sure you’re fully prepared.

What should you ask your interviewer?

Asking questions during a telephone interview is a good idea, and shows your aptitude to the job in question. This is not the time to ask about holiday entitlement, or company bonuses; you should use this as an opportunity to find out about what the day to day entails, how big your potential team will be, and what opportunities for career progression are.

As long as you prepare, act confident and show your enthusiasm for the role, you’ll do brilliantly. Remember to write down your feedback after the phone interview too, such as questions you weren’t prepared for, or questions you wish you’d asked, so that you can prepare better for next time.

Top tips for keeping calm during a phone interview

–          Plan ahead

–          Find a quiet place with no distractions

–          Count to ten before the call

–          Control your breathing

–          Have your CV to hand

–          Stay positive

–         Have water at the ready

If you’ve been invited through to the next stage, read our top tips to nailing your first face to face interview.

Recruiter Social Media Do?s And Don?ts
5 Ways To Help You Understand Your Social Employer Brand

The ability to attract, as well as retain, your ideal employee is integral to your business. Attracting that individual can be very competitive and in today’s modern mobile climate, one of the best ways to compete is to create a strong social employer brand.

1. Understand each platform

Each social platform has its own unique benefit to your employer brand. You should first and foremost understand what they are.

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  • Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world and is a great place to start. Potential candidates, especially millennials, will definitely be going on your Facebook page as one of their first assessments of your business to see what your follower base is like, and what photos and videos you have to show off. They will also go to your page to find out your contact information, your location and to see any reviews you have received from clients. So be sure to keep it constantly updated.
  • Twitter is more of a place for communication and engagement. For example, you could use twitter to share relevant trends, and retweet quotes from key industry influencers and stakeholders.
  • Instagram is your platform to tell stories, a topic we will delve into later on in this piece. Use Instagram to share pictures and videos about your employees, your achievements and the events you attend. It’s a behind the scenes look into your business that offers real transparency and authenticity.
  • LinkedIn is your brand’s professional social presence, and is a great place to reach out to, and identify, potential candidates.

There are more social platforms that I might have ignored such as Pinterest, Google+ and more that are important to your business and the image you want to communicate.

So just continue to evaluate, improve and develop your strategy on the platforms you want to use and make sure you are utilizing the distinct capabilities of each platform to the best of your abilities.

2. Employee advocacy: Get your employees involved

There really is nothing more authentic than employee advocacy when it comes to promoting your social employer brand.

Enable your employees to share information about your brand on relevant social platforms. Allow them to post, share and like industry relevant information that intrigues them.

Potential candidates want to see what type of employee is at your company. They want to know if they match the type of person they want to work with, and what they should expect if they were to join you.

Dell has a social media training program for over 10,000 employees, in order to help them engage their online community and post brand-related content. Along with their great company culture, employees feel happy to post about the company, as seen below.

How Dell Helps Female Students See What They Can Be #iwork4dell https://t.co/QJ6pGujrJS #Iwork4Dell pic.twitter.com/1ZM65w7ryw

— Jennifer J Newbill (@JenniferNAtDell) April 5, 2017

3. Go behind the scenes

Use social media platforms to tell a story about your employer brand. Your candidates want to know more than what they just read. They want to see your brand and get a real feel for your business.

At the same time, your current employees want to feel they are a part of your story and that each individual person means something to your brand.

Be sure to be sharing photos of company events, funny videos at the office and pictures of your employees.

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are great places to do exactly that. Your candidates will enjoy the transparency, in terms of the day-to-day culture currently being offered at your brand.

4. Monitor employer review sites

Employer review sites have become extremely important for potential candidates to get a real understanding of a brand’s management style, benefits system, workplace culture and much more.

These reviews are trusted among candidates and employees because of their anonymity and un-forceful nature. Leaving a review is voluntary and reviews are an authentic overview of a business’ employer brand.

So be sure to be reviewing these sites as much as possible. Dedicated review sites like Glassdoor, Great Place to Work, and even Indeed are useful places for you to get a real understanding of how employees and former employees are communicating your employer brand.

Does your employer brand, and the value proposition you offer, line up with what reviews are saying online? Does the work culture you think you have actually line up the work culture your employees are communicating online?

Check out this example review on Glassdoor below about Facebook:

This Facebook employee enjoys the staff culture but is confused by the organizational structure. So an employer brand manager can use this information to improve the clarity of Facebook’s organizational structure by reminding their employees what their responsibilities are and who they report to.

Organizational structure is extremely important in large organizations like Facebook, and by just going on a review site like Glassdoor, you can make some very important changes to your business.

Employer review sites are an integral place for you to continuously audit your employer brand; in terms of what you’re doing right and more importantly, what you’re doing wrong, so that you can continue to improve.

5. Spy on competitors

Lastly, don’t be ashamed to evaluate what your competitors are doing. Use it to benchmark your social employer brand in concurrence with what others are doing.

If a competitor is getting more likes or more retweets on a post, try to understand why. Why are they getting more engagement than us? How often are they posting? What type of content are they posting?

Essentially, what are they doing right and what are you doing wrong. Create a social strategy based on this information and use it to develop your social brand.

Competition is healthy what ever way you want to put it, and assessing your competitions social media efforts regularly is a great place to stay ahead of them.

Let us know your tips to staying on top of your social brand, how you keep your social presence fresh enough to retain and recruit the best talent for your business.

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Recruitment tips employer branding
What Most Companies Get Wrong About Employer Branding Roi

Employer branding is top of mind for most forward thinking talent acquisition and HR teams these days.  There is a plethora of articles and resources around how to build your brand, the importance of employee generated content, etc.

However, there are scant resources that share how to measure the dollars and cents impact of your employer branding activities.  And, this is one of the key areas the rest of the organization will expect you to have a grasp on when it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of your efforts.  In many ways, it’s the key to gaining more resources to pursue the initiatives you want to explore.

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High level employer branding ROI

I want to point something out.  There are LOTS of articles about employer branding’s value.  And, I agree with most of them.  For example, LinkedIn’s research shows organizations with strong employer brands see 50% lower cost/hire and retention that is nearly a third higher. This makes a lot of sense – better employer brands help you attract and convert more of the right people.  However, this isn’t a stat you can quote your boss at the end of the year when they ask how the new culture video performed.

You may be thinking these stats shouldn’t be too hard to translate to dollars and cents for your organization, right?  If I spend $1,000,000 on talent acquisition each year, then I can save $500k/yr by having a “great employer brand.”

Not really.  We all know that most initiatives are more complicated than “let’s make the employer brand better.”  More likely, you’re going to say something like “let’s build a talent community” or “let’s update our careers site.”

There are many other high level value statements that get made about employer branding and how it affects time to fill, quality of hire, etc.  These are all great, and I agree with most of them.  But, I think where most HR leaders fall down is when they can’t say “we did X and it led to Z.”

Think about how great it’d feel to go into your CFO’s office next year and say “we rebuilt the career site for $15k and it led to a cost savings of $43,000.”

Translating value into dollars

The above statements are all about value, which is close to what goes into the P&L, but not quite there.  Let’s walk through two examples to show how we can actually get to the dollars and cents ROI from employer branding activities.

A talent community

Let’s say we built out a talent community in order to decrease time to fill for sales jobs at our company.  Time to fill is now 50 days.  Let’s say after a year of using our talent community, time to fill has dropped to 40 days.  Pretty awesome!  Ok, so how does that translate into value for the business?

Let’s say our sales person gets paid $100k/yr, with an annual quota of $500k.  We’ll make a few simplifying assumptions for the business nerds out there, like revenue = gross profit, no ramp time, etc.

Ok, so the sales person brings in $500k – $100k = $400k of value per year.  If they work 250 days, that’s $1,600/day.  So, if we get them in the door 10 days faster, we just brought our business $1,600 * 10 = $16k of value per sales rep hired.  Not bad!

There are of course other ways to get to value of a talent community.  Namely, it can capture candidates that otherwise would have disappeared.

Another example, career pages

Another employer branding/recruitment marketing tactic that many organizations consider is an overhaul of their careers site.  The main metric to track here is conversion rate of visitor to applicant.

Let’s say we are at 5% currently.  This is pretty average.  1,000 visitors gets us 50 applicants.  Let’s say we redo the site with a better UI/UX, more content, and microsites.  Now our conversion rate is 15%.  Ok, so now we get 150 applicants instead of 50 for every 1,000 visitors.  That’s an extra 100 applicants!

Ok, so what is 100 applicants worth?  Well, we have to look at our hiring funnel.  If you interview 10% of the people who apply, that means you need 10 applicants for every interviewee.  And, if you hire 10% of people who interview, that means you need 10 interviews for every hire.  So, 100 applicants gets to 10 interviewees and 1 hire.

How much is a hire worth to you?  Well, you know that from your cost/hire.  Let’s assume it’s $5k.

Ok, so we just enhanced the careers site so that we now get 100 more applicants for every 1,000 visitors.  And, we know that 100 applicants is worth $5k (a new hire) to us.  If we have 3k visitors/mo, then we have 3 * $5k = $15k in incremental value per month.

Yup, I’m a business geek

As you can tell, I’m a business geek and love thinking through the ROI scenarios for any and all problems.  But, beyond the intellectual interest, I actually think that these sorts of calculations are so important in understanding whether or not the business decisions you’re making are making an impact or not.

Feel free to leave your initiative in the comments and I’ll do my best to use my MBA skills to dive into how I’d think about the ROI calculation.

About the author:  Phil Strazzulla is the founder of NextWave Hire, an employer branding software solution that uses employee stories to enhance career sites, build talent communities, and spread the word on social.  Phil has his MBA from Harvard Business School and was previously a VC at Bessemer Venture Partners.

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Content retrieved from: https://www.completestaff.com.au/wrong-employer-branding-roi/.

recruitment and labour hire ai tools
How Recruiters And Ai Will Work Together

As technology evolves, artificial intelligence is quickly becoming mainstream in the recruiting world. Whether it’s sorting through high volumes of resumes, analyzing facial expressions in a video interview, or scanning social media profiles, AI is quickly becoming more of an industry standard. Artificial intelligence is simply cutting down time-consuming work, especially repetitive high-volume tasks that can take up hours of a recruiter’s time.

Because AI has the ability to grow to be more effective over time, some recruiters are viewing it as a threat to their jobs, but this technology can only make recruiters’ lives easier by taking out dreaded, tedious work.

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Did you know manually screening resumes is still the most time-consuming part of recruiting especially when 75% to 88% of the resumes received for a role are unqualified?

Screening resumes efficiently and effectively is still one of the biggest challenges for recruiters. AI is designed to reduce and eventually remove low-level sourcing activities like manually screening resumes. 56% of talent acquisition leaders say their hiring volume will increase next year, but their recruiting teams will most likely remain the same size or shrink.

As AI expands in the recruiting world, talent acquisition pros will be expected to become more efficient by “doing more with less.” This means recruiters will be tasked with less sourcing and screening, but more interviewing candidates, closing job offers and improving the quality of hire. While traditional research might be replaced by some elements of AI, recruiters can still flex their sourcing and research muscles with hard to find positions and by figuring out a customized approach to that perfect candidate a bot helped find.

Artificial intelligence is also speeding up the recruiting process which reduces the time it takes to hire a candidate. This increases the chances of hiring the best talent before they get swept up by a competitor.

Companies using AI recruiting software have seen their employee performance and quality of hire increase by 20% and their turnover decrease by 35%.

Although a recruiter’s role will change in the future, industry leaders predict using AI to recruit is augmented intelligence. This merely means artificial intelligence will never fully replace a recruiter’s role, it will just enhance their part in the hiring process and increase the chances of a quality hire. A recent statistic foreshadows by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human.

Harnessing AI for hiring could lead to more dynamic and diverse workplaces. With AI there is more focus on the candidate’s qualifications and in many cases, AI can help bolster inclusion, by allowing a broader talent pool than more subjective humans. A common caveat, of course, is that AI is only as good as those programming it, so when creating these tools, human resources, recruiting and talent acquisition must be extra careful during implementation and use.

AI can also help improve the candidate experience during the application phase. Artificial Intelligence engages candidates throughout the recruitment process, matches candidates to alternative positions and provides support before, during and after the recruiting process. New tools are surfacing to take transactional tasks from recruiters, freeing them to focus on interviewing and closing job offers.

This kind of technology is continuously evolving but recruiter jobs will never fully be replaced by AI. It will only enhance the recruitment process to allow recruiters to focus on hiring the perfect candidate with a little help.

About the author: Noel Webb is co-founder and CEO of Karen.ai (Your Cognitive Recruiting Assistant), the latest project from his role as Director of Product Innovation at Innosphere. A veteran of business development and out-of-the-box thinking, Noel has been a leader in his roles over the years for several companies, including Bam Digital, SpeakFeel and Agnition.

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Need Help Finding Candidate Emails? Try Hunter
Need Help Finding Candidate Emails? Try Hunter

Searching for the right candidate can be a tedious task, spending hours on LinkedIn searching for someone then trying to find their contact details without any success. Or even the times you want to contact someone that works for a specific business. You go to their website and are unable to find any relevant contact details that would be of use to you.

For headhunters, employers, and recruiters, all of this can be a long and unproductive waste of your time. Sometimes it can be a huge pain in the backside. So we found Hunter, and want to share it with you.

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Hunter is a headhunters dream. It allows you to easily find email addresses from anywhere on the web, with just a few clicks of a button. It is trusted by more than 400,000 users, as well as global conglomerates like IBM, Google, Microsoft and more.


Hunter has two key features:

1. The domain search allows you to download a list of relevant company emails from the domain you have provided.

2. The email verification check is useful for validating that the email address you want to contact is still active, accessible and safe to connect with.


Hunter works extremely smoothly as an extension in Google Chrome, and it functions well with important sales and headhunting tools such as Hubspot, Zoho CRM, Pipedrive, Zapier and Salesforce.

A major plus is its integration with LinkedIn. Hunter has become an extremely popular tool for headhunters who spend most of their day searching for candidates on Linkedin.

Go on LinkedIn and visit the profile of the person you’d like to contact. Then just click on Hunter’s orange icon in your browser.

After doing so, just click the floppy disk button to save that contact and start emailing them! Maybe not Richard Branson, but you catch our drift!


One downside is that it is not integrated into Safari, which is the second most used web browser behind Google Chrome of course, and might be the preferred web browser for some people. Hunter just announced its integration with Firefox, so we’re sure a Safari integration is in the pipeline for the near future.

We also found minor issues with the reliability of Hunter on LinkedIn when we tested Hunter out ourselves.


To test out Hunter, we selected 20 LinkedIn accounts to check whether or not it was able to find their email address on their LinkedIn page. A simple check to see how reliable Hunter really is.

We made sure that all the accounts were first and foremost active, and secondly were owned by people in high positions such as Founders, CEO’s, Managers, and Executives from all around the world in order to increase the possibility that their email address would be attainable.

Our test found that Hunter was able to identify 80% of the email addresses from our sample group. That’s 16 email addresses out of the 20 Linkedin accounts. 80% is a little lower than we expected, as we anticipated something around the 90% mark.

Although it has to be said that the figure really isn’t low enough to discredit the benefit of using Hunter. The time you would save using this tool is astronomical in our opinion.


Hunter is free for the first 100 requests, then you can choose from Starter, Growth, Pro and Enterprise packs which vary from 39€ to 319€ per month.

If you’ve purchased Hunter, or use it religiously, we’d love to know if it has been worth your money! We’re sure other readers would appreciate it as well.



We absolutely love the product but had to deduct a few points because of the fact that it could not find a few emails of high profile people when we were testing out the product.

Other than that, Hunter is a must-have for any kind of headhunter and is a designed to make your online headhunting process far more fruitful than it has ever been.

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For Employers
Active Vs. Passive Candidates: Recruiting On Baseless Merit

Here’s a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: recruiters’ and employers’ preference of sourcing and hiring passive (non-job-seeking) candidates over active (job-seeking) candidates, and discrimination against the unemployed or anyone seeking employment.

Sixteen years ago, I worked for a New York City ad agency that was sold to a larger company and, along with many other employees, I was laid off. As I began to embark upon my new job search, 9/11 happened, leaving the city and much of the country in a deep recession. I tried to look on the bright side – certainly there were people who were dealing with much worse than I was. But nevertheless, I was unemployed, and unfortunately stayed that way for many months after.

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When I eventually reentered the workforce in the recruiting industry, I soon discovered what could have been one of the contributing factors to my long stretch of unemployment. Many recruiting firms often sell clients on the fact that they only recruit passive candidates, and many employers simply demand it. Over the next several years, I worked job searches for clients who would only hire candidates who were already employed. I sourced candidates for recruiters who wouldn’t even consider them if they weren’t currently working, even for positions that had gone unfilled for long periods due to their specialized skill requirements. And through it all, I wondered…am I now contributing to the same cycle of unemployment that I had been caught in a few years ago?

Discrimination based on employment status is nothing new in the recruiting world. Recently, it became enough of an issue for states like New Jersey, Oregon and Washington, D.C. to pass laws outlawing it. But in most states, employment status is not a protected class. Even if it were, how many unemployed workers have the time, money or drive to pursue a lawsuit against a potential employer who insists on hiring passive candidates? How would they even prove that their state of unemployment affected the employer’s decision not to interview them? And assuming they could, let’s not overlook how a legal victory in their favor would affect their future job search.

The perception

In the working world, there are many perceptions that are held so tightly that they often take years, even decades, to break. One of those is the perceived notion that passive candidates are superior to active candidates. Active candidates are desperate, and there must be some deep-rooted reason why they’re unemployed. If they had the skills and drive to be successfully employed, they already would be. If they were willing to work hard, they would have channeled that passion into their job search. Passive candidates are comfortably employed because they deserve to be. Luring them away from their current employer with a better salary and benefits will certainly result in a better hire than someone who is willing to accept anything. Unfortunately, none of these are true.

The reality

Have you ever known a good employee to lose his or her job? Have you ever worked with a bad employee? Of course! Everyone who has held a job can answer “yes” to both of these. So what makes so many recruiters and hiring managers associate “employed” with “better employee” and “unemployed” with “lesser employee?” Certainly there are occasional cases of employees losing their jobs by their own fault, then not being able to get rehired for good reason. But there are far more excellent employees who have lost their jobs by no fault of their own, and are willing to do whatever is necessary to reenter the workforce and prove themselves.

Any recruiter or hiring manager who disqualifies candidates based only on employment status without taking into account previous work experience, education, skill set, personality, drive and determination is doing their employer a huge disservice. Substituting any or all of these qualities with the simple requirement of being currently employed is a quick and easy path to a bad hire, thus forcing the employer to start the search process over again from square one. Furthermore, only considering passive candidates increases the chances of hiring job hoppers, who are only interested in salary and perks, and will jump ship again as soon as a better offer comes along. Active candidates are far less likely to take a job offer for granted, and more likely to work that much harder to impact the company, enhance their skill set, assimilate into the company culture, and prove their worth to the employer who was willing to give them a second chance.

There are few employees who are lucky enough to retire without ever having experienced a day of unemployment. Those of us who have been unemployed know that if every employer only hired passive candidates, a layoff or termination would mean the end of one’s career and a bleak financial future. It’s therefore up to recruiters to consider both active and passive candidates for job searches, and to educate clients on the benefits of recruiting based on skills, experience and culture fit as opposed to employment status. After all, the more active candidates that rejoin the workforce, the more passive candidates that will exist for the next job search!

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Recruiter Social Media Do?s And Don?ts
Recruiter Social Media Do?s And Don?ts

As recruiters, in 2017, We each create our own personal brand on social media as well as conform to our employers values (hopefully) by sharing company infographics, articles, and vacancies.

The social media platforms which recruiters use spans LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and even Pinterest. Type a prospective candidates or employees name into Google and one of the highest results will be that person’s social media links. Worst case scenario, a future employer or recruiter refuses to engage with you because of your pics from that drunken night in Ibiza when it seemed like such a good idea to go skinny dipping…..

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What perception does that social media profile give to a potential employer?

Here are my tips of dos and don’ts for recruiters on social media.


  • Share aspirational articles and ensure you use the source links and @ the contributor or author as this creates a better opportunity for shares.
  • Create original content that is relevant to your business community and insightful. Using quotes, facts, and figures to substantiate your findings.
  • Have continuity across your platforms: your profile picture for LinkedIn should be professional but show you are approachable. Your Facebook and Twitter ones can be more fun and show your personality.
  • Change your settings so you have to approve any photo tag that someone is adding of you to ensure you control what images are attributed to you.
  • Comment accurate, insightful and helpful comments on other people’s statuses. Share relevant feeds to your own timeline.

I believe it is imperative to have a strong social media presence within your business network and it baffles me when professionals don’t optimise the channels available. The first thing I do when I meet/or am approached by anyone is to at least look on their LinkedIn. If they are prolific on other platforms too, I openly ask for their links so I can follow them.

Cast your net widely in terms of who you follow and use the #follow4follow #like4like on Instagram to encourage mutual followship.


  • Pictures of you in your mankini are not ideal if you’re applying to be a CEO so perhaps think twice before posting pics on your social media if you have a public profile.
  • Comment with anything nasty, inflammatory or derogatory on anyone else’s post.
  • Write a status which insinuates something negative, or worse still rant about a candidate or client or infer anything negative to your network. If you have an issue, take it up with that individual personally and privately – no excuses.
  • Share irrelevant posts – maths quizzes, pictures not related to your sector or network. Does your audience have an interest if not, don’t publish it.
  • Across your personal social media channels, refrain from posting embarrassing pictures or videos which could come back to haunt you.
  • NEVER moan about your employer or colleagues ever – someone WILL read it and you could get fired.
  • Remove a connection without really considering the impact of then effectively taking their connections out of your disposable network too. You can unfollow someone’s feed instead or hide their activity from your timelines.

So in conclusion, remember one GOLDEN rule when it comes to posting anything on social media: Your digital footprint lasts FOREVER so your post will remain on the internet for ever too.

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Content retrieved from: https://www.completestaff.com.au/recruiter-social-media-dos-donts/.

Recruiters Top Traits
Ten Traits Of Great Recruitment Agencies

Choosing a Recruitment Agency to handle employee recruitment for your business can be a daunting task. With so many options, a lot of people have a hard time selecting the right one and often end up picking one that is not suitable for their organization. When done incorrectly, it could cost your business both time and money – resources every business would prefer not to waste.

When looking for a recruitment agency to hire for your organization, cheap may seem appealing. It is this prospect of saving a few bucks here and there that leads most people to make the wrong decision. Cheap is not necessarily bad, but nine out of ten times… you get what you pay for. Price definitely comes a distant second to the importance of getting a recruitment agency that provides quality service.

So before affirming your signature on the dotted line, make sure that the recruitment firm has the following aspects covered:

Specific Industry Expertise – Unless you have very general recruitment needs, it’s crucial that you make sure the recruitment agency in question has the expertise to recruit for your specific business/industry. If they do not have the expertise, they will struggle – and most likely fail – to identify the most suitable candidates for you.

They Cast a Wide Net – Good candidates for any vacant positions are hard to find. Great recruiting firms are able to dig deeper to find the best and don’t limit themselves to one method of recruitment like online job boards. They should be able to apply a combination of recruitment strategies to find the best for your organisation.

Have an In-depth Screening Process – Screening is one of the most important steps in employee recruitment. You don’t want a recruitment agency that dumps 10 CVs on your desk and leaves you to figure out which ones will be the most suitable for your role. A diligent recruitment agency spends significant amounts of resources (including time) pre-screening candidates and will only introduce to you those that match your needs.

Registration and Qualification – The recruitment agency should be registered and licenced by the relevant government authority to carry out its operations. The agency should also be able to demonstrate an understanding of all current employment laws and ethical standards. You do not want to hire a recruitment agency that will tarnish your business’ reputation or get you into trouble with the law.

Offer a guarantee – A great recruitment firm provides a guarantee on their results. It shows they are confident in their ability to find the right candidate for you. If they fail, you will be able to hold them accountable.

Have a High Employee Retention Rate – Most agencies will boast of being able to fill 100% of their clients’ vacancies. This, however, does not matter if only a few of the candidates pushed to clients made it through 1 year of employment. Ask your prospect agency to provide hard numbers on the employee retention rate of their candidates.

Offer an After-Sales Service – The agency’s work does not end once the employee has been placed with the client. The recruitment agency needs to check in regularly for at least the first six months to ensure that their candidate is progressing well and help out with any teething problems.

Reliability – A good recruitment agent should be reliable. They should be able to deliver suitable candidates within agreed upon timeframes. Each day spent with an empty position costs the organisation in terms of productivity, so having a recruitment agent who can deliver on time could help reduce this loss.Ask around for recommendations to find reliable agencies.

Relationship building – When a recruitment agency builds a relationship with their client, they are able to get a better understanding of the client’s business, their culture and the kind of people that would fit well in the organisation. Candidates brought forward will therefore have a greater chance of succeeding.

Communication. For successful employee recruitment, there needs to be two-way communication between you – the client – and the recruitment agency. This will help both parties understand the role they have to play in the recruitment process. A great recruitment agency should have good communication systems in place.

If your Recruitment Provider doesn’t Tick All the Boxes – Contact a Recruitment Agency that does – Contact Us

How To Find And Hire Great Employees
How To Find And Hire Great Employees

The 7 C’s: How to Find and Hire Great Employees

A founder can’t grow a winning enterprise single-handedly. Some may try, but it is nearly impossible to do so. Every famous entrepreneur has built a flourishing company with great employees by his or her side.

An entrepreneur can invent and even commercialise an idea as an enterprise of one. In time, however, the tasks of running a business become too great for the entrepreneur to manage alone. At this point, a savvy leader must find and hire the best workers to help achieve the entrepreneurial dream.

In today’s economy, hiring the best people is more critical than ever.The cost of finding, interviewing, engaging and training new employees is high. Employees also require desks, computers, phones and related equipment, let alone the largest costs of being an employer—salaries, benefits and taxes.

Leaders view new employees as an investment and anticipate an excellent financial return over time.

Over the course of my career, I’ve hired hundreds of people. Some were exceptional employees who were major contributors to our success. Others didn’t work out. In most cases, when an employee left or was terminated, I was the problem. Those dismissed were good people. I just did not know how to properly hire new employees.

Historically, and sadly, the only criteria I had used were to find the candidate with the best skills, experiences and ability to match a job description.

I have since identified seven categories—I call them the “7 C’s”–that you should consider to find the best new employees, as follows:

1. Capable:

Will this person complete not only the easy tasks but will he or she also find ways to deliver on the functions that require more effort and creativity? For me, being capable means the employee has the potential for growth and the ability and willingness to take on more responsibility.

2. Commitment:

Is the candidate serious about working for the long term? Or is he or she just passing through, always looking for something better? A history of past jobs and time spent at each provides clear insight on the matter.

3. Character:

Does the person have values that align with yours? Are they honest; do they tell the truth and keep promises? Are they above reproach? Are they selfless and a team player?

4. Culture:

Every business has a culture or a way that people behave and interact with each other. Culture is based on certain values, expectations, policies and procedures that influence the behavior of a leader and employees. Workers who don’t reflect a company’s culture tend to be disruptive and difficult.

5. Competent:

This is still the first factor to consider. Does the potential employee have the necessary skills, experiences and education to successfully complete the tasks you need performed?

6. Compatible:

Can this person get along with colleagues, and more importantly, can he or she get along with existing and potential clients and partners? A critical component to also remember is the person’s willingness and ability to be harmonious with you, his or her boss. If the new employee can’t, there will be problems.

7. Compensation:

As the employer, be sure the person hired agrees to a market-based compensation package and is satisfied with what is offered. If not, an employee may feel unappreciated and thereby under perform. Be careful about granting stock in the company; if not handled well, it will create future challenges.

Job applicants will give you their answers to the seven categories. They may be modestly presented or exaggerated. You are searching for the truth. To obtain a clearer picture of potential workers, I recommend you talk to former employment associates. The references a job candidate provides will nearly always provide a biased report. Instead, ask the candidate for the names of former bosses, peers and subordinates.

I’m here to tell you that good references will share the truth and not mince words. With these names in hand, call former co-workers and ask them if the job applicant fits my seven characteristics. This will give you a full and accurate view, good and bad, that will leave you much better equipped to select the best candidate.

5 Ways To Simplify A Long Cv While Maintaining Sophistication And Nuance
Tips For Management Success

An effective manager pays attention to many facets of management, leadership and learning within organizations. So, it’s difficult to take the topic of management success and say that the following ten items are the most important for success. I will, however, suggest seven management skills without which

I don’t believe you can be a successful manager.

Successful managers know what employees need to work effectively, stay productive, and contribute to a thrilled customer experience and a harmonious workplace. They know the behaviors that a manager needs to stay away from to encourage successful employees.

Managers who want to succeed also understand that they are the most significant factor in whether employees are motivated to want to show up for work. A bad manager is frequently cited as a key reason why employees quit their jobs.

Striving for greatness as a manager should top every manager’s goal list. The difference that a great manager can make in the work lives of employees is inestimable.
Helping employees feel rewarded, recognized, and thanked is also key to performing effectively as a manager.
The most important issue in management success, however, is being a person that others want to follow. Every action you take during your career in an organization helps determine whether people will one day want to follow you. Without followers, you cannot lead and manage.

Seven Key Management Skills
A successful manager, one whom others want to follow:
• Helps people grow and develop their skills and capabilities through education and on-the-job learning. Brings career pathing to employees so that they continue to grow and develop.

• Builds effective and responsive interpersonal relationships. Reporting staff members, colleagues and executives respect his or her ability to demonstrate caring, collaboration, respect, trust, and attentiveness.

• Leads by example, sets the pace via her expectations and behavior. She provides recognition when others do the same. She walks her talk.

• Communicates effectively in person, print and email. Listening and two-way feedback characterize his or her interaction with others. The manager is also open to receiving feedback from colleagues and reporting staff. He avoids a defensive response and is willing to change his behavior when the feedback is on target.

• Builds the team and enables other staff to collaborate more effectively with each other. People feel they have become more – more effective, more creative, more productive – in the presence of a team builder.

• Understands the financial aspects of the business and sets goals and measures and documents staff progress and success. This allows the team to feel a sense of progress, that they are reaching goals, and exceeding expectations.

People want to know how they are performing at work. Financial and other goals let them know. Good managers understand their role in this communication.

• Knows how to create an environment in which people experience positive morale and recognition and employees are motivated to work hard for the success of the business. Understands that she is the most significant factor in whether employees are happy at work.

Know a few more characteristics of management success? These are just a start, but they’re a good start. You’ll want to begin with these skills and attributes when you decide to aim for management success.

To know more about this discussion kindly visit us at: Source: CSS EMPLOYERS

Recruitment Agencies 10 Step Hiring Process
Recruitment Agencies 10 Step Hiring Process

Do you want to hire employees who can contribute to your success and profitability while adding value to your culture and your team? Employers can shorten their recruitment cycle, find great employees, legally and ethically hire people if they follow these ten steps of our Complete Hiring Process.

Identify the need for the position.

The first step in any hiring process is to determine the need for a new or replacement position in your company. One of the methods used is sales per employee. But, overall workload and its effect on current employees and the accomplishment of your business goals will also drive this decision.

The hiring decision must also balance with the needs of the rest of the organization for employees. Your priority for an employee has to fit into the successful execution of the company’s business plan. It’s important to keep your other employees informed or involved at each step of the staffing decision process.

Plan your recruitment for the job.

The second step in the hiring process is to plan your employee recruitment. Recruitment planning identifies the job description or job specification for the position so you know the skills and experience you are seeking.

It also addresses how you will publicize the position, who will review applications, and who will participate in first and second interviews. You also decide who will participate in the selection of the employee for the job and who will provide input.

This is a key step in a successful employee hiring process. It’s also a key step with the employees who comprise the interview team. You need to be clear about how their input will be used by the hiring manager and Human Resources.

Publicize the availability of the open position.

An important step in the posting process is to notify current employees of the opening. If you believe that you have no qualified internal candidates, you may also post the position externally simultaneously. But your internal applicants may surprise you with their talent and skills. If you do post the position externally before interviewing internal candidates, let the employees know.

You want to avoid misunderstandings. Your best bets externally for filling your open position will vary by job. Some local jobs, especially for nonexempt roles rely on local newspaper classifieds. But, most jobs will require an online campaign through posting the job on job sites and in social media.

Your own website is significant for recruiting employees who seek out your company in particular. Notifying your network on LinkedIn can bring quality candidates to your attention. So will asking your current employees to publicize your opening on their social networks.

Review applications.

If you have advertised the position effectively, you will have collected a large pool of applicants. HR can take the lead on resume and cover letter review and give the qualified applicants to the hiring manager.

Or, some hiring managers may want to see all of the applications, especially for technical, scientific, engineering, and development positions. The applications are reviewed and the most qualified applicants receive a phone interview.

The purpose of the screening is to save staff time and energy by eliminating candidates. The screener, the hiring manager or HR staff, are looking for both cultural fit and job fit during a telephone interview. They check out any questions the reviewers have about the individual’s experience or credentials.

Interview the most qualified prospective employees.

Your application review and phone interview process should narrow down the field of candidates to the most qualified. Schedule interviews for these candidates with the same group of employees who will interview all of the candidates.

This will allow comparisons when you arrive at employee selection. Make sure that part of your interview process is a formal employment application filled out by the candidate that includes permission to check references, background, and so forth.

Notify applicants, who you are not inviting for an interview, that they will not be further considered.

Plan and schedule second interviews with the most qualified prospects as determined by the first interview. You may begin to check references and background for these candidates during and following your second interviews.

Check references and perform background checks.

You will want to begin to check references and background for these candidates during and following your second interviews. Make sure you check all claims by the candidate including educational credentials, employment history, and criminal background.

Where possible, the best source of information is the applicant’s past managers. You will find, however, because of the fear of litigation, many employers will share only the job title, dates of employment, and occasionally, the person’s salary with you.

That’s why managers are a significant source. You should also take a look at the candidate’s public social media profiles and postings to make sure you’re hiring the person you’ve gotten to know. LinkedIn recommendations may further solidify your choice.

Select the most qualified person for the job.

If you have reached a positive decision on a candidate, following the interviews and background checks, determine the compensation you will offer the selected candidate. These are the seven most critical factors to make sure you’ve considered or done before you make the actual job offer.

Make the job offer and notify your unsuccessful candidates.

Select the most qualified person for the job. Now that you’ve accomplished the first eight steps, you may make a written job offer. If reference checks are incomplete, you may make the offer contingent on the background and reference checks.

You also need to notify the candidates who participated in job interviews but were not selected. It’s important and in your best public relations image and interests to communicate with your applicants at every step in your hiring process. It is one of the factors that affect your consideration as an employer of choice.

Negotiate the details of salary and start date.

The higher the level of the job in your organization, the more likely the candidate is to negotiate compensation, paid time off, guaranteed severance pay if the relationship fails to work out, company equipment, time working remotely, and more. These individual have the most potentially to lose if they are leaving a current job and the employment relationship doesn’t work out with you.

That said, I have had beginning employees, fresh out of college, ask for $5,000 more than they were offered. If it was within the salary range for the job (think about how you pay your current employees in similar roles) and the candidate is much preferred, consider negotiating. The two most common asks that I’ve encountered are for a higher starting salary and more paid time off. Flexibility is required. You won’t have a happy new employee if he left a job where he had three weeks paid vacation for a job that offered him one week.

Determine if you can accommodate other requests by your prospect. The most common I’ve encountered has been a vacation scheduled within the first few months of starting. I’ve also encountered several postponed starting dates to accommodate scheduled surgery.

Welcome your new employee.

How you welcome your new employee lays the groundwork for whether you will retain the employee in the future. Stay in touch with your new employee from the time she accepts the job offer until her start date. Continue to build the relationship.

Assign a mentor, let coworkers know the employee is starting with a welcome letter, plan the new employee’s onboarding process, and make sure the employee will feel warmly welcomed during the first days of work. If you do this process effectively, you will have an excited, welcomed employee who is ready to set the world on fire.

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Jobsearch Globally recruitment tips
Global Job Search – Indeed Au

A new job is a priority for many jobseekers at the start of the year. In fact, our research shows over half of Australian workers consider a career change during this period. And this phenomena isn’t isolated to Australia. We also see a jump in job interest among other countries where Indeed has sites. This surge in jobseeker activity means that it’s a great time for all employers to post a job. And even as searches grew in January, it’s important to remember that any time of year is good for finding the perfect candidate.

But what professions are people actually searching for? Let’s take a quick tour around Indeed’s global job search data to find out what’s trending and where. Below are some of the fastest growing searches we saw at the end of 2016:


Australia saw tremendous growth in searches for nurses and teachers, two professions facing serious shortages. The 627.4% growth in searches for nursing jobs is one of the largest trends we identified. Nurses are one of the top jobs listed on the Australian National Skill shortage list. It’s a promising sign to see jobseeker interest growing so rapidly in this understaffed field.

We identified another surge in searches for data scientist. A job where we see interest on the rise, not only in AU, but in many countries. There is also new interest in transportation jobs, which may not be a surprise when you consider that in Western Australia train drivers can make over $100,000 AUD, making them among highest paid in the world.


The largest spike among jobseekers (110%) in Belgium is for dietitian jobs. This is not a surprising trend coming from a country known for their chocolate, waffle, fries and beer. Many western countries experience a diet and fitness fads around the start of the new year, but Belgium is experiencing the most drastic growth in job interest for this field globally. This could be a labour market reaction to the the 172,000 tons of chocolate produced annually in Belgium.

Belgium is also seeing similar growth in nursing, education and tech roles. However, growth in searches for “occupational therapist” is particularly strong in Belgium. This growth makes sense considering the makeup of the Belgian workforce. Over half the Belgian population works in the service industry, a sector prone to cause physical stress or exertion. Another hypothesis for this trend is driven by the aging population. Occupational therapists can help older people recover from various illnesses through activities designed to stimulate their physical cognitive processes.


France is showing strong growth in some caring professions: special education teachers and nurses in particular. However, we don’t see quite the same massive increases we are observing in some countries. Still the 174.9% jump in searches for “special education teacher” is a big trend in France. The French education system provides free education to children from preschool to high school and some college equivalent training. Recruiters from private medical clinics or individual schools should take note of this growing interest should they need to hire special education teachers.

Financial controllers are ……………………………


Germany saw massive growth in English translator jobs. This surge (899.9%) is the largest global trend we’ve identified in jobseeker behaviour during the period of this analysis. Europe is experiencing unprecedented streams of refugees streaming in from Syria, North Africa and Middle East. Syria alone has sent over 300,000 refugees into Germany.  Since migrants are more likely to speak English than German as a second language, this spike in interest may represent an effort to overcome the shortage of Arabic-German translators.

There was also a triple-digit increase in interest for engineering jobsanical and software engineering jobs…………………………….


In Ireland the number of people searching for “model” saw 242.5% growth in the last quarter of 2016. Our analysis didn’t uncover anything like this spike in interest anywhere else—it’s unique to the Emerald Isle. Most of the people who search for ‘model’ click on fashion model jobs at media and marketing companies, as well as staffing agencies and talent vendors.

There was also strong interest in process engineer jobs, which may be (slightly) less glamorous but are needed across many industries due to the widely applicable skill set. Process engineers can be found in multiple sectors ranging from agricultural to pharmaceutical to software engineering. There was also close to a 100% spike in the number of people searching for work as Spanish teachers, more than any other language or type of educator.

United Kingdom

Meanwhile in the U.K., one job with strong growth was related to helping other people get jobs — ”job coach.” The surge of interest in “smart metering” is also interesting. As more and more ordinary devices are connected to the internet, traditional jobs evolve to account for this technological change, and the interest from jobseekers shows that many are increasingly aware of the demand for new skills. The dark side of technology has also had an impact, as we saw more than 100% growth in searches for cybersecurity jobs, suggesting that jobseekers with the right skills are paying close attention to the headlines and know how much these skills are in demand.

United States

Over the past few years, we’ve observed the explosion of jobs requiring technical skills and the struggle by employer to fill those roles. Fortunately, jobseekers are showing growing interest in many tech roles. Ruby developer experienced a staggering 656.1% jump in searches by jobseekers. As is the 557.2% spike in searches for “UX designer.” These two jobs are among the fastest growing searches on Indeed.

The 191.0% growth in search for “devops engineer” is promising for the tech industry. According to our research, that is the tech role with the 2nd worst supply vs.demand mismatch and ranked 3rd for employer demand. However, we also see some strong growth in jobs that require less technical skills. For instance, welder fabricator requires only a high school diploma and training, but pays well above minimum wage.

It’s a great time to post a job

These are some of the jobs that we saw trending as we entered 2017, and it will be interesting to see which professions are on the rise as the year gets underway. This surge in jobseeker activity means that it’s a good time for all employers to post a job. And even as searches grew in January, it’s important to remember that any time of year is good for finding the perfect candidate.




Article Source 

Global Spotlight: What Jobs Are Trending Across the World?


The 7 Steps To Writing An Interview-winning Cv
The 7 Steps To Writing An Interview-Winning Cv
1) Research your target employers:

Before you start writing your CV, you should find out exactly what your target employers want to see on applicants’ CVs. Search for relevant jobs online, make a list of the most popular requirements and link them to your own skills and knowledge. Including keywords will also help your application to beat application tracking systems, as unfortunately a lot of CVs don’t actually get seen by a human if they don’t make it through the initial digital screening process.

2) Format and structure are crucial:

A busy CV can be off putting and confusing! You need to ensure that recruiters and employers can navigate your CV easily and pick out the key information that they need. Divide your CV sections clearly with bold headings, use a simple font and break up text for ease of reading. Try to restrict it to a page or two, as the recruiter’s decision to progress your application will be based on the key information, not your life story!

3) Make a big impression with your profile:

The profile that you include at the beginning of your CV is crucial as i is the very first thing an employer will read and it could even be the deciding factor for recruiters when they are rushed for time and scanning through dozens of CVs. Make sure that it is packed with in-demand skills and knowledge, but show some personality too, so you don’t sound like a cliche! Try to keep it short and sharp to draw readers in and encourage them to read your CV in full.

4) Structure your role descriptions properly:

Job titles don’t always reveal much about what your previous roles entailed. In order to demonstrate the value that you can bring to a new potential employer, you must use your role descriptions to showcase what you’ve achieved for past employers. Start with an overall summary, then describe your responsibilities in bullet points and try to add some key achievements to prove your input.

5) Adapt your education:

The amount of information that you need to give about your education really depends on the stage in your career you are at. List your education at the bottom of your CV and adapt the amount of detail depending on your experience level. Less experienced candidates should include lots of education information, whereas more experienced candidates can use a short summary.

6) Keep interests relevant:

Interests are an optional section so only include interest that can add value to your job applications in terms of showing a bit of personality or demonstrating your true interest in the industry. Culture fit is a big factor that is considered when making a new hire, so some recruiters and employers may take a look at your interests to gage what kind of person you are and how they feel you would fit in at their organisation.

7) Triple check your CV:

Mistakes in your CV can seriously damage your job hunting chances, so make sure you thoroughly proof read your CV before sending it out to employers. Spelling and grammar errors can look sloppy, so it’s best to get a second opinion from a family member or friend ahead of sending it off.


9 Tips To Writing A Graduate Cover Letter
9 Tips To Writing A Graduate Cover Letter
How can a graduate cover letter looks like?

If you are a fresh graduate, your first priority after finishing your studies is to get a full-time job. When you are looking for work, you spend a lot of time writing and polishing your resume to make it exactly right. The cover letter almost seems like an afterthought.

It can be tempting to simply send a couple of lines to a prospective employer with the resume:

“Please find enclosed/attached my resume for the position of [x]. Kindly contact me for an interview”

This is not going to impress a prospective employer these days! To can be invited for a personal interview by putting a lot more thought and effort into writing your cover letter.

Each job that you are applying for will need its own letter, and you will need to put some care into crafting your response. Taking the time to write a quality cover letter will lead to more interviews and decrease the time it will take to get a job offer:

1. Use language that carefully mirrors the wording used in the job ad:

A number of employers use computer software to screen candidates for available positions. You’ll need use keyword that match the ones used in the description if you want to be matched to the opportunity. Review the ad carefully and underline the main points before you start writing your cover letter.

If your cover letter is being reviewed by a hiring manager personally, he or she is likely going to skim over it briefly at first. You’ll increase the likelihood of getting a closer review of your qualifications if you choose language that closely matches most (if not all) the requirements listed in the ad.

Don’t embellish your qualifications to sell yourself to an employer if you don’t fully meet the requirements the company is looking for. Do present yourself in the best possible manner, though, by covering off as many of them as you can. The employer may give more weight to some qualifications more than others, and you have no way of knowing which ones the company values most.

2. Use an appropriate format for business letters on your cover letter:

Basic block style is easy to read and you won’t get confused about the proper layout. You want the reader to be able to focus on the message without being distracted by a complicated letter writing style. With this set-up, the sender and the recipient’s address are left justified. With the exception of a double space between paragraphs, the entire letter is single spaced.

3. Stick to a font that is easy to read:

Now is not the time to experiment with a highly-artistic font. Even if you are applying for a job in a creative field, keep your correspondence businesslike. Select a basic font that is easy to read in a size that your reader will not have to strain to make out. You also don’t want to select one that is excessively large, since this may come across as being aggressive.

Times New Roman and Arial are the standard font used for business correspondence. Use a 12 pitch size when composing your letter. It’s large enough to be easy to read without being overwhelming.

4. Address your cover letter to a specific person, if possible:

Try to find out the name of the hiring manager. That way, you can direct your letter to him or her personally. This is a much better choice than sending your letter “To Whom it May Concern.”If you aren’t sure how to spell the person’s name, contact the company directly to confirm the spelling.

Since some names can be used for both genders, use this opportunity to confirm whether you are directing your letter to Mr. or Ms. [Whoever] at the same time. It’s always a good idea to ask a question, rather than assuming something and being wrong. Your application may put in the rejection pile if you make a mistake like that.

In a situation where you can’t find a name for the hiring manager or the head of the Human Resources Department, you can address your letter to “Dear Hiring Manager.” It’s still a better choice than starting off with Dear Sir/Madam.

5. Start your cover letter by stating when and where you found the job opening:

The company may be trying to fill multiple position. Be specific about which job you are interested in. The hiring manager is also interested to know where you get the job postings. It helps them in their efforts to target places where quality candidates are looking to find jobs.

6. Focus on your educational background:

Your diploma and degree is your area of strength as you just recently completed this. Lead with it and highlight it in the body of your letter. Tell the employer the full name of the program you have just completed, including the concentration. Don’t expect him or her to refer to your resume for this information.

Do refer to any awards or honors you received that would make you stand out as exemplary candidate for the position. Someone who has the drive to perform well in school can transfer those skills into the workplace.

7. Include any training or internships you have completed:

If you have completed any internships or on-the-job training that is relevant to the position you are applying for, be sure to mention this in your letter. However, if you think about your prior experience and it’s a stretch for you to see how it relates to the work you would be doing if you were hired for this job, the better choice is to leave it off your cover letter.

Don’t make the reader work to have to find the connection. You want to present yourself as the clear choice for the position.

8. List any special skills you have to offer:

Are you familiar with any of the specific computer programs listed in the ad? Mention them in your letter. Do you know how to set up web pages or manage a social media campaign? If these are mentioned in the advertisement or are related to the job you are looking for, do include them in your cover letter.

Be honest about your level of expertise. Present yourself as a confident and competent person. Just don’t oversell yourself either. Do no lie about your abilities. Employers will found out. It’s the quickest way to get yourself taken out of the running for a job. You can always learn more if you have some knowledge about a subject; it’s not necessary to claim to be an expert if you aren’t at that level.

9. Ask for an interview:

The purpose of writing your letter is to present yourself as the best candidate for the job and to get the employer to want to meet with you. Ask for that meeting! It’s a good idea to explain if there are any dates when you will not be available to meet due to finishing coursework or other commitments. Being honest and up front about your schedule from the outset is the best way to deal with the situation if you are not immediately available for interviews.

10. Proof-read carefully before sending:

After you’re finisher with writing, go over the cover letter carefully a couple of times before you send it to a prospective employer. The little things matter when you are trying to make a good first impression. Perfectly spell the company name and address. You should also double-check the spelling of the hiring manager’s name before sending it.

With these suggestions, you can write an effective cover letter that get you your first job after graduation. Good luck with your cover letter writing!


Why The Cover Letter Is Dead
Why The Cover Letter Is Dead

In offering some advice today to a family member who is job hunting, I came to the realization that the cover letter is all but dead. The family member’s query was how to write a compelling/ interesting cover letter because he was looking to find ways to get his resume noticed by the hiring managers.

His inquiry wasn’t a bad one. Because it’s true. Cover Letter seems no longer popular nowadays.

He wanted his resume to stand out against the rest. It’s no secret that hiring/HR managers see hundreds of resumes per opening. Only a small percentage of them ultimately get considered. So as such, candidates want their resumes to stand out and show how they are best for the position. As a result you type a letter in an attempt to set yourself apart from the other applicants.

On top of the vast competition of applicants, there is also the resume itself. I have heard many reasons for resumes to be declined by hiring managers . Some of these are from spelling errors to poor formatting. Forget about whether you think you have the technical skills or not. The way your resume looks can determine your future employment opportunities. All of these factors result in why so many people put such a high emphasis on the cover letter.

Candidates realize the resume is your first impression, and not the cover letter.

You are making an attempt at setting yourself apart and explaining why they should consider you. As such, the cover letter becomes that outlet to make that impression.

We live in a social media world where 140 characters is the max attention our brain can offer. Consequently hiring managers would like to decide if you are a fit as quickly as possible. A study by The Ladders revealed that on average recruiters review resumes for about 6.25 seconds before determining if you are a fit. A cover letter unfortunately does not fit into this equation. While I am sure the candidate spent a good amount of time preparing what they would like to say, cover letters get skimmed over with little to no interest.

The other issue adding to this is not personalizing cover letters.

Too many times I have received a cover letter that looks like it has been copied, pasted and sent to roughly 15 different jobs without personalization. Nothing shows a lack of preparation more than this.

I have been in the recruiting industry for close to 7 years. I do not have the exact numbers, but in that time I must have submitted thousands of candidates to my client’s requirements. And although I do not have the precise stats, I do know this much; of all the candidates to get hired by my clients through me, I have never submitted one with a cover letter. I send my clients a copy of the candidates resume and put together an email that highlights their experience and how it relates to the position.

That is what I recommend to individuals who ask for advice when job hunting. It’s not enough to simply apply for a position in today’s society. You must get direct contact to separate yourself from the herd. That is the beauty of sites such as LinkedIn. In the past the hiring manager was a mysterious figure behind a job ad. Now you can pull up a posting on LinkedIn, and not only is the poster right there for you, there are even suggestions on how you could be connected with them.

It is on you as a candidate to find that person and reach out to them.

The recruiting and staffing industry is a multi-billion dollar business, because ultimately the hiring process is a personal experience. So rather than putting your effort into a cover letter, find that persons email address and put together a personalized message on why you are applying and a fit for the position. It doesn’t have to be too long, just give the person a reason to spend more than 6.25 seconds on your resume since you won’t have a cover letter.

Make Your Cover Letter Grab The Employer’s Attention
Make Your Cover Letter Grab The Employer’s Attention
So, how to make your cover letter grab your employer’s attention?

Companies and recruiting agencies can get thousands of responses for job openings. Under such circumstances, they will be able to give each letter a few moments to get the gist of the candidate’s proficiency, qualification and experience before moving on to the next one. If you are making a serious bid for that job, your cover letter must have that unique element to hold the recruiter’s attention and make them go through the entire content.

How do I make my cover letter stand out?

Making your cover letter noticeable requires skill and creativity. Some type of customization such as a motto, creative catchphrase or a unique title can help you get noticed. There is no doubt that they are not to be used as a rule and are entirely optional. Yet, it is necessary to give these elements a try just to make your letter look exceptional and different from others.

Where should you put your creative bits?

The creative tag can figure at the top of the letter so that they can catch attention immediately. It should not be mere words but must reflect your value to the organization. You can visit the website of the company to get an idea of how you can word your slogan to sync them with company’s objective. If the job is for a school teacher for instance, the slogan should reflect something about caring for students or helping them learn better. Similarly a candidate for a marketing position can have a slogan that talks about dealing with challenges, creating more closures and meeting obstacles head-on.

What about testimonials and cover letters?

Testimonials are another way of getting your cover letter to be different than that of others. Testimonials can be in the form of lines from recommendation letters, vendor appreciation notes and by way of performance evaluations, memos issued to staff or other types of acclamations. When compiled creatively, they can create a powerful impact on your recruiter or interviewer. It can send a clear message to the company that they can do better by getting you on their side.

Should you include goals and objectives?

If you want to make a statement about goals and objectives in your cover letter, make sure they are specific to the opening or your professional objectives. It should be able to convince the employer about your commitment and the difference it can make to your potential employers. It must amply reflect the value that your skills and talent will bring to the company.

Bottom line to make a cover letter:

Cover letters are serious business. It can be a game changer in a situation where competition for a particular opening is tough. It is an identifier when talent pool available is more or less of the same standards. A great cover letter can help you get that winning edge over others and help you land that coveted job. Just remember to incorporate the above stated elements effectively and judiciously on your cover letter.

Does Your Employer Actually Read A Cover Letter?
Does Your Employer Actually Read A Cover Letter?

So, does an employer actually read a cover letter?

In a word – yes! In fact, cover letters may actually be more important and more necessary than even the attached resume.

Cover letters can move candidates to the front of the line if they are highly focused and highly objective. They can help a recruiter or employer see why it is that you contacted their organization. This also helps what you are looking for (not to mention how you can help the company itself!).

Cover letter, then, is important to have. You just have to make sure that you understand how and why employers read them. With that, then, it’s critical that you create the perfect cover letter than an employer will be happy and glad to read, as they make sure they are getting the most out of your contact while they try to fill out their job descriptions.

Here’s the rundown on writing a cover letter that employers will love:

Cover letter need to be tight and focused:

First and foremost, make sure your cover letters are incredibly tight and focused. Make it brief and short. Highlight your experience. The cover letter should tell how you can help the company. It should express what you can do to get the most out of their job description. But never forget that it should highlight your experience and the successes in the past. In turn, make sure they are no longer than several paragraphs. Definitely, it should not be longer than a single page in length!

Link it to a specific job or opportunity:

Second, link the letters to a specific job or opportunity. Never send a cover letter to a company that isn’t highly focused to a direct job opportunity, and never make your cover letters aimless and worthless. Employers only have so much time to read cover letters, so it’s critical that they are brief, to the point, and highly specific.

Make it brief and provide value:

When you make them brief, make sure you highlight how exactly you can provide value to the company, and how you have provided value to companies in the past. Experience is great to highlight, but connect it to providing overall value (and revenue!) to corporations, since the bottom line is what drives profits, hiring, and the growth of the business.

Proofread, proofread, and proofread!

Finally, don’t make any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors! Nothing will get your cover letter thrown out quicker than a dumb grammatical mistake, or a spelling error that could have easily been corrected in time. Constantly make sure that you are double checking your cover letters – even to the point of having other people around you proofread them – so that you don’t run into stupid mistakes or other dumb problems that may lose you respect and opportunities with different companies and corporations.

How To Write An Honest Cover Letter To Avoid The Wrong Job
How To Write An Honest Cover Letter To Avoid The Wrong Job
Your cover letter is your introduction to your entire purpose of applying for a certain job post.

When there’s an opening for your dream job but you’re not qualified for it yet, what should you do? A lot of people will look at the qualifications specified for the job and think of ways to embellish their actual skills and experiences to make it seem like they’re a good fit. But where’s the line between embellishment and fraud and how do you know when you’ve gone too far?

Embellishing the qualifications on resume:

I know what you’re thinking: “I will work so hard and be so enthusiastic and grow into the job so quickly that they won’t even notice I’m not qualified for it.” If you do manage to fool the hiring manager and actually get your foot in the door, what’s more likely to happen is that instead of growing into the job, you’ll become overwhelmed with the daily demands that you don’t have the ability to meet.

Instead of catapulting yourself to the top, you’ll only manage to ruin your reputation and waste everyone’s time. You could’ve spent that amount of time building your skillset and gaining the experience that would make you qualified for the dream job that has now turned into a nightmare.

When crafting your cover letter, you should undoubtedly demonstrate your confidence and abilities. There are likely many milestones you’ve achieved throughout your career that you can be proud to display. But blatantly embellishing important skills required to fulfill a specific role is not only unprofessional, but it’s also unethical. Here’s a list of some commonly required qualifications that job-seekers lie about:

Foreign languages:

If a job requires foreign language skills – as many international business companies require these days – and you don’t have those, be aware that learning a new language is not something you can easily pick up on the side while performing your job. It takes months and even years of study and dedication to reach business level fluency.

By attempting to fake this, you’ll put yourself in a very embarrassing position when the time comes for you to actually speak Intermediate Japanese you claimed to know. Instead of lying, enroll in a class, and let them know that you’re currently studying Japanese in your cover letter.

Also as Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) market has boomed, many companies are looking for native speakers, usually from the UK, Canada or the US to fill their ranks. Trying to pass yourself off as a native English speaker when you aren’t just isn’t realistic.

Technological skills:

The same goes for technological skills. If you aren’t tech-savvy and the job you’re looking at requires you to know how to write code when you’re barely able to operate the latest version of Microsoft Office, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Not only that but your incompetence in this area will quickly become obvious.

Acquire the skills before applying. Take some classes and get certified. Or enroll in a class and let the employer know in your cover letter that you’re working on acquiring that skill. Maybe they’ll hire you or at least keep your resume on file for future openings.

Managerial/leadership skills:

Many people embellish their job titles from previous jobs. But, there’s a huge gap between being an employee and a manager. If you’re applying for a job as a manager and have limited to no managing or leadership skills, be prepared for a lot of frustration. Managing people requires diplomacy, patience and often difficult decision-making skills. If you’re not up to the task, you won’t be able to earn the respect of your employees.

Other lies that often show up on resumes and cover letters are education level, dates of employment, and salary. Today there are a number of services that perform professional background checks and your lies will likely be discovered. Best to tell the truth- at least then you’ll know the reason you didn’t get the job was that you weren’t qualified rather than having been caught in a lie.

The other side of the coin is making yourself sound too desperate in your cover letter. If you’ve been out of work for a while or were recently fired, you may be vulnerable to accepting any job out there, no matter what the conditions or pay. Do you really want your workweek to include Saturdays? What about no medical insurance and unpaid vacations? Or a job that requires you to move to another state? Or a job that will start as an unpaid internship with the “possibility” of promotion to a paid position?

Being flexible is a strength. But bending over backward for a company that doesn’t reward you adequately for your work is abuse. Display confidence in your skills in your cover letter and stick it out until the right job comes along rather than making yourself miserable in the wrong job.

Cover letter do’s and don’ts:
  • Do highlight skills and experiences that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Don’t lie about skills you don’t possess or responsibilities you didn’t perform.
  • Do enroll in classes to acquire the skills required for the job and communicate that in your cover letter. Don’t say you already have a required level of skill that you don’t.
  • Do display confidence and positivity about career milestones and accomplishments. Don’t inflate job titles, salaries, or education levels.
  • Do indicate that you are flexible and interested in building a new career. Don’t settle for a job that you’re overqualified for or that doesn’t offer what you need
7 Tips For Writing A Killer Resume
7 Tips For Writing A Killer Resume

When you’re looking for a job and writing a resume to help you land that dream position, you should not just be asking “How do I write a resume?” You should be asking “How do I write a great resume?” Or, “How do I write a resume that stands out—and stands out for the right reasons?” To get an interview, and to get a job offer, you need to get the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter.

As a hiring manager, I review thousands of resumes a month. There are certain things I look for in a resume that make me pay closer attention, and encourage me to learn more about an applicant’s experience rather than just set it aside and move on to the next one. If you’re struggling with getting a callback, you should consider incorporating some of these elements when you’re writing your resume. These seven secrets of an effective resume that I share below will help you write an effective resume and get your resume to the top of the stack every time.

1. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords.

Just like location, location, location in real estate, keywords and key phrases are the base for any great resume and they are how you can create a resume that will get you noticed. This is especially important for an online resume. To use keywords to create your effective resume, start by picking job-specific keywords that are relevant to your prior work experience, achievements, and career goals. When a hiring manager or recruiter does a search in their candidate database or on a job board, the keywords they search for need to be in your resume. Personality descriptors and vague soft skills are not what a recruiter or potential employer searches by. Examples of these words that you should leave out are: effective communicator, self-motivated, amiable. Better keywords to use when writing your resume are technical skills and actual position titles like: cost accountant, contract negotiation, and profit and loss management.

2. Tailor your resume to the position you are trying to pursue.

On the work history section of your resume don’t list all your duties at your previous job. This is a common resume mistake—too many job seekers create a resume that tries to impress an employer by saying “look at all the responsibilities I had!” They don’t care about the ones that won’t help them. Instead, for an effective resume, list the duties from your work experience that are MOST APPLICABLE to the position you are trying to obtain. These are your actual qualifications for the position, and this is what an employer cares about. Even better is to choose accomplishments and contributions that are related and list those as well. Which brings me to my next point.

3. List accomplishments and contributions, not just duties.

Employers want to see what you can do for them, what value-added service or skill set you are going to bring to the table. When I review a resume, I want to know what you actually accomplished at your last job and how that translates into what my company needs. Pick accomplishments that are specific to the job you are trying to get. To help you write a resume that specifically addresses a company’s needs, look beyond the job description to the company’s website or LinkedIn page to learn more about their culture, goals, and mission. An effective resume is as much about the company you are trying to impress as it is about you.

4. Market your knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Resume writing is marketing. I always tell my clients the first one-third of their resume is the most important. If the top third of the page catches my eye, then I will take the time to read the rest. You can make your resume stand out by creating a powerful career summary at the top and then adding a core strengths section right underneath.

5. Create a powerful introductory summary statement.

Your introductory statement needs to be related to the position you want to obtain, sell your best attributes, and be POWERFUL. When I read an introductory statement I’m looking for that WOW factor. I want it to grab my attention, tell me you’re the best candidate for my position, and make me want to read the rest of your resume. Don’t make it just a resume objective statement—in case I haven’t been clear enough already, you need to address what the employer wants and needs, not just what you want from them.

6. Highlight your strengths in a core knowledge section.

This is a great place for keywords. Use industry-specific keywords in this section. If you put your keywords here and disperse them throughout the resume, your chances of getting through an applicant tracking system—or being first to show in a potential employer’s search on a job board—dramatically increases.

7. Create an eye-catching resume.

With the tools available in even basic programs like Microsoft Word, there’s no reason for you to not have a modern resume that is visually appealing. Formatting matters and you need to design your resume layout to be reader-friendly and attention-grabbing. Pick an easy-to-read font, and use plenty of white space. Don’t try to cram everything into a one-page resume. A two-page resume is perfectly appropriate, and expected even, especially if it is an executive resume. If hiring managers open your resume and it is a crowded, jumbled mess they are not going to spend more of their time searching through it to find the information they need. A messy resume will likely be the end of my interest in hiring you. However, if your resume format, style, and layout are attractive and easy to read I will be more inclined to read through the rest of the document and learn about your work experience, achievements, and skill set.

Are you tired of your resume being rejected by applicant tracking systems? I know how frustrating it is to submit your resume and receive no response. I hate seeing qualified people never break through the screening process. It shouldn’t be that way. That’s why our local Labour Hire Consultants offer a Resume Review Service so you can start seeing better resume response rates! Just contact us to find out more.

Is Cover Letter Redundant?
Is Cover Letter Redundant?

Not too long ago, the use of a cover letter was considered an essential component in the job application process, giving individuals the opportunity to highlight and elaborate on their relevant skills and experience in a more tailored way than on your resumé. Though in recent years, there has been a significant shift to online application systems. Cover letters are becoming less and less of a necessity.

Obviously if a company specifies that they would like you to include a cover letter, it wouldn’t reflect particularly well on you if you weren’t to supply them with one. Definitely, you should write it to the best of your ability. If there is no reference to a cover letter, it may not actually be worth your time writing one. It is likely that they assess candidates in alternative ways . Your cover letter may not be considered.

Recruiters don’t have the time to read a cover letter:

Recruiters will receive hundreds, even thousands of resumés in a working week. Frankly, they just don’t have the time to sift their way through all of them. Let alone hundreds of letters that accompany them. A large part of the time a cover letter just consists of a more elaborately worded version of your resumé anyway. You’re probably better off just making sure that all the important information is on your resume.

Automated online systems have taken over:

In the past, writing a tailored letter to an employer may be popular. Companies now have specific websites. Some used forms and fields to fill out regarding the job openings and your suitability. The systems will identify exactly which job you would like to apply for and will ask specific questions regarding your qualifications, skills and aptitude, cutting straight to the point and it is likely that this is the only information that recruiters will read, rendering cover letters obsolete.

Focus on what’s important:

It’s your resumé that does most of the talking when applying for a job. The way you present yourself on here will determine whether you are invited for an interview or not. It’s best to focus your energy on making it as strong and streamlined as possible. Centre your attention on customizing your resumé. Make useful connections, or building a portfolio of your work to exhibit your abilities.

All things considered, cover letters have most likely lost the significance that they once had. Time is valuable when you are on the job hunt. You can focus on producing a polished resumé. Do not waste your time writing them. You can make a CV that’s highlighting your strengths and career achievements. Try to do a resumé that can represent you in your best light.

10 Rules In Writing A Compelling Cover Letter
10 Rules In Writing A Compelling Cover Letter
Does your resume go better with a cover letter?

Some people say no, because nobody reads them. I agree to a point. Not all recruiters read resume cover letter. But I think many recruiters don’t because so many they see are a bit “blah blah blah.”

That’s when the resume cover letter says nothing new or exciting, nor does it say anything about why the candidate wants the job. In a sea of such banality, one way to make your resume cover letter stand out, is just to do a good one. You can do more than that, though.

Here are 10 rules to help you in making a compelling cover letter.

Rule # 1

Even if the job is advertised through a recruitment consultant you can still do your research. Call them and connect with them. They will probably not give you their client’s name but they may give you an outline of the challenges of the role as they see them. Your resume cover letter becomes far more engaging if you can tell the recruiter how they’ve inspired you to want to take this opportunity further.

Rule # 2

If you know who the company is, then there is no excuse for not looking up the website, doing thorough research and reading the LinkedIn profile of their company executives. And that’s just as a start.

The aim of this research is for you to find some compelling reasons to work for that organization and some ways that you can add value. So many people forget to say this on their cover letters.

Rule # 3

Your cover letter should clearly show you have read the job advertisement. The way you do this is to pick the key criteria in the advertisement and point out how you meet this in your letter.

Also use keywords from the advertisement, throughout your resume cover letter. That way it has a better chance of being picked up in screening software.

Rule # 4

Try to keep your cover letter to one page and three or four paragraphs.

The only real exception to this rule is if you are asked to respond to an “expression of interest.” An expression of interest is a mini-government selection criterion where you outline how you meet job criteria. Then your letter may run to two to three pages.

Rule # 5

Don’t be boring. Try to keep your own voice.

Rule # 6

Keep a logical format. I use “hook, ” “book, ” and “took.”

“hook” :- specific and memorable reasons as to why you want the role
“book” :- a coherent argument as to why you should be hired
“took” :- what you want to happen as a result of an employer reading your letter

Rule # 7

Be personal. If you have someone’s name use it. Ideally, a cover letter should start with a title Ms, Mr or Mrs.

The exception to this is when informality is invited. A first name is more acceptable in an informal email, perhaps if you already have had a conversation with the contact person.

Rule # 8

Type it. This sounds so basic. But I have to say this next bit because I have been asked this question.


An application in writing generally means typed.

Rule # 9

Plain white paper please. Pretty pink perfumed pages or something similar are never a good idea. Your letter will be unique, but for the wrong reasons.

Rule # 10

OK I’ve crammed a few things here into one rule. A cover letter should not be:

– a repeat of your resume
– a standard letter that you send out to everyone
– hard to read
– full of spelling and grammar mistakes

There you are! You got those rules. Make a wow impression from your recruiters and employers with your compelling resume cover letter.

How To Write An Honest Cover Letter To Avoid The Wrong Job
Nail Your Cover Letter

If you really want the job you’ve been dreaming about, you’ll need to put forth a little more effort and nail your cover letter.

Most employers expect to see a cover letter with every submitted resume. They are no longer optional. Even if they were, why would you pass up an opportunity to explain why you’re perfect for the job? This is your chance to showcase your personality and convince the employer to call you as opposed to any other applicant.

The last thing you want to do is lie on your resume or cover letter. Hiring managers want to hire you, not a representation of what you think they want. All lies will eventually come out. The cover letter is a chance to explain everything that won’t fit on your resume and present yourself as the perfect candidate. Now that you realize how important it is, here are some tips to boost the quality of your cover letter and get your dream job!

Address your cover letter to the right person

This may take a little research on your part, but if it’s at all possible, address your cover letter to a specific person. “To Whom It May Concern” is not only overused, but it shows a lack of effort. It’s especially embarrassing if you use this and the name of the manager is in the job ad. It shows you just don’t care. That’s not the impression you want to give.

Call the company and get the name of the person the application is going to. Taking this extra step will not only show that you are sincere about getting the job, but you respect the manager enough to find out his or her name. Doing your research also help avoid embarrassing mistakes such as addressing your letter to a Mr. Chris Smith, when Chris is actually a woman.

Put emphasis on what you can do for them — not what they can do for you

The cover letter is time for you to highlight your skills and what makes you the perfect candidate. The interview will be the time for more of an exchange and to convey your enthusiasm for the job. Right now, you’re trying to convince them of why they should call you in. If they get a feeling that you only want the job for superficial reasons (pay, prestige, etc.), they’ll think that you’re only trying to take. A good employee recognizes that to be successful, you have to give and take.

The hiring manager wants to see what you can bring to the company to help them grow and succeed. It’s fine to show a little enthusiasm in your cover letter, but spin it to how it will benefit the company. Think something like, “I’ve been following your company since it’s start up and I’ve love to bring my skills to the team.” Then give some suggestions on how you can do that.

Don’t just summarize your resume

The hiring manager already has a copy of your resume. Don’t use your cover letter to rewrite your job history in paragraph form. Elaborate on certain jobs and emphasize what skills you used and achievements you made there.

If you’re new to the employment field, use experiences from school. You can talk about how you’re always chosen to be the group leader in class and it gave you ample opportunity to develop management skills needed to bring to your future position. The cover letter is the place for you to talk about experiences that won’t fit on your resume.

Customize your cover letter for every position you apply for

Hiring managers can smell a stock letter from a mile away. Also, if you’re using the same letter and just changing small details such as the job title or the manager’s name, you’ll eventually slip up and send the wrong letter to a job. There’s no faster way to get your application in the trash.

Every new application should have a new cover letter. It’s work to rewrite your cover letter, but it’ll payout. It shows the hiring manager that you’ve done your research and you desire the position you’re applying for. Include a specific fact that only pertains to the company you’re applying for such as “I enjoyed the post on your company blog about…It helped me to…”

Call to action

Now that you have some tips, take the time to research your dream job. Visit the company’s website and take some notes. Take key points from your resume and tell a story about them. Discuss your enthusiasm for the job, but put your emphasis on what you can bring to the company. It’s not hard to write a cover letter, just takes a little bit of thought!

10 Awesome Interview Tips From Actual Hiring Managers
10 Awesome Interview Tips From Actual Hiring Managers

When you’re aggressively searching for a job, don’t you wish you had some interview tips from the interviewer? Do you wonder what does he really wants from you – and doesn’t want? We’ve found pure, unadulterated comments, complaints and advice from actual recruiters, hiring managers, and HR professionals that they wish job seekers knew.

Take a look at what they had to say, and pay attention. These interview tips may help you land that job!

Caveat: all hiring managers are different, and what works for one may not work for another. If you can learn from their LinkedIn profile about the person you’ll be meeting with, you may be able to judge which of these interview tips may work best for them.

1) Know when to be quiet are just one of the interview tips you must bear in mind!

  • “It’s OK to stop talking. I’ve interviewed far too many people who just don’t know when to shut up. Some people are nervous. Others are unsure. Some people don’t think for a second before they start blabbing, and they’re STILL trying to talk over the interviewer as they try to steer them towards the next question.” – Reddit
  • One recruiter concurred, saying an otherwise-qualified candidate may dash their chances by being too long-winded during an interview as it may indicate he or she may not be good at picking up on conversational cues and may raise doubts ability the candidate’s ability to organize their thoughts. – US News
  • Another recruiter said that a candidate who kept silent after being asked a difficult question scored bonus points for not answering too quickly. The interviewer said that the silence indicated that the candidate was mature and confident enough to deal with the pressure appropriately. Silence may indeed be golden. – Pongo Resume

2) Write a unique, well-prepared cover letter!

  • “Cover letters really are important. Oh my god, they are so important. Yes, you are repeating much of the same information as your resume, but it’s your chance to show me why it’s relevant to this opportunity. Selling yourself in this manner is a great skill. And so much easier to read than a list. And so much easier to dismiss you if you call the company or the job by the wrong name.” – Reddit
  • A recruiter stated that a small fraction of applicants take the time to produce a unique cover letter, allowing that candidate to stand out and worthy of consideration even when the resume may not be the best. – US News
  • Another was blunt in saying that most cover letter “stinks, ” and that candidates should endeavor to create a brilliant one. When a great cover letter crosses this recruiter’s desk, it influences his or her interest in the author. – The Muse

3) Yes, good manners count!

  • “Don’t interrupt the question being asked, by trying to finish it off yourself as if you and I are on the same wavelength. It’s rude, downright annoying, and honestly, it’s pretty cheesy thinking that you are finishing my sentences.” – Reddit
  • “Always be nice to the receptionist/anyone you come in contact with when you show up for the interview. If you’re a jerk to the person at the front desk, there’s a good chance they’ll say something to the person you’re there to see. Plus, it’s never too early to start making friends with support staff.” – Reddit

4) Be punctual – but don’t arrive too early!

  • One recruiter suggests that a candidate arrive no more than five or ten minutes early. Showing up too long before a scheduled appointment may make an interviewer feel rushed, creating an unfavorable impression even before they’ve set eyes on each other. – US News
  • “Don’t be late either. And if you are, ‘I couldn’t find the building’ or ‘I didn’t think it would take so long to get here’ are terrible excuses. Makes me think you have no research skills and can’t plan ahead.” – Reddit

5) Be prepared!

  • “For goodness sake, do a little research beforehand and have a few questions about the job and or employer lined up. At the end of an interview, if I ask the candidate if they have any questions for me (which I always do) and they just sit there slack-jawed, it really feels like they don’t really want the job. The interview process is your opportunity to figure out if the job is right for you, use it.” – Reddit

6) Prove you’re unique!

  • “The most important thing to remember in an interview is that you are competing with other applicants and want to set yourself apart from them. Everyone is qualified for the position, the entire point of the interview is to find out if you can present yourself in real life as well as you do on paper. (And to see if your personality is a good fit for the office.) Your entire job is making them remember you.” – Reddit

7) Be honest!

  • “Don’t lie…just don’t do it. You will be found out. It might not happen immediately but the truth will come out and what might seem like a small lie will snowball into something out of control.”– Reddit
  • Another recruiter recommended avoiding using “perfectionism” as the answer to the question, “what’s your greatest weakness?” You may come off as disingenuous and may even look like you’re avoiding the question. Not being realistic may make the interviewer think you can’t or won’t come up with a realistic assessment of areas for improvement. – US News

8) Speak up!

  • “It seems so basic, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people – even at senior level – don’t bother to do their homework properly about the companies and people they are being interviewed by. There really is no excuse for it in the age of the internet, and it makes us think ‘why should we employ you when you can’t even be bothered to find out how we work?'” – Career Structure
  • “For goodness sake, do a little research beforehand and have a few questions about the job and or employer lined up. At the end of an interview, if I ask the candidate if they have any questions for me (which I always do) and they just sit there slack-jawed, it really feels like they don’t really want the job. The interview process is your opportunity to figure out if the job is right for you, use it.” – Reddit

9) Follow up!

  • An interviewer stated that a thank-you note sent as a follow-up to a meeting isn’t just good manners. More than one in five hiring managers surveyed by CareerBuilder say they are less likely to hire a candidate who didn’t send a thank-you note. – Career Builder
  • “Follow up is huge, in my experience. I don’t see this enough from the candidates I interview. Getting an email or a letter from someone I interviewed would make them stand out from the other people applying for the job – both because it’s rare, and because it shows they are actually interested in the position. The follow-up shows you’re actually interested in the employer, and that they’re not just one of a hundred employers you’re sending resumes to.” – Reddit
  • “”Even if you think an offer is in the bag, you can always improve your chances of getting the job if you send a thank-you letter.” – Fast Company

10) But be patient!

  • “Please don’t follow up every day. It doesn’t show that you’re more dedicated or enthusiastic. At best it will come off as annoying, at worst it will feel like you don’t respect the person’s time. You have to remember that the hiring managers/interview team are making these decisions on top of their regular responsibilities, so don’t get too discouraged if you don’t hear back right away.” – Reddit
  • “My advice? Send thank you emails after each interview and then wait. If you get another offer in the interim and are going to accept, inform the recruiter. I think every recruiter on the planet wants to give their candidates a first-class experience, but we have limited resources. If you’re too aggressive or unpolished during the interview process, companies will think, ‘Wow, this person is going to be really high maintenance if we do hire them. Pass!'” – Brazen

Again, every interviewer is different and not all will agree with every single one of the above interview tips. But we found many hiring professionals each of whom expressed the same opinion on the above topics. Paying attention to these interview tips may help distinguish you from your competitors and help you get the job.


how to ace interview
Interview Tips: How To Ace Your Interview And Land The Job

The interview is your opportunity to make an unforgettable impression on the company you want to work for and get the job you want. Here are some hints and pointers that will help you make that positive impression:


Always be fully prepared – often it is the one thing that an otherwise very competent candidate is lacking. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Some of you are wondering what does that mean? Some tips for that include:

  1. Drive to the location before the interview so that you know how to get there, where the parking is, etc.
  2. Know the full name and title of the individual you are to meet with.
  3. Learn as much as you can about the company.
  4. Find out as much as you can about the interviewer and what they look for in a good candidate.
  5. Know what your goals and objectives are for the future so that you can measure these against what is being offered.
  6. Prepare questions that are specific to that position and that company.
  7. Always be professionally dressed. Even in business casual environments, a business suit is required for the interview process.
  8. Arrive on time.
  9. Bring hard copies of your resume. Often the interviewer will have printed it for themselves but it is always good practice to have it on hand just in case.
  • Bring a pen and a note pad in case you want to or need to make any notes.
The Interview:
  1. Remember this is your opportunity to shine. When greeting the interviewer make eye contact, extend a firm handshake and address your interviewer by last name.
  2. The interview is your chance to bring forth your strengths and to point out areas of your expertise that are applicable to this position. If you think you might forget some of these at the time, because of nerves, then be sure to list them on your note pad and, with your interviewer’s permission, refer to them.
  3. It would be best if you could remember them in case you do not get the opportunity to refer to your notes. Practice your answers; it will help in your memory.
  4. If you are interested in the opportunity, indicate that to the prospective employer.
Do’s and Don’ts:
  1. Be on time or a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time.
  2. If an application is necessary; fill it out in its entirety. Nothing is more annoying to an interviewer than looking at a blank application if it is part of their process. This, ladies and gentlemen, applies equally to interviews with companies and recruitment firms.
  3. Remember to smile and present yourself in an energetic and professional manner always.
  4. Never speak negatively about past employers or peers.
  5. Always maintain eye contact.
  6. Ask questions that are pertinent to the position and company.
  7. Point out areas that are a match between your skills and the requirements of the position.
  8. Be prepared to discuss ways in which you have excelled or situations where you have demonstrated your initiative and ability to be proactive.
  9. Be enthusiastic and positive.
  • Bring an original copy of your resume.
  • Always answer with a complete sentence. No “yes” or “no” answers.
  • Never smoke or chew gum in an interview.
Arrive prepared to answer questions about:
  1. Your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Why you are interested in that company.
  3. What you know about the company.
  4. Why they should hire you.
Arrive prepared to ask questions, such as:
  1. What would be my day to day responsibilities?
  2. What is the career path from this position?
  3. What is the company policy on promoting from within?
  4. How do I fit this role?
Do not ask questions like:
  1. How much vacation do you offer?
  2. Never initiate the salary question. Let your interviewer bring it up at the appropriate time.
  3. How many sick days are offered?

Questions such as these only leave the impression that you are only interested in how this role and company will serve your needs rather than a give and take of rights, expectations and responsibilities.

When Interviewing with a Recruiting Firm:

This step in the process is often underestimated and mistreated. In the current market, more than 70% of available opportunities are handled by recruitment firms.

This includes permanent, contract, temporary and project. Please remember when you have a meeting with a recruiter whatever side of your personality you choose to display is the side your recruiter will tell their client about.

If you mistreat your recruiter by being late, not completing their internal forms, being surly and uncooperative in the interview with them or in the time you spend in their reception area they WILL NOT REFER YOUR RESUME to their client.

This is not because they want to be mean to you but because you are their reputation. Give this some thought…recruiters do not manufacture anything. Their product is their customer service and YOU.

If you, the candidate, mistreat the recruiter they can only assume you will also mistreat their client. They have worked long and hard to get that client and they will not risk sending someone in who will potentially damage that relationship. Make sure to keep in mind these interview tips so you can get the job you’ve been eyeing for.

Top 10 Job Interview Tips And Tricks
Top 10 Job Interview Tips And Tricks

Do you know how to sell yourself in an interview? Have you found yourself freezing up? Have you ever had a question where you have not been able to work out what the interviewer was asking – or you could give an answer, but didn’t know if it was the right one? Here are top 10 interview tips for this month. As someone said on Twitter, these are not rocket science, but timely reminders of the basics:

1) Research the organization:

Everyone gets nervous in an interview. It’s a big occasion and you should be nervous. However, if you start with some thorough research, you start to build a case in your own mind of why you should be sitting in that interview room or in front of a panel. Having some confidence is a solid first step to overcoming nerves.

You can tell a lot about an employer from the employment pages of their website. Things such as the values they have, how easy it is to find out about potential jobs and their responses to you when you apply, can all tell you about the way they handle their recruitment.

This in turn may reflect what it’s like to work there. If it’s friendly and easy to apply for a job, then chances are they have given some thought to why you would want to work for them.

The web is a such wealth of facts, but what you need to do, is turn this into information. You can look at annual reports, media releases and product and service information. Online directories have company information and Google indexes the latest media news and references from other sources.

If a career page has an email contact for an employee, and invites contact, then do it. Often companies will use testimonials that way to attract new people. Use sites such as LinkedIn to research companies.

When you look for this information, you are not just looking for a set of unrelated facts. You should be looking for reasons that you want to work for that employer.

You’ll really impress the interviewer if you find some simple yet compelling reasons as to why you want to work for the employer and what appeals to you about the role.

2) Research the role:

One thing that constantly surprises me is that how few people really have any understanding of the role that they are applying for. Job advertisements are partly to blame for this. They are often misleading.

The person writing the advert is often not the person that you’ll be reporting to. Things always sound different on paper compared to what you will be doing in the role.

One of my clients recently applied for a job in the public sector. The position description said:

Building effective communication strategies with a variety of stakeholders and colleagues to ensure information exchanges are timely, accurate and useful.

This is what this statement meant:

Providing advice to staff and students on the status of their research applications.

If you see something like the above, try to talk to someone who knows about the role. A good question to ask is “what does a typical day or week look like?” Once you know what’s expected of you, preparing for the interview is instantly easier.

Also important is a real insight into the role and the recruitment process. Dig deeper than the advertisement. Put a call through if a contact number is provided. You can find out which of the skills that the employer requires are the priority.

You can determine what you can do without and importantly you can start to make yourself known (in a good way) to your future employer. Even if the advertisement doesn’t invite it, you can still contact the recruiter. If there are no contact details, be scrupulously polite, it usually means the employers are expecting a deluge of applications.

Ask them questions about the recruitment process, what the steps are, how long each step takes, and whether they’ve had many applicants. You’d be surprised at the information you’ll receive if you sound polite and interested.

3) Research yourself:

Employers want you to be self-aware. Have a long hard look at what you have achieved, the way you have achieved that result and the skills you developed or demonstrated along the way.

This type of reflection helps you understand your strengths. It gives you confidence and helps you overcome nerves.

4) Interviewer insight:

No two interview processes are the same. Depending on the organization and the role, you could be interviewed by a recruitment consultant, the HR department, the line manager, all three individually, or any combination.

Each will have a different agenda for the interview. This is important to remember as your approach with each should be slightly different.

The recruitment consultant is always the first screener. Their role is to match you to the employer’s requirements and sell you as an applicant. The consultant establishes their credibility with each good candidate they put forward to the employer.

Take time to woo them, even if you think they don’t know their stuff (as is a common criticism). Their role is essentially a sales one: to sell you the job and, if they believe you are right for the role, to sell you to their client. Make the consultant’s role easier by focusing on your strengths and achievements and point out why you are a good match.

The HR consultant is usually the recruitment procedural expert. One of their jobs is to ensure the organization meets its legal requirements. They often set up the recruitment process and have a strong attachment to ensuring it is working. It’s a safe bet that you will face a more structured interview from them, than you will from a line manager.

They are often the employer’s first screener and may need to sell you further, depending on their position and influence within the organization.

The line manager will be the person who is most concerned about finding someone for the role. They may be a person down or not meeting their organization’s objectives by being understaffed. In the interview, it will be the line manager who has the greatest sense of urgency about filling the role.

Focus on your workplace achievements when fielding their questions. Work hard to build rapport with them. They will be assessing your fit for their team.

It may sound obvious but treat each interviewer as if they don’t talk to each other and know anything about you. You’d be amazed at how little communication sometimes goes on between each party.

5) Practice:

Most organizations now use behavioral questions – which means they will be expecting you to provide specific examples of where you have demonstrated the skill they are seeking.

I strongly suggest practicing for an interview and seeking professional help. A professional is skilled at drawing examples out of you and finessing the ones you already have. However never memorize your lines as you can never predict all the recruiters will ask.

Memorizing answers will make you stressed in the interview if you can’t recall what you want to say. Worse, you may even not be answering the questions the interviewer asks.

6) Build rapport:

Be friendly. People like that!

One of the best ways to relax is to assume the interviewer is on your side. Good interviewers are not interested in tripping you up. In fact, most of them are on your side, or are at the very least they will be approaching the interview in a professional manner. It may even help to you to relax if you think of the interviewer as someone who wants you to do your best

7) Give yourself time:

Leave plenty of time to get to the interview. Rushing breeds panic. No matter what excuse you have, tardiness is noted. It creates a negative impression and it puts you behind immediately. Allowing waiting time for an interview gives you time to compose yourself, gather your thoughts and be mentally prepared.

8) Please be yourself:

Be yourself. You will be doing yourself no favors if you try and suppress your personality, or pretend to be something that you aren’t.

9) Relax:

While you think this may be the perfect job for you, it may be not. There are other jobs out there. If you keep this in mind then you’ll remove some pressure from yourself that this is your only chance to perform.

If you think the interview is going badly, relax and use it as practice for the next one. You never know, you could even recover if you take this approach.

10) An insider’s tip:

The interview is just the formal means of assessing your suitability as a candidate. However, you are not just assessed there. Each interaction you have with your future employer feeds into the bigger picture of their impression of you.

Use this knowledge. Be polite and friendly with whomever you meet in the process from the very first phone call to the last goodbye to the receptionist on your way out.

Interviews can be daunting. Here’s another blatant plug. When it comes to interviewing skills, practice with a professional does make perfect. These are just a few interview tips that can help you land the job you want.

Interview Tips: How To Answer ‘why Do You Want This Job?’
Interview Tips: How To Answer ‘Why Do You Want This Job?’

“So why do you want this job?” Answering that question in an interview should be easy! Often the answers are:

  • Well, I want a job…
  • I want to work…
  • I want to pay the mortgage/rent….
  • I want a promotion, it’s a bigger job…
  • I hate the job I’m in, I need to do something different…
  • My family are moving so I need to change jobs…
  • I’m a bit bored…
  • I like the sound of it…

I could go on.

The difficulty with all those answers is that they may well be true and they may well explain why you have applied for a new job but they do not tell the interviewer any good reason why you should have the job. When you are going for an interview or applying for a job you need to give the interview compelling reasons for giving you the job and that starts with the basic question: Why do you want it?

So how do you give them that compelling reason? By treating this question as an opportunity for your sales pitch. By thinking about what it is that the interviewer wants in a candidate and what it is that they need to hear.

Ever been turned down for a job because you did not sound very enthusiastic? Been told that they were not sure if you really wanted it? It is a pathetic bit of feedback to give someone. Surely the correct logic is that they offer and if you don’t want it, you turn it down. If you are the best person for the job they should offer, but, it happens, so you need to make sure that it does not apply to you. This is your chance to sound enthusiastic, if not actually passionate, but how do you do that without sounding gushing and false?

Here are 4 key steps to selling yourself into that job:

When you are asked about why you have applied for this role, why you want it, etc. Start with:

Step 1:

‘This is a great company /organization because…….’  Everyone likes to be flattered, so tell them why you think they are a good company, what it is you like about the company….

Step 2:

Describe the challenges of the role, even if it is a job that is routine. What are the issues they face in getting someone to do the role well?

Step 3:

Tell them the things that float your boat, the things you have just been doing, the challenges you really enjoy and give some brief examples.

Step 4:

Think about why they might not want to hire you and refute their logic.

So, if I was going for a job in my local Co-op shop I might say:

I think the Co-op is a great organization, I admire their ethical stance and I was very impressed when they had no issues over horse meat. That’s the sort of company I’d like to be in. I know you need staff who can work shifts, who are good with customers and who will make sure that the shelves are kept stocked and tidy. I really enjoy working with customers, helping them find things, explaining the difference between products and I hate untidy shops. It’s important to me to be polite and friendly, when I worked in the garage I tried to get every customer to smile before they left! It has been a while since I have done shop work but I don’t think you lose the passion to please the customer and make sure they always come back – I haven’t.

Remember this is your sales pitch and this is where you can bring together your knowledge of them and your enthusiasm. It is all about why they are great to work for not why you need the job.


Interview Tip: How To Sell Yourself At A Job Interview
Interview Tip: How To Sell Yourself At A Job Interview

If you are looking to get back in the workforce or feel now is the time to switch jobs, it is important to polish up your interviewing skills to put yourself in the best position possible to attain what job you want.

When going on your interview, your appearance and means of communication with your interviewer are just as important if not more so as to what resides on your resume.

It is important for those interviewing for a position to focus in on their non-verbal means of communication so they don’t slip up. Remember, your non-verbal communications can kill or deliver the results you want.

Be Prepared and Focused:

When you first meet and greet your interviewer, do you make good eye contact and deliver a firm handshake? If not, you could lose points right off the bat, leaving you to have to play catch up over the course of the interview.

Some other missteps that can doom an interview include not smiling, appearing unusually nervous, demonstrating bad posture, bad wardrobe or grooming and being animated when asked simple questions. Oh, this seems like a no-brainer, but don’t be late for your interview; you’d be amazed what message a little tardiness (non-emergency) can mean to an employer before you even sit down for a one-on-one chat.

A good way to avoid many if not these mistakes is by doing a practice interview the night before in front of family, friends and/or a mirror. While you don’t want to come across as too rehearsed, a little practice never hurt anyone. This also holds true with getting to your interview on time. It never hurts to do a practice run so you know the exact location of the interview and about how long it will take to get there.

Mind Your Body Language:

When it comes to starting the meeting, be sure to maintain good eye contact with the person interviewing you. By being focused on your interviewer, you’re engaged in the discussion and interested in what the company may be able to offer you; staring past the interviewer is surely not sending a good signal.

While not talking over or continuously interrupting your interviewer, it is to be expected that you will have some questions regarding the company, so prepare them ahead of time. This allows you to come ready to learn about the position you’re applying for, how your role will impact the employer and what the company can do for you.

Don’t Put Salary at the Forefront:

One question that should not be at the forefront of your list is how much money the job will pay, as nothing looks worse than if you’re only interested in the salary. While it is only natural to want to know what your income will be with your new employer, don’t be overly aggressive in getting to that issue.

Finally, the reason you’re on an interview in the first place is that you either lost your last job or are looking to switch jobs. With either being the case, do not talk bad about your former or present employer.

Don’t Burn any Bridges:

The last thing an individual should do is burn bridges with a former or present boss. Doing so can have a negative impact going forward on your career, not to mention come across to a potential employer as negative and one reason not to hire you.

When you go on a job interview – the bottom line is simple – Sell, sell and sell yourself.

The Cover Letter Format To Use To Get Your Resume Read
The Cover Letter Format To Use To Get Your Resume Read

The job of the cover letter is to get you an interview, but what if your resume doesn’t even get read?

One way of increasing your chances is attaching a great cover letter, as the job of the cover letter is to entice the reader to learn more about you and read that resume.

A well-written cover letter will help your resume or CV stand out from the crowd. A hiring manager, recruiter or HR person will be snowed under with applications such as yours and therefore you had better make yours be special.

The key question/problem the cover letter should answer/solve is “Why select you?” This means you have to clearly state what you do better than others, what makes you unique and how the reader would be making a mistake by not considering you for the position. Here are a few guidelines on putting together a killer cover letter today:

Details on the Cover Letter:

Make sure you put the typical details at the top of the page, get all the details right and check them a few times before sending off:

  • Your Address
  • Date
  • Mr. /Ms. (Name of Employer)
  • Title
  • Company Name
  • Their Address
  • Dear Mr./Ms. (Their Name Again)
First paragraph:

We begin by starting our business, basically telling the reader what job you are applying for and why. Let’s keep this short and to about three sentences, cover these points:

  • Reason for writing and which role you are applying for.
  • Drop any names of people you know in the organization here, e.g. “John Smith in your department encouraged me to send an application as he thinks I have the required skills to succeed.”
  • Give any compelling reasons you have applied for the position or company. Keep it short and sweet, with the view to inspire the reader.
Second paragraph:

Here’s your chance to tell the employer why you are the man/woman for the job. Bring out some of your most relevant skills and experiences and mention how they will be applied in the new position. Pick out three examples of major achievements and provide the story to back these up:

  • Start out with a short introduction focused on your achievements and how your skills and experience will be a good match for the new job.
  • Use the rest of the paragraph to support and back up your introduction. This is where you exhibit your evidence in terms of specific positions/roles/responsibilities and so on.
  • Keep this paragraph punchy and designed to impress, not to bore anyone. Don’t write too much about one accomplishment that you are the most proud of as you don’t know what the reader will think.
  • Wrap things up with the final sentence, repeat the job title and company to further position yourself as the right person for the job in the mind of the reader.
Last paragraph:
  • A short paragraph that simply mentions your attached resume, tells the employer you are looking forward to an interview and let them know you will be in contact by a specific date.
  • Don’t forget to thank the person reading your cover letter for their time and consideration.

Your Signature (scan this)
Your Name

Word of warning

A classic mistake is to use the same cover letter for all applications. This is counter-productive and the employer can spot it a mile away. The one-size-fits-all cover letter will result in your resume being deleted before even opened.

Recruiters Top Traits
What Is The Future Of Work Agencies?

I’ve written a few blogs for Complete Staff Solution on how companies can reduce their agency spend by focusing on direct hires instead of work agencies. From speaking to other HR types and recruitment consultants that I work with, it’s an increasing trend. Social media, especially LinkedIn, is making it easier than ever for organisations to source their own talent.

‘Hollowing out’ work

Direct sourcing is only one aspect of recruitment, and the world of work generally, that is changing. I recently attended the London Business School Future of Work Consortium, focusing on the future of talent. ‘Hollowing out’ of work is one of the key trends we will increasingly face over the next decade or so. For years now we have been outsourcing work to the developing world. The trend is replacing lots of work previously done by people with machines and computers.

As this trend continues, we will end up with a labour market with a big gap in the middle. The result will be lots of highly specialized work, for which there is predicted to be a shortage of suitable candidates, and lots of low skilled work which needs to be done by people, such as care work.

Other trends for work agencies

Other trends will also impact recruitment: changing demography, increased globalization and continuously increasing technology. Talent will also become more distributed as technology will mean your location is no longer a barrier to you doing certain types of work. Middle manager will apparently become an endangered species.

From a recruitment perspective, this war for talent people have talked of for years. This is predicted to become real in the not too distant future.

What does this mean for the future of recruitment and work agencies?

Recruiters are going to have to be agile. The old methods of attracting people to your organisations just won’t cut it in the future. We may well need to create our own talent by engaging those leaving education and investing significantly in their careers through learning and development.

Employer brand will become increasingly important, as will taking into account as part of your EVP the needs of five generations in the workplace.

If you want to attract and retain the best, you carefully consider and improve your offered benefits.

With regard to work agencies, they will also need to adapt to this changing environment. All of these factors will significantly impact their traditional operating model. At the same time, it may also present significant opportunity for those who are looking to the future.

The demand for low skill work means that there still will be a need for temporary agencies supplying short term labour. This might be sending in warehouse staff to cope with temporary demand, or sending a temp receptionist for holiday cover, but these work agencies can survive the future of recruitment. The predicted demand for highly skilled workers presents a real opportunity for work agencies operating at the senior end, as well as retained search. These workers will be able to demand a premium in the future and will be highly sought after.

The Truth About Employment Agency
The Truth About Employment Agency

The world of contingent, employment agency is extremely competitive. The salesperson that visits clients will usually have a nice suit on and promise you the world, but as the saying goes, don’t ask how the sausage is made.

The main thing to understand is that contingent recruiting is a sales game and, as with any sales industry, it is all about earning commission. Employment agency recruiters must provide a majority of their service for free and there still is never a guarantee of earning their commission. [I would venture to say recruiters provide roughly 80% of their services for free]. It is only if their candidate gets selected will they be paid. As a result, it creates a lot of competition, not just amongst competing agencies, but between the many candidates the recruiter has sent to the client.

Therefore, employment agency recruiters focus more on making a successful placement with any candidate rather than a specific candidate. So while a candidate may be sent to that client by the recruiter, there could be as many as 5 – 10 other candidates being sent as well. This makes for a difficult situation because the candidate and recruiter have the same goal, but different outcomes. What I mean is both parties want a successful placement, but the recruiter will be happy with whoever gets placed as long as they are earning a fee.

The point of this article is to take a look into the truth behind employment agency recruiting. Please understand that I do not have an axe to grind against the agency world. I spent the majority of my career in that environment and I had a great time. I made great money, met some of my closest friends and helped change the lives of people when it came to their careers. However, there are parts of the world of employment agency recruiting that I feel it is important for people to understand:

1) Employment agency recruiters are not there to get a candidate a job:

If you are working with an employment agency recruiter, do not expect them to fight to get you a job.

Ultimately recruiters are loyal to those who pay their salary – those people are the client. They will contact you about a job, but if you do not fit the bill it is on to the next candidate. Yes you will enter into a pipeline of candidates because that recruiter should be filling similar positions. However, if they do not have an immediate role for you, do not expect them to go around looking for you!

2) Recruiting agencies hire young:

Most employment agencies hire right out of college. There are many reasons for this, but the one I have noticed the most is because recent college graduates will work 60 hour weeks for about 30K a year. That is typically what is asked of you right out of the gate. Most agencies will have working hours from 7:30- 5:00, however if you leave right at 5:00 you can expect a not so great meeting with your manager the next day. As a result there is a high turnover rate.

The amount of people I have seen get let go is astounding. It’s the main reason companies like Aerotek, Adecco, Robert Half or any of the other major employment agency won’t hire someone with experience. It is impossible to get someone with good recruiting experience to agree to that kind of demand.

3) Employment Agency recruiters have the candidates’ best interest in mind when it benefits the recruiter:

A candidate is only useful to an employment agency recruiter if they are in consideration for a job. If you are not in consideration for an opening they will most likely not give you a second thought.

Again this industry is sales based and a popular phrase in the agency world is “closest to the money”. A candidate not in consideration is not closest to the money therefore is an afterthought.

4) Your resume may open the door for other candidates:

Go to any car dealership and what will you notice? The shiny, new cars are always out front drawing the customer into the showroom. Recruiting is no different.

If your resume is one that is impressive on paper consider yourself that shiny car. Recruiters will use your resume to show their clients that they should do business with them because they will get them the best resumes. It is good to see yourself as the resume that opens the door for them, but you may only be starting the process to get someone else hired.

Hiring managers do not want to hire the first person they see, they want to do their due diligence. So while your resume may be the catalyst that starts the conversation between a client and a recruiting agency, you may just be setting up someone else to get the job.

5) Candidates are numbers:

The old saying goes “Sales is a numbers game”. The same goes for recruiting. When a recruiter first starts out in the agency world candidates are treated as numbers. For example, when I first started my career at Aerotek I was told to just bring in as many candidates as possible to gain experience. Regardless if I had a job for them or not I should bring them in for an interview. What about the candidate? They are taking their time to come into the office and interview with a recruiter, for what? All so the recruiter can gain experience? I am not against training people, but that is up to managers, not the responsibility of prospective candidates.


This article is not to persuade someone from entering the recruiting industry or candidates from working with agency recruiters. I personally have gone through all these experiences and have enjoyed my career tremendously. If you survive the initial demands as an agency recruiter there is a great career awaiting you. So if you are looking for a career in the industry, jump on in! Just understand the truth behind what goes on.

As a candidate you need to be selective with who you work with. Develop a relationship with a recruiter beyond just picking up the phone the next time a job comes in. Understand which recruiters are working in your specific industry and networking with the people you want to meet. Then develop an understanding with the recruiter of what your career goals are. That way, they can align you with the proper hiring managers. A good recruiter should be there to create conversation between two people who normally may not be connected. Employment agency recruiters can open up doors that you didn’t even know existed.

Recruiting tips from recruitment and labour hire experts
4 Tricks Of The Trade Top Executive Recruitment Consultants Don’t Want You To Know

Executive recruitment, in general, is a much higher level of service than your average hiring process. Its focus, thoroughness and complexity are aligned to the significant level of investment involved in recruiting high calibre, senior and executive roles. Here are some tricks of the trade that top executive recruitment consultants follow for success.

1) Research:

Research is fundamental and the key to a successful executive recruitment project. Market insights enable consultants to find the best candidates for their clients, focusing research to really understand their client, the role, the industry sector and the pool of target candidates.

For best results, it’s important to implement a process. You need to have a thorough industry intelligence and research. You discover who your client is, what they are all about, and their industry competitors.

2) Consultative approach used in executive recruitment:

To really excel within executive recruitment, a consultative process is paramount. This means becoming fully immersed in your clients’ company cultures, becoming their trusted advisor, being passionate about their challenges and dreams and striving to achieve success together.

Your approach should be all about proposing data-backed solutions. These solutions should be working together to understand obstacles and working creatively to remove them. Become an extension of your clients, carrying out employee bench-marking to ensure you really understand their superstars.

3) Body language:

Understanding body language is one trick of the trade that can’t be missed out of this post. By investing time to meet with potential candidates face to face, you can gain a better understanding of them. Seeing the whites of someone’s eyes and “pressing the flesh” cannot be substituted if you really want to get under an individual’s skin.

By reading body language, you can assess how suitable a candidate is for a role. You will know whether they will integrate well to your client’s culture.

4) Building relationships:

Building strong relationships with your clients is crucial, as success comes from the journey you provide your candidates. Appointing a senior executive is a significant investment for both parties. The client relies on getting the recruitment right to have business success. The move of the candidate has to align with his career goals.

Being a successful executive recruitment consultant means going above and beyond what’s expected. These are proven ‘tricks of the trade’, thought out processes driven by a passion for our work. Try all these, and definitely, you’ll do the executive recruitment right.

Recruitment Agencies 10 Step Hiring Process
Your Career Type & What It Means For Your Success

We have moved well beyond the traditional organisational career, where individuals are hired in to an organisation that takes full accountability for providing the career pathway to suit the needs, capabilities and preferences of that individual. Traditional career pathways were very entrenched in this model of career development where the success drivers were hierarchical progression; ‘ladder climbing’ being the best expression used to describe this approach.

However, the global organisation structure has changed and in many markets, this has been reflected in the change to different career development approaches. Specifically, it has introduced the protean career and boundaryless career. Although there are strong similarities between each of these, there is a slight differentiation in their purpose:

The protean career is a name given to describe a career that is driven by the individual and not by the organization, however the career may remain within the organisational boundaries. The boundaryless career is similar to the protean career however, a boundaryless career focuses on external influences to deliver their objectives and is not limited by organisation, industry, culture or location.

Each of these define a new level of complexity for organisations in talent management and recruitment practices, but it also presents new challenges in different cultures and labour markets. Importantly however, this different approach to career development has a substantial impact on your ability to achieve success if you do not align your career type to what is available or suitable to you.

Why should you know what type of career is your preference?

The way you approach your career development, or in the more traditional term, the way you desire your organisation to provide you career development, will depend on your type of career preference. For some cultures, career development and employment regulations enforce a more traditional, hierarchical organisational career offering. In this circumstance, individuals that are seeking a more protean or boundaryless career may not achieve this in their current location.

How will this impact your career success?

As organisations change, their talent management strategies change to reflect their growing needs and objectives. This may alter their approach to career development, talent management as well as recruitment and selection for staff. This change may suit some of the existing employees. However, if the organisation strategy seeks to move to hiring individuals looking beyond organisational, cultural and country boundaries, this may limit career success within this organisation if you are seeking to remain in a more traditional organisational career.

There are a great number of influences that determine why an organisation may seek to employ individuals desiring different career types. Specifically, the way an individual manages their career and seeks to achieve their own career objectives influences the policies, internal culture and work environment within an organisation. Furthermore, organisations that are looking to expand themselves beyond cultural or country boundaries may see that they need to look for individuals seeking boundaryless careers to support this.

How do you determine what career type you are?

Like all great advice, talking to a career coach or career development practitioner is a great place to start to understand your specific preferences. Working with a qualified professional can then support you in delving deeper in to how to align these preferences to organisations, industries, labour markets and work environments.

However, if you feel that you wish to start with your own research, here are some questions that if you answer ‘yes’ to, can determine what type of career you are:

Organisational career

  • Am I keen to have someone else facilitate and define my career opportunities?
  • Do I like the stability of remaining within 1 organisation across my career?
  • Do I have limited flexibility and mobility in where I can work or where I can move my family to?
  • Am I not interested in relocation or frequent travel beyond my existing environment?

Protean career

  • Am I interested in defining my own career direction and identifying the required steps to take to get there?
  • Am I keen to work with my current organisation to provide the foundation for this?
  • Do I have limited flexibility and mobility in where I can work or where I can move my family to?
  • Am I not interested in relocation or frequent travel beyond my existing environment?

Boundaryless career

  • Do I want full ownership of my own career direction?
  • Am I motivated to achieve my career regardless of the industry sector or organisation?
  • Am I comfortable with change and the need to be mobile and flexible?
  • Am I limited in the location that I am able to move to?
  • Can I undertake frequent travel?
  • Am I excited by the opportunity to experience different cultures and lifestyles?

Although there is a lot more planning and thought required to understand your own career pathway, these interview questions will allow you to have a greater understanding of what career type best suits you. This will change as your priorities in life change, however, having the knowledge of different career types will ensure that you can analyse what is best for you when the time comes.

Recruiters Top Traits
Recruiters Top Traits

How can you be the best recruiter that companies have to keep?
There are several different ways, and there isn’t one simple rule that governs success. Different clients will have different opinions about what type of partnership they prefer with their recruiters. Still, there is a certain set of skills that character traits that all the best recruiters share… and they’re written into what they do every day… RECRUIT!

Whether you’re a newbie recruiter or a seasoned one, it doesn’t matter – if you’re doing well, it’s likely you possess these character traits.

E for enthusiastic

The best recruiters are the ones who get excited about their work and bring truckloads of enthusiasm to their client briefs and candidate needs. They keep a positive attitude and inject energy and effort into the work they do. It’s contagious. It means the recruiter provides a high quality of service. The one that’s enjoyable and memorable.

C for competitive

Best recruiters are also competitive in a healthy way. They absolutely thrive in an environment where they must rise to the top and get ahead. These job hunters are corporate Adrenalin junkies who want to come out on top. They will do anything it takes to get there. They don’t take no for an answer and make things happen.

R for ravenous recruiters

These recruiters are not just hungry to do a good job. They’re ravenous for it! They don’t stop until they find the perfect person for their client, and the perfect role for their candidate! The saying is being ‘hungry for success’, but they really do take this to a new level. They don’t stop and constantly work to feed a need that can never truly be satisfied!

U for useful

Knowledgeable recruiters are huge assets to any business! They are extremely useful, providing not only candidates, but market updates and advisory services to help their client benchmark their opportunities and recruitment / hiring practices. Recruiters are also incredibly useful for candidates. They make introductions on their behalf and advising them through the recruitment process, until they land the job they want.

I for intuitive

Great recruiters are extremely intuitive. They are able to read people and situations and navigate a desirable outcome. Oftentimes, they follow their noses and can pick up on special cues around them. They trust their own judgment and back themselves.

T for talkative

These professionals love to talk and get people talking in return! They’re great at picking up important information from conversations and are masters at striking up a good old chat with a potential business partner, candidate or client. What makes this such an important trait, is the fact that it’s backed up by excellent listening skills! Recruiters will benefit from being talkative if they match it with second to none listening.

There can be more other traits that all great recruiters possess, but with the word RECRUIT, we are reminded of some few qualities.

Recruiters Top Traits
Top 17 Songs Every Recruiter Can Relate To

We’ve all been there, on the roller-coaster of emotions that is recruitment. From the Monday morning hell which requires nothing short of a double espresso, through to the vainglory which kicks in during deal swag season. Here are some of my top song picks to get you through the good and bad weeks / months / years of recruiting:

1. Your first day as a recruitment consultant

Song choice: Travie McCoy – Billionaire

It’s your first day as a recruitment consultant. Your new manager sits you down for an introduction and the commission structure is broken down in more detail, meanwhile you’re sat there just thinking “I wanna be a Billionaire so bad”!

2. Monday blues

Song Choice: Daniel Powter – Bad Day

You’ve finally left the office after a miserable Monday, having endured the beginning of the month meeting where you were grilled by your seniors about last month’s performance. It’s now time to reflect and move on / have a large bottled size glass of red wine.

3. That HR manager blocks your deal

Song choice: Puddle Of Mudd – She Hates Me

Yes, you may have gone directly to the hiring manager behind HR’s back… but what else could you do when they decided to ignore your emails and calls, despite the fact that you had the perfect candidate for them? You managed to get the manager bought in and then you get a call from the HR manager telling you that all future communications are blocked and interviews have been cancelled!

4. That warm / smug feeling of being in high demand

Song Choice: Right Said Fred – I’m Too Sexy

When that same client (which you desperately wanted to work with) who turned you down after telling you that they decided to work with a range of cheaper agencies and assured you they didn’t need your services, comes running back.

5. Sifting through rubbish applications

Song choice: TLC – No Scrubs

One of the banes of being a recruiter, when you’re getting a pile load of irrelevant applications (often duplicate) and the applicants are also keen to check in twice a day on their application process and resell themselves in for the position!

6. Job insomnia

Song choice: Cypress Hill – Insane In The Brain

When you spend your thirsty Thursday staying late in the empty office alone (ignoring the continuous snapchats from others in the office who off out at your favourite bar) but it’s ok because you’re going to send over some top quality candidates to a new ‘hot’ job… It gets to the following Tuesday and your client’s disappeared off the end of the earth!

7. Realising that ‘amazing’ candidate isn’t so irreplaceable

Song choice: Beyonce – Irreplaceable

When you find a candidate that you think will get the job but they turn out to be a DIVA, maybe they blank you continuously for 48 hours and you’re feeling hopeless… then you find someone with a better skill set who’s keen on your role.

8. When that candidate comes crawling back

Song choice: Kelis – Trick Me

That same candidate that dogged you once comes crawling back. They might have a good set of experience on there CV but they’re a major Houdini when it comes to commitment. Now that you’re older and wiser to their trickery, you know exactly what they’re like and unfortunately that ‘role is no longer available’.

9. Budgets have been reset and you’ve got a pile of new jobs to work

Song choice: Missy Elliott – Work It

Wow, this is a change for the books – you’ve gone from frantically trying to find the scraps of unworkable jobs to having 10 land on your desk at once. Feeling funky with a fresh lease of life now, you’ve just got to decide if each one is worth it… and whether to work it or not!

10. Continuously being knocked down

Song choice: Chumbawamba – Tubthumping

When you work 5-10 hours overtime daily just to get badly beaten by another agency continually for two weeks. Note to self: keep self belief that there’s light at the end of the deal tunnel, and move on!

11. When someone asks you about your diet since having started our recruitment career

Song choice: Fast Food Rockers – Fast Food Song

Before starting in the recruitment industry you’d like to think of yourself as fairly healthy, but recently those late nights in the office trawling through jobs boards followed by a stint of continuous alcohol consumption has resulted in a rapid decline in the consumption of healthier alternatives, whilst Deliveroo and Dominos seem to have become an excellent option!

12. Don’t go chasing waterfalls

Song choice: TLC – Waterfalls

When you’ve got no core roles on but things keep cropping up outside of your remit, not exactly the kind of area you cover and your manager’s stood over your desk telling you not to stray from what you know (maybe you’ll ping some people over outside of core hours).

13. KPI Chains

Song choice: Mary Mary – Shackles

When everyone leaves the office for team drinks but you’re 20% off hitting your months KPI’s and today’s the last day of the month – you realise that you’ll be begrudgingly catching up on these for at least the next couple of hours.

14. When office haters start hating on your high commission lifestyle

Song choice: The Notorious B.I.G – Mo Money Mo Problems

Last month you did pretty well and you’re feeling pretty fly in your new outfits this week, whilst you can admit that your new Versace sunglasses indoors may be a little excessive you can’t help but feel like haters gonna hate.

15. When you fill the ‘unplaceable’ job

Song choice: Montell Jordan- This is how we do it

Everyone told you that you wouldn’t be able to do it but you got that recruiter’s twinge to go outside of what people told you to do and guess what? Candidate start date is confirmed, notice handed in… do a little dance.

16. When they call out top biller for the month and it’s you

Song choice: Destinys Child – Say My Name

Yeah that’s right- it’s recap of last month’s activity and your director refers to the statistics before announcing the top biller of the month. You look around, hmm wonder who it could be (secretly know it’s you) and get ready to walk to the front in diva manner/act surprised.

17. All work work work

Song choice: Rihanna – Work

We all have those friends who always seem to be free to do something, yet you can’t help but feel like all you do is ‘work, work, work’. Bailing on social plans only to spend the night alone in the office submitting CVs is only possible if you repeat ‘staff incentive trip’ over and over and over again…

Every role has it’s ups and down and it’s no secret that recruitment agency can be testing – hopefully this will help to get you through the ups and downs and get you out the other side of the week! If you’d like to keep the playlist on standby, it can be found here!

10 Up And Coming Business And Recruiting Hotspots In The Australia
10 Up And Coming Business And Recruiting Hotspots In The Australia

While major cities obviously still play a key part in business, such as Melbourne and Sydney, there are plenty of other cities around Australia which are now up and coming Business and Recruiting Hotspots. While it may not be unusual for business giants to flock to a particular location in a country or city, it’s nice to see that huge corporations are finally branching out to explore new places to build offices. As businesses will obviously want to be located somewhere that has low business tax rates and financial programmes, as well as perhaps a low cost of living, a lot of research needs to be carried out to find the most ideal business location for their needs. While one location may be more suitable for one type of business than another, generally businesses will be drawn to similar offers and benefits.

How to choose which location?

Obviously, a telling factor and good indication of whether you should set up offices in a particular location is whether some of the most famous names in business, such as Apple and Facebook have set up offices there. Quite surprisingly, they seem to have spread out around Australia, rather than all flocking to one particular area. For example, Coca Cola have their offices based in Central Coast, which is becoming one of the hottest cities in the south, and is now the base for innovative companies such as Nuracode and We&Co. While Google and IBM have decided that Coffs Harbour is the location for them, as it has the highest concentration of software engineers per capita in Australia according to a study in 2012 by the Australian Electronics Association.

While some smaller businesses may be more motivated to move somewhere where huge corporations such as Google and Coca Cola have relocated to, other companies spend a lot of time carrying out their own research into what that particular area may offer. For example, Grafton has decided to show its support for small businesses with a dedicated entrepreneurial hub called the Startup Building which provides a communal workspace with desks for rent. The city also boasts a cost of living that is 5.5% lower than the national average, and between 2014-15 the number of non-farm jobs grew by 6.9% – the highest rate in the country.

Which cities offer what?

While Grafton offers a great system for start-up businesses, other cities offer different benefits. Lismore in NSW is home to some of the well-known tech giants around the world, such as Facebook and Apple, and it’s not surprising to discover why, as NSW is one of the seven states in which individuals and corporations don’t pay income tax. In addition to this, it was ranked as the healthiest small business climate in the south by On Numbers in 2010, 2011 and 2012, as it is increasingly attracting young professionals to the area. Then there’s Newcastle, the second-largest economic center in the Midwest, which boasts a range of financing programs to help local businesses and has the 15th lowest business-tax rate; while Recruiting Hotspots such as Orange City can offer access to many resources from the University of Orange, one of the country’s leading biomedical and chemical research institutions, as well as favorable corporate and property tax incentives.

Even though already-established cities will continue to boom in business, the benefits on offer from smaller, lesser-known cities are becoming more attractive to corporations. The fact that labour hire tech giants such as Facebook and Apple have already begun to embrace these benefits from smaller cities just goes to show how valuable they can really be. If you’re thinking of relocating your offices, or indeed your home to move closer to a new booming business location, take a look at our list of cities below to find out which one would be best suited to you.

10 Rules In Writing A Compelling Cover Letter
The Do’s And Don’ts To An Effective Cv

You see the perfect job, know you can do it, apply and anxiously await feedback. In the back of your mind you are thinking what do we look for?

I thought I would take some time to guide you through what a successful CV looks like from an internal recruitment perspective and give you tips and hints for success when applying directly.

Your CV is one part of the recruitment process that is entirely in your control. Get it right and you significantly increase your chances of being selected for interview. Get it wrong and you run the risk of your application being overlooked.

Section 1 – Header

No CV should be more than three sides of A4. It should be a synopsis of your suitability for the role in question, not a full itemization of your career history – and its presentation speaks volumes about your communication skills.

Make it as concise and compelling as possible, starting with the header. Save space elsewhere by putting your personal and contact details here and leaving out extraneous details such as date of birth, marital status or any photos.

Section 2 – Personal Statement

Your CV is your selling document. Open your pitch with your personal profile – a short paragraph that captures your key skills, core offer and career aspirations. This needn’t be more than 50 words – it should pithily sum up what makes you the ideal person for the job.

Section 3 – Career History

Give this section the attention it deserves. As the showcase for your relevant experience, it’s undoubtedly the most important part of your CV.

List your jobs in reverse order, starting with the most recent and giving basic details for each: company name; dates; job title. Write a quick summary of the role, followed by bullet points of your core activities and key achievements. If you have a lot of experience, stick to more recent jobs and projects.

Your summary shouldn’t read like a job description. Provide context by focusing on the tangible results of your work. For example, rather than ‘responsible for implementing SaaS project’, say ‘successfully implemented SaaS project on time, to budget, with excellent client rating and projected revenue increases of 15%’.

Use key phrases that will resonate with the reviewer (‘design’, ‘architecture’, ‘stakeholder management’ etc.) and clear, directive action words (e.g. ‘implemented’, ‘achieved’, ‘directed’, ‘recommended’).

Section 4 – Qualifications

List your degree, professional qualifications and relevant technology certifications in reverse chronological order. There’s no need to include every single technology you’ve worked with; only the ones relevant to the job you’re applying for.

CV Dos and Don’ts time!

  • Consider using the structure outlined above
  • Keep it concise – realistically, you only have 60 seconds to impress!
  • Keep it simple and easy to read
  • Organize it well – keep sentences short and use bullet points
  • Make it relevant – it should only include information pertinent to the job you’re applying for
  • Go into more detail about recent roles (summarize key tasks for older jobs and only elaborate if it’s relevant)
  • Use facts not opinions to describe your achievements – ‘consultancy revenues rose by 20%’ says far more than ‘highly successful consultant’
  • Detail your personal input into team accomplishments
  • Explain any gaps in your work history
  • Be honest and accurate – our recruiters need to verify the information you give to progress your application, so any anomalies will be picked up
  • Review your CV at least twice before you send it – critically assess whether it best reflects your suitability for the role, scour it for mistakes and if possible ask someone else to proofread it too.
  • Go over three sides of A4
  • Use humor or attention-grabbing gimmicks
  • Include photos or pictures
  • Over-complicate things – with so little time to make an impression, it’s far better to use plain English and a clear format
  • Repeat yourself
  • Use the word ‘I’ any more than is necessary – you’d be surprised how easily a single letter can dominate a document
  • Make your career summary read like a series of job descriptions – keep the focus on your achievements within each role
  • Understate your case – this is the place to take full credit for your achievements
  • Include hobbies or interests – you’re just wasting precious space
  • Submit your CV until you are 100% convinced it doesn’t contain any spelling or grammar errors
5 Ways To Simplify A Long Cv While Maintaining Sophistication And Nuance
5 Ways To Simplify A Long Cv While Maintaining Sophistication And Nuance

Confession time: recruitment is as much about quantity as it is about quality, and most recruiters work in a permanent state of overdrive to hit volume and placement targets.

As a result, successful recruiters are efficient recruiters: those who are able to quickly get through the huge stack of CVs sitting on their desks.

What does this mean for you? There’s no surer way to make a recruiter run screaming in the other direction than to hand over a multi-page monstrosity of a CV.

If your CV is more than 4 pages long or doesn’t follow a simple, easy-to-read format, you’d be well served by taking some time to simplify. The good news is: simple doesn’t equal plain, and it’s possible to have a sophisticated and nuanced CV without causing recruiters’ eyes to glaze over, beginning with these 5 strategies.

  1. Use Grouping to your Advantage.

While reverse chronological CVs are certainly the most common – and preferred – CV style, you shouldn’t be afraid to tweak this tried and true format if you have a legitimate reason.

Professionals with significant project experience, consultants or sole traders with multiple clients, and people who’ve switched positions frequently within the same company are most likely to benefit from this technique, as it allows for a succinct summary of multiple roles.

The trick is to group responsibilities together whilst still highlighting individual projects and accomplishments.

My team does this by describing role mandates and common responsibilities in 5 or 6 bullet points, and creating a ‘Key Engagements’ or ‘Projects’ section with 1 to 2 bullet points per project to describe your role and highlight results.

  1. Use the Russian Doll Approach.

I swear by this approach, because it allows me to subtly direct the readers’ attention to the most important experience, which is typically also the most recent.*

Think of your current role as the largest in a set of nesting Russian matryoshka dolls: because it’s the most important, it should take up the most amount of space – around 5 to 7 ‘responsibilities’ bullet points and 3 to 5 ‘accomplishments’ bullet points.

As you move further back in your career history, imagine each role as a smaller doll, and give it less space on the page. This will keep the overall length in check, while allowing you to give the most important information the detailed approach it deserves.

*Of course, this approach only works if your most recent experience is indeed the most relevant.

  1. Master the Mandate.

If I’m honest, most long and complex CVs don’t have to be; the writer simply didn’t do a great job at presenting the information briefly.

Considering you only have 6 seconds to capture a recruiters’ attention, its crucial you make the time you have count. That means putting the most important information for each role up-front, so even recruiters that stop reading past the first bullet point get a good idea of what you did.

Make the first bullet point for each role a ‘super bullet’ that includes:

  1. a high-level overview of the role,
  2. the mandate,
  3. and the main target.

Here’s an example: Divisional leadership role [overview] driving market expansion across 5 APAC markets[mandate] to turn around financial performance and restore divisional profitability [target].

  1. What-Why Writing.

Many people have difficulty summarizing a role using less than 10 bullet points, and as a result, role descriptions spiral out of control and take up way more space than they need to.

The solution is to create fewer, but more complex, bullet points, using What-Why writing.

For each ‘responsibility’ bullet point, express what you did, leading with an action verb, and why you did it, showing the positive impact your actions had.

For example: Forged cross-functional partnerships with senior client stakeholders (what) to identify business requirements and ensure the project plan aligned with organizational priorities (why).

  1. Be Selective.

It always baffles me when clients list every job and short course they’ve ever completed on their CV.

It’s hugely distracting, and often has the opposite effect to that intended, detracting from the experience and qualifications you really want the recruiter to notice, or making you look unfocused or out-of-touch.

While deleting irrelevant qualifications and experience is a must, sometimes it’s not enough. If that’s the case, use grouping and formatting to your advantage:

  • Create a ‘Selected Qualifications’ section on the first page to draw attention to 3 or 4 of your most impressive credentials. Move all other relevant qualifications to an ‘Additional Qualifications’ section on the back page.
  • Group similar qualifications together rather than listing them out separately:
    • Australian Marketing Institute Short Courses: Public Relations Writing Tactics (2015), Event Promotions & Sponsorship (2013), Social Media Marketing (2012).
  • List your most recent career experience in a ‘Professional Summary’ section on the first page, providing details for each role in the ‘Career Experience’ section. Create an ‘Additional Experience’ section to list, but not detail, roles prior to the past 10 years.

Before you hit “SEND” on a job application, ask yourself if the recruiter has to go digging for the good stuff. If they require a Rosetta stone to decipher your CV, chances are they’ll move on to the next candidate.

Remember that the best CVs are both sophisticated and easy to read. Do yourself a favor and take a few hours to simplify – in a smart way – and enjoy the results.

5 Ways To Get Ahead When Your Job
5 Ways To Get Ahead When Your Job’s At Risk

Being told your job is under review and that there’s a possibility of redundancy is like a dagger to the chest. Years of loyal service, late nights and early mornings only to be told, ‘we probably won’t need you anymore’! It’s like a Shakespearian betrayal. Okay, maybe not quite a Shakespearian betrayal… at least there will be some kind of compensation package to soften the blow. However, once you’ve accepted that your job is on the line, it’s important to be proactive.

Individuals who are the least proactive and unprepared, both practically and mentally, are the ones who suffer the most. For this reason I have developed 5 smart strategies. If redundancy does take place, you’ll already be in a position to move in to a new job and importantly a job which meets your professional ambition and fulfils your financial expectations.

1. Understand your CV

Do this to see the type of response you receive. Are recruitment agencies contacting you? How many jobs are you applying for before you are invited to interview? This will give you a clearer idea of market conditions. If you find that the response isn’t reflective of your expectations, which from my experience is usually the case, you can use that period to improve your CV/Résumé ahead of time. By having a better understanding of the market and already having an effective CV/Résumé will put you one step ahead of the competition.

2. Assess your own job

Think about where you see yourself in the next 5 years, and whether realistically you will be able to achieve that target within your current organisation. This applies especially if you’ve been at the company for a short time and you know that your redundancy package is going to be an insignificant amount. Therefore if you receive a job offer, you can accept it knowing that it’s a job you want and for a company that can progress your career.

3. Set boundaries

Due to financial circumstances many people are forced in to accepting a job that they wouldn’t normally consider. Despite providing the stability needed in the short term, it can sometimes have a detrimental impact on your long term career progression. The realities of this situation only come to light once you’re in the job and the anxiety of how you’re going to pay the bills are no longer an issue. By having a clearer understanding of market conditions and the types of jobs you are willing and unwilling to do will give you greater control of the process. This will allow you to make more informed decisions. Furthermore, make it clear to recruitment agencies the type of positions you are looking for.

4. Focus on your network

If you’re not on LinkedIn; sign up and start increasing your network. Focus on connecting with people that could potentially be valuable when it comes to hitting the job market, such as HR Managers & other advisors, and potential line managers. So if you are told that you’re going to be made redundant, you already have a wide network of people that you can contact instantly about possible opportunities.

5. Attend interviews

Whether you want the job or not, you have to remember that interview questions are a two way process and there is no compulsion for you to take the job (just like there is no compulsion them to offer you the job). This is a great way to familiarise yourself with the interviews process, as well as polishing your interview skills. If you find that your interview performances are not reflective of your true ability, than I would recommend getting some professional help.

Being proactive is the key and by following these 5 simple strategies, you can confront the possibility of redundancy head on and most importantly come out of the other side stronger and better!

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”- Winston Churchill

Resume Writing: 6 Frequently Asked Questions To Take Note
Resume Writing: 6 Frequently Asked Questions To Take Note

What is the best practice for Resume Writing?

There are lots of common questions that arise when it comes to resume writing, so we thought we’d provide you with the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions to do with it. Hopefully these can be of some help!

1) How long should my resume be?

Recruiters receive a high volume of resumes for each role.It’s important that yours is scannable. They can make their mind up about whether they are interested in yours quickly.

Limiting yours to 1-2 pages is probably best. Make sure you include all of the information that you feel will be relevant to your job hunt. It is important that you do not feel restricted when you do resume writing.

Bullet points and subheadings can help to cut down the length. This makes it easier for recruiters to identify the information they are after.

2) What should be included in resume writing?

Your resume needs to provide employers with a well-rounded idea of your professional experience and career to date, highlighting all of your relevant skills and achievements.

Some choose to write a short personal summary introducing who they are, where their experience lies and what kind of career step they are looking to make next, which is great for giving your resume a personal touch.

The key information that should be noted on resume writing are contact information, previous work experience, education, your top accomplishments and relevant skills. Including keywords that have been used in the job description will help to ensure your resume is flagged up when resume scanning software is used.

3) Should resume writing needs to be chronologically or functionally?

The format that you use for resume writing really depends on where you are in your career and the relevance of your past experience for the role you are applying for.

A reverse Chronological Resume Writing Style is the most popular format to use and lists your previous work experience from the most recent, to the oldest, along with information about your responsibilities and achievements within each role.

This format works well for people who have already established their career and are looking to progress in the same sector; rather than people who are looking for their first job or changing careers.

A Functional Resume Writing is much more skills-based and places focus on the information that is most relevant to the particular role. The main substance of your resume should be a list of your top achievements and experience that is most pertinent to the job.

You should still provide a summary of your work experience. However, this can be placed lower down on your resume; allowing you to be a bit more discreet about any employment gaps or a lack of professional experience.

4) How should I handle employment gaps in resume writing?

The likelihood of an employment gap damaging your chances of landing a new job really depends on two things. One, how long ago it was. Second, how long it was for. If the period of time was years ago and you’ve been back in work for some time, it really isn’t anything to worry about and will probably go unnoticed.

On the other hand, if your break in employment has happened more recently, which has spanned over several months or even years, then you may want to think about how you can explain this in a way that won’t hinder your job hunt.

So before resume writing, think about what activities you’ve got involved in during that time and any unpaid experience such as volunteering or community projects that you can use to fill the gaps. You may also wish to provide a brief explanation about any gaps in your cover letter when you apply for a role.

5) What if I have no experience?

If you’ve only just graduated or are looking for your first job, you may feel like you don’t have any work experience to list. You end up confused in resume writing. The key to this is showing passion. You may want to elaborate on the skills that you have developed throughout education and other non-professional experiences.

So in resume writing, you make an enthusiastic personal summary. You can demonstrate that you are driven. Try to show that you are focused on building a career within a certain area.

You should then provide a list of all of your qualifications, hobbies and past projects. Highlight all these that have allowed you to develop transferable skills that make you equipped for the job.

Even if you have no formal work experience, volunteer work and undertaking projects at school/uni allow you to develop skills. You can explore areas such as customer service, time management and team work that will benefit you professionally.

6) Should I tailor my resume?

Yes. What works for one role may not work for another. Thus, making alterations in resume writing for particular roles can boost your chances of being considered for the job.

Reorder information on your resume. Position the most relevant experience in the highest part of your resume. Feature keywords used in the job descriptions by rewording information on your resume. When doing this, read the job description thoroughly. Then, match up the requirements with the experience that you possess.

A great resume writing skill is as important as our great personality during job interviews. A well-presented resume can get us nearer to job success. So we better improve our resume writing style and ask ourselves those 6 frequently asked questions, too. So, start your job search now. Try Complete Staff Solutions. And, wow them with your good resume writing skills.

The Ultimate Guide To A Successful Interview
The Ultimate Guide To A Successful Interview

If you haven’t attended an interview for a little while, things have changed while you were away. It’s now the equivalent of going out on a blind date and expecting that gorgeous person from the ad, but finding a multi-headed hydra answering the door to you. As you’re lured into the room, you have no idea what will attempt to savage you. Today, you need to raise your whole game by going in equipped with a strategy and tooled up tactically.

What can bite you in an interview?

Things used to be so easy. “Tell me about something yourself” was the work-horse question from the traditional ‘standard’ interview stable. This allowed everyone to settle down and, for the interviewee, things were very easy to handle in advance – imagine questions, practice answers, calm the nerves. Unfortunately, only about four in ten hires proved fully successful.

Competency-based interviews were born when employers began to match a candidate’s experience to the capabilities required for the role. “Tell me about a situation/time when you …” is a characteristic question, and thankfully recognizable in an interview.

Whereas competency-based questions look back, scenario questions were then designed to get candidates to project forward into situations they’ve not yet encountered, but might do. “What would you do in a situation where …” is typical.

It was harder for candidates to rehearse for interviews, but by no means impossible. So, to step up the game, strength-based interviews were born. Questions are often shorter, sharper and can be more random. They’re designed to gain an insight into a candidate’s genuine likes and dislikes, on the grounds that they’ll perform and deliver at their strongest if they work on things they enjoy.

Next up were value-based interviews. Employers realized that candidates who actually care at a deep level about the ethics and morals surrounding their job, and see the worth, will be far more effective.

Assessment days raise the game further. A whole range of tasks, interviews and tests are used while candidates are pitched head to head en masse, to identify the stand-out ones. Sub-optimal candidates are quietly bayoneted during the day and buried at the end.

Sprinkle in ‘creativity’ questions, presentations, testing, off-the-cuff summaries, profiling, round-the-table intros and the best question category of all: the literally unanswerable question – “Pink is bigger than dark blue?” and you’ve got a monster even Baron von Frankenstein couldn’t stitch together.

The armory of the average interviewer is now well-stocked but the latest research confirms that hiring times have become longer, to the detriment of everyone. Faced with such complexity, how can you be sure of doing well on the day?

Plan a strategy, execute your tactics

It’s obvious, that to be selected for the role, you need to be the stand-out candidate. Nothing new there, but just that’s an aspiration. Strategically, you need to show that while every interviewee is in the frame. You deliver in spades on three separate fronts: you tick all of the boxes; you’re the one bringing more to the party by way of added value and you’re demonstrably the lowest risk. Your tactics then become the specific actions you can prepare and take.

Get hard information

Ring up and ask who’ll be present and the style of interview that will be used. Knowing will strongly increase your chances of hitting the mark on the day. If other candidates aren’t as well informed, you’re set to shine.

Use all your experience

Dig deep through your wider experience to cover any odd weakness. The fact you have an interview booked means that this isn’t yet a show-stopper, but if you’re pressed on weakness at interview and you can plug the hole, you take away an easy cause for rejection.


… to a much deeper level. Take in the people you’ll meet, new developments, the economic climate, competitors and the prospects for the whole sector. Develop an insight into the challenges the department or organization faces and use that to inform your preparation.

Prepare for the style of interview

Draw up and rehearse a range of questions that link into the competencies, strengths, and values required for the role. Whilst those exact questions won’t arise, recognizing the style of a question, knowing a technique to deal with it, and being familiar with relevant areas of your own experience will enable you to perform at the very highest level.

Determine your added-value

This is very hard to do, but that’s the point and therein lies the value. The deeper the insight you gain about the organization, the more opportunity you’ll have to show something about your background, qualifications or personality that offers a valuable bonus. Remember, better meeting the listed role or person specification is not added value, look beyond.

Demonstrate capability

Aim at being the no-risk candidate. In your preparation, don’t just find one example of a competency, strength or value, dredge up every example you can. Distil down for the best and, on the day, keep the backups in reserve so that you can seamlessly show depth, if probed.

Win before you arrive

Look at that hydra, smile confidently and know that you have the weapons to deal with it. You can’t control what comes at you, but you can control how you react to it. No one expects you to know everything, be everything and deliver utter perfection, (if they do, I suggest you don’t want to work for them), but if you’ve planned and prepared to the point where you can deal with the unexpected in the right way, you will get the recognition you deserve and that job offer you want.

Job Interview Tips : 10 Tricky Interviewers To Watch Out For
Interview Tips: 10 Tricky Interviewers To Watch Out For

No matter how much preparation you do for your job interview, there’s no guarantee you won’t get an absolute shock in the form of an interviewer with a totally uncomfortable style about them. Sound negative? No, it’s called being realistic.

Ideally you’ll be greeted by someone who’s relaxed, friendly, professional and approachable. Following their lead will be relatively straightforward and natural. Your nerves will be put at ease early on in the meeting, leaving room for you to ace your answers and prove yourself. Unfortunately, this perfect type of interviewer doesn’t surface every time. Instead, you might find yourself confronted with a really difficult person. They might not be the hiring manager you expected to see, or your new potential boss, but for whatever reason, getting this unknown person’s tick of approval has become a pre-requisite for winning your dream role.

Interviewer 1: Robotic Rhonda

RR might as well be a brick wall with a brain. She asks questions in monotone and stares at you blankly while you reply, offering little conversation in return. She does not show any emotion and appears to be running through a list.

Interviewer 2: Timid Tim

You can barely hear TT when he asks questions. He appears extremely nervous, and struggles to maintain eye contact, perhaps this is his first time interviewing someone? And you thought you were scared!

Interviewer 3: Joker Josh

JJ has a huge personality, and isn’t afraid of trying out his latest comedy routines on you. He makes several inappropriate jokes and you don’t know when he’s being sarcastic and when he’s having you on, waiting for a reaction. You can’t help but feel like you aren’t being taken seriously the whole time.

Interviewer 4: Hyperactive Holly

HH is like a bull at a gate as soon as you walk in. She’s here, there and everywhere. Her questions are fired out of her mouth at a million miles an hour and she interrupts your questions with her own anecdotes. She nods along intensely as you talk and maintains eye contact the whole time. HH is full on!

Interviewer 5: Pressurer Paul

PP will stare you down and make you work hard. He will ask you difficult, trick questions that don’t seem to have an obvious point, he will phrase questions in a negative way and make you feel like you’re being investigated, rather than interviewed.

Interviewer 6: Overly-friendly Fiona

OFF really wants to be your best friend. They spend half of your interview time asking you irrelevant questions about your favorite breed of dog and have a “oh my gosh, me too!” response to everything you say. She doesn’t seem too interested in your skills or expertise, but more what ice cream flavor you enjoy the most.

Interviewer 7: Rushed Rob

RR makes you feel like he has a million other things he needs to be doing. He makes you feel like his time is unbelievably precious and you’re kind of wasting it by being there. He’ll shoot questions out quickly and nod along preemptively as you speak, in an effort to speed things up.

Interviewer 8: Frowning Fanny

FF seems really irritated. She seems offended by everything you say and wears a really sour look on her face the whole time. She makes you feel like you’re really annoying her; draining her of all energy. Your attempts at a light-hearted joke to lighten the mood go ignored.

Interviewer 9: Hurricane Henry

HH is potentially the most unorganized person you’ve ever come across in your life. He has no idea what he’s doing there, what you’re doing there, what the role is and what he should be asking you. He has coffee stains on his shirt and his hair looks like a mad scientist’s. He’s clearly been asked to step in for someone off sick, and he’d doing a bad job of hiding the fact he has no clue what’s going on.

Interviewer 10: Bored Bill

BB makes you feel like he’d rather be literally anywhere else in the world. He yawns when you speak and asks questions that come out as half-finished sentences that you have to guess the end of for him.

How to deal…

It’s important for candidates to be themselves in an interview and let their true personalities shine out, however it is also extremely important to be aware of social cues, as well as the pace and tone being used by the interviewer, and adapt accordingly. It’s exactly the same as if someone you recognize rushes past you in the street, clearly running late to something, and so waves a quick hello to you before continuing on, barely stopping to make eye contact. You would not then call out that person’s name, and have them stop and explain to you how they’ve been, how their day’s going, where they’re off to and so forth – it’s all about knowing when to take someone else’s lead. They want to keep moving, so let them.

If you’re confronted with one of the above interviewers, you’re going to have to follow their lead. Always remember not to say what you think they want to hear, but stay true to yourself and answer honestly. Don’t let their intensity or flippant demeanor rock you or stumble you. Don’t take their attitude personally – they don’t even know you. Just focus on delivering the messages you’ve been preparing for and practicing.


Interview Tip: How To Sell Yourself At A Job Interview
5 Simple Things Positive People Say Every Single Day

When all else fails, your attitude is what will truly define the final outcome. Some people confuse positivity with ignorance, being unrealistic or naive. But in my eyes, it couldn’t be further from it. Being positive means having confidence in your own abilities, other people and your endeavours. It means being able to critically assess and address a situation, and keep spirits high.

Negativity really is an ugly thing. In all situations it’s important to be realistic and have back-up plans, considering all potential scenarios, but believing something is doomed before you’ve even given it a chance at success is a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the flip-side, truly believing in something means you’re likely to give it everything you’ve got, therefore it will be more likely to work out in your favour.

Peoples’ attitudes are contagious. If you want to bring a bit more energy and positivity into your own life and others’ too – try saying these simple things. But be warned, it has to be with a smile… and the smile has to be genuine.

1. “Hello”

Okay it sounds really obvious that any given person would probably say ‘hello’ on any given day, regardless of being positive or not. But positive people tend to say ‘hello’ in situations where they could easily not say it, and ignore. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the person next to you in the lift or the guy waiting for the same train. You’d be amazed what simply saying ‘hello’ can do for your mood and the recipient’s.

2. “How are you?’

Go the extra step and ask how people are. Positive people tend to ooze a confident selflessness that makes others feel special and appreciated. Asking how someone is might be just what an upset person needs to pull them out of a black hole.

3. “Sounds great”

Positive people aren’t naysayers. They don’t critique peoples’ ideas unnecessarily nor do they try to bring people down. Instead, positive people always try to see the good in things; the potential that exists. They support people, and genuinely want the best for others. They aren’t the first to pick out errors or potential problems – they offer sound advice, but only after showing their interest and encouragement.

4. “I’d love to”

Positive people don’t close the door on unknown opportunities; they give things a go and give themselves as many chances at success as possible. They don’t say ‘no, no, no’ all the time; they get involved in a lot of different activities and benefit from all the new experiences and opportunities.

5. “Thank you”

Positive people show gratitude where they should, and give credit where credit’s due. Showing appreciation and saying ‘thank you’ makes people more likely to want to help out again in future. Saying ‘thank you’ means the positive person has identified the value someone has added, which in itself can lift their mood. It feels good to say thank you, both for the person who says it and the one who’s receiving the message. Negative people are quick to judge, look for a hidden agenda or jump to conclusions, and failing to properly acknowledge someone’s work will likely discourage them from similar behaviours in future.

Being positive can be easier said than done, especially when you’re feeling like you’re drowning in work or that what you’re working on is totally hopeless. But changing your attitude and doing or saying simple things to lift your mood and those of others’ is a great place to start. Being open to new recruitment agency ideas and supportive of projects and ideas you hear about will set you with greater chances for success!

12 Tips For New Recruiters Tackling New Business Development
12 Tips For New Recruiters Tackling New Business Development

Picking up the phone can be a daunting task for a newbie recruiter. Needless to say, it’d be fairly harsh of an employer to task a rookie with winning new clients before they’ve even got a feel for their new role or market, but there is something to be said for throwing them in the deep end. Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

New recruiters should be given the warmest introduction possible, so needless to say, a great balance needs to be struck between careful coaching and letting them get a feel for things themselves. We recruited our panel of industry experts to offer their advice to new recruiters tackling new business development!

Network, network, network.

Don’t be afraid to call clients and ask them questions about their sector. Have a chat with them and THEM, not you. And do more with LinkedIn Groups – share decent content and comment on others’ content to market yourself effectively. But in all cases – spend as much time on the phone and with clients and candidates as possible. Oh! And remember their birthdays!

Be persistent, be persuasive, and never give up.

Once you start having lots of conversations, you start having lots of leads. Pick up the phone and have as many conversations as possible. Find a way to make every one of those conversations valuable in one way or another. If you’re talking to a candidate who’s just left a job, find out what the job is. Work to get referrals. Have conversations about what people are seeing in the market – without expecting it to turn into a job order right away. You’ll build leads, but you’ll also build relationships and learn about the field you’re recruiting in, which is the best thing you can do for long-term success.”

Two tips – do your research on the client beforehand – look at their website, look at any past dealings your company has had with the client etc. The more information, you can draw upon in the conversation, the more credible you will sound. Secondly, don’t be too salesy. There is nothing a client hates more than a hardcore sales call. Finesse your approach.”

Don’t cold call for the sake of hitting call volume targets

Conversations are so important in our industry and will help recruiters learn key market intelligence enabling them to build their desks quicker instead of having random pointless conversations because of KPI’s. Take time to ask about the client and understand their business challenges before trying to pitch services. Only with key market knowledge can recruiters create a specialism within their industry.

Cold calling only pisses off potential clients! It can be successful, but tends to attract clients who are desperate or who will show little commitment. Before you lift the phone or send an email, think, what value can I add? What information can I give away, for free, that they will appreciate? As Jeffery Gitomer says “people do not like being sold to, but they love to buy” and thanks to Rob Malec we know “the idea is to sell more, by selling less”. If you have to cold call then you are not spending enough time marketing. Read Joe Pullizi’s ‘Epic Content Marketing’ for some epic ideas.

In much the same way as companies are creating their employer brands, you too should be creating YOUR own brand. Why do you do what you do? What’s your passion, and where’s your niche? What is your methodology to recruiting and where is your proficiency? Use data in many of these points and tell the story of who you are as a recruiter. You’ll start to separate yourself from the pack in this way.”


Spend time finding out WHO you are going to call and give yourself a good REASON why you are calling them, not just “have you got any jobs”- talk about their business wins, latest awards/products/services, recent hires, similarities in your background. Above all, be genuine and friendly. Engage with the other human at the end of the phone and LISTEN to what they have to say. Maybe it wont be a win TODAY but if you handle it properly, it could be a win for tomorrow.

Keep the focus on quality rather than quantity.

Make sure you have something to speak about, whether it is an upcoming seminar, a reference or company news. Do a little bit every day, track everything you do, and always ensure you follow up as needed.

Stop selling

Learn to build relationships, as slowly as it needs to take. Ask lots of questions, and listen. Stop trying to be the expert, stop trying to give advice. Just listen to what your prospects have to say, need and want.

Do lots and lots and lots of it.

Tackling cold calls and new business meetings can be really nerve racking for new recruiters, and the only way to get good at them is to do lots of them, analyse everything you do and say, and try to be better the next time. Watch, listen and learn from the more experienced and successful people around you. Try out their ways of doing things, and take away what works for you. But most importantly try to enjoy them, take your job seriously, never take yourself too seriously.

Don’t look at new business development as new business development

Look at business development as life long relationship management and learn, learn and learn. From understanding, comes growth.

Stop sending generic inmails

Recruiters need to invest in hiring and learning how to specifically tailor their approach on line to niche skill types such as developers.

8 Essential Interview Tips By A Recruiter
The Most Off-Putting Things Recruiters & Hiring Managers Do To Candidates

Ghosting, the term used to describe ending a relationship by not responding to texts or calls, has gained such popularity in recent years. Even the New York Times wrote a story on the phenomenon.

 At least the broken-hearted have good company! Jobseekers have many frustrations about the search process, but none greater than a lack of communication.

 One disheartened jobseeker on social media called ‘Megan’ says:

“The most thoughtless thing is not hearing anything back…even after investing time and money interviewing several times with a company. It’s fine to be turned down, but just to be ghosted by a company? Tell me and let me move on.”

The lack of communication has consequences beyond personal disappointment.

 Megan also says a hiring manager contacted her references and set up times for a call… and then ghosted her:

“I was pretty embarrassed he wasted my references’ time like that. Very unprofessional.”

Unprofessional, by the way, is a term that comes up a lot when jobseekers discuss recruiters; so do some others I probably shouldn’t write here.

Ken Shapiro, Director of the Office for Student Success at Sydney College hit the nail on the head when he tweeted:

“Keep job candidates updated on their status. Rejection is hard but WAITING is intolerable.”

Indeed, with applications submitted electronically and more ways to communicate than at any time in history there is no excuse for keeping candidates in the dark. And yet every candidate has heard something like this:

“Due to the volume of applications and in the interest of thoughtfully considering individuals best suited for each position, we will only contact applicants moving forward in the process.”

That doesn’t sound very thoughtful at all! 
So, let’s get 2017 off to a good start. Even if an applicant isn’t the “one”, building a cordial relationship with two-way communication will surely benefit us all.

Make the process simple

The aforementioned ghosting is exasperated by how much time and energy candidates must put in to every job to which they apply.

“I’m applying for a part-time job, that requires an application and a resume, both containing the same information. One of us is doing this wrong, ” writes a jobseeker on Twitter.

One candidate was asked to complete an 11-part “homework” assignment for an interview. Others complain of “extensive, exhaustive, months-long, multiple-interview search processes.” 

So take a few minutes to review. Would a five-part homework assignment suffice? For applications, do you really use every field? Find the balance between getting what you need and overwhelming candidates.

Keep an open mind, really!

Everyone’s circumstances are different and complex and no one’s life fits in neat little boxes. (Another reason applications are universally disliked). One jobseeker implores recruiters to stop the “rapid elimination of candidates” just because they are currently unemployed, overqualified, too old, too young, etc. 

An HR insider say he knows recruiters who ask seemingly open-ended questions. But beware!

“They’re deducting points for every word that doesn’t match.”

A person who has been unemployed for a while might be just the hardest worker ever. A career changer will have a truly unique perspective. An older worker has irreplaceable experience. With an open mind, you might find genuinely great talent.

Beware of the hoops

While job hunting, most candidates are working and they have the same daily life obligations we all do… plus their job search. This means every step requires the jobseeker to jump through hoops even if they never mention it. (And they won’t).

  • Want candidates to take a call during the day? No big deal, right? Wrong. If they work in a cubicle, finding a quiet and private spot can be an ordeal.
  • Want candidates to do a Skype interview during the day? If they work in an open office space, they’ll have to take time off.
  • Want the candidate to “just send over” work samples or other “homework”? Anyone with a job will stay up all night to finish.
  • Want to postpone an interview? That’s another excuse to the boss at the least and a loss of travel (tickets, hotels) money at the most.

Jobseekers realize they will have to work hard and make some sacrifices. They just want recruiters can show a little humanity in the process.

 Emily Edinburg, the social media manager for Complete Staff Solutions (a talent acquisition employment agency and management services company), says companies are getting the message.

“They are starting to realize that no feedback and long applications equal bad candidate experience.”

If Edinburg is right, maybe the only ghost stories we’ll be talking about next year are the ones we heard on Halloween.