Privacy policy
1. Our Privacy Commitment
At Complete Staff Solutions, we are committed to protecting the privacy of the information that you supply to us as required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and general law. We give effect to those laws by adhering to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal and sensitive information for flexible and permanent staffing and training purposes.
Personal information is any information or opinion held about you that identifies you or by which your identity can be reasonably determined.
Sensitive information is information or opinion held about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious belief; membership of a professional trade association or trade union; sexual preferences or practices; criminal records; genetic, biometric and health information.
2. Collection
2.1 What information we collect
The personal information that we collect and hold is information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our functions and activities as a provider of labour and training.
The types of information we collect and hold about you may range from the sensitive to everyday information, depending on whether you are a Workseeker, a Client or a Refugee.
We are accessing the members location feature in out WorkForce App. This allows members to conveniently check-in and check-out for shifts and filter Smart shifts.
2.1.1 For Workseekers
The type of information that is typically collected and held is information that is necessary to assess amenability to work offers and work availability; suitability for placements; or to manage performance in work obtained through us, and includes:
- ID information such as your name;
- Postal or email address;
- Telephone numbers;
- Date of birth and residency;
- Other contact details such as social media handles;
- Financial details such as your tax file number;
- Health information;
- Qualifications, work history, resume and application forms;
- Salary benefits information and bank account details;
- Copy of Driver’s Licence;
- Information about your hobbies and interests;
- Other information we thing is necessary.
If you consent, we may also collect sensitive information about you, including your membership in a trade union, information from police checks and working with children checks.
We may collect information about you because we are required or authorised by law to collect it.
We may also collect the opinions of others about your work performance and aptitude tests.
If you do not provide Complete Staff Solutions with the particular information that has been requested we may not be best placed to provide the service that you have requested from us.
If you do not give us all or part of the information we need:
- we may be limited in our ability to locate suitable work for you;
- we may be limited in our ability to place you in work; or
- we might decline to represent you in your search for work or put you forward for certain positions.
2.1.2 For Clients
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about clients is information that is necessary to help us manage the presentation and delivery of our services and it includes:
- ID information of the client representative;
- postal or email address;
- telephone numbers;
- role within the company;
- other information we think is necessary.
2.1.3 For Referees
The type of information that we typically collect and hold about referees is information that is necessary to help make determinations about the suitability of one of our work seekers for particular types of work and it includes:
- ID information of the referee;
- postal or email address;
- telephone numbers;
- role within the company;
- other information we think is necessary.
3. Why we collect the information
The purposes, for which we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information, are likely to differ depending on whether you are a worker, a client or a referee.
3.1 For Workers
We may use your personal information for the purpose of:
- our assessment of your suitability to register with us;
- the necessary validation (including from third party sources) of your resume, C.V., nominated references or stated qualifications, experience, training or abilities. Where we require third party validation we will tell you how we propose to obtain it;
- your actual or possible work placements;
- your performance appraisals;
- any test or assessment (including medical tests and assessments) that you might be required to undergo;
- our assessment of your ongoing performance and prospects;
- our identification of your training needs;
- suggestions we may make to you, whilst you remain registered with us, for further training in connection with work of the type that you are seeking through us;
- any workplace rehabilitation in which you and we are involved;
- our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved;
- any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information;
- any reference that we may give concerning your work;
- statistical purposes and statutory compliance requirements;
- in our non – recruitment businesses, your personal information is used to enable us to deliver the product or services that you require, for example developing a resume.
3.2 For Clients:
Personal information that we collect, use, hold and disclose about clients is typically used for:
- client and business relationship management;
- recruitment functions;
- marketing services to you;
- statistical purposes and statutory requirements.
3.3 For Referees:
Personal information that we collect, hold, use and disclose about referees is typically used for:
- to confirm identity and authority to provide references;
- workseeker suitability assessment;
- recruitment functions;
- providing marketing.
3.4 Our Policy on Direct Marketing
Complete Staff Solutions may use your information for the purposes of letting you know what is happening with our services. This will be with your permission and with the proviso that you can opt out from any further communication. We will at all times comply with the anti-spam legislation. We may obtain customer lists from third parties for the purpose of direct marketing our services.
Complete Staff Solutions will not give your information to any other parties for the purposes of direct marketing.
4. Anonymous/Pseudonym
If you have general enquiry type questions, you can choose to do this anonymously or use a pseudonym. We might not always be able to interact with you this way however we are often governed by strict regulations that require us to know who we are dealing with when servicing our clients.
In general, we will not be able to deal with you anonymously or where you are using a pseudonym when:
- it is impracticable; or
- we are required or authorized by law or a court/tribunal order to deal with you personally.
5. Collection of personal information
The means by which we will generally collect your personal information are likely to differ depending on whether you are a client, a work seeker or a referee.
5.1 For Workseekers
We collect the information from you in a variety of ways, including:
- directly from you, when you provide information either in person or via the website or by phone or in documents such as an application form or a resume;
- when we collect information about you from other sources. Instances of when we may need to include:
* By contacting the referees that you have nominated,
* From clients to whom services are supplied as a part of our recruiting and labour hire business,
* From a range of publically available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the internet and social media sites.
We will manage this information in accordance with the APPs and our Privacy Policy.
5.2 For Clients
Personal information about you may be collected:
- when you provide it to us for business or business related social purposes;
- from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites.
5.3 For Referees
Personal information that you provide to us:
- in the course of our checking Workseeker references with you and when we are checking information that we obtain from you about Workseekers;
- from a range of publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the internet and social media sites.
5.4 Electronic Transactions
Sometimes, we collect personal information that individuals choose to give us via online forms or by email, for example when individuals:
- ask to be on an email list such as a job notification list;
- register a site user to access facilities on our site such as a job notifications board;
- make a written online enquiry or email us through our website;
- submit a resume by email or through our website.
It is important that you understand that there are risks associated with the use of the internet and you should take all appropriate steps to protect your personal information. You can contact us by land line telephone or post if you have any concerns about making contact via the Internet.
5.5 Photos and Images
Complete Staff Solutions will request that you supply your photographic licence and scan it to your file. Host employers may capture and retain video image data of you.
5.6 Notification of Collection of personal Information
When CSS collects your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to notify you of:
- Complete Staff Solutions Privacy Commitment;
- What is Personal Information;
- How we collect and store Personal Information;
- How we use Personal Information;
- Consequences if not collected;
- Who disclosed to in and overseas;
- Electronic transfers;
- Access to Personal Information;
- How to contact us regarding privacy matters.
6. Holding the information
Personal Information is held in our information record system, Fastrack 360, until it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed at which time it will be de-identified or destroyed provided it is lawful to do so.
6.1 Fastrack 360
Information is stored in an electronic format on our servers and later to be incorporated into the Fastrack system. This information is currently stored on Complete Staff Solutions servers.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that the terms of service with Fasttrack recognize that we are bound by obligations to protect the privacy of personal information and that they will not do anything that would cause us to breach those obligations.
Some of your personal information may be held on portable devices such as mobile phones, laptop computers or in diaries operated and held by our staff members. Passwords are used to protect the security of the information on them.
6.2 Care of your personal information.
The security of your information is important to us. We take reasonable steps to protect it from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Some of the ways we do this are:
- confidentiality requirements and training of our employees;
- need to know access;
- document storage security;
- shredding of paper documents;
- de-identification of documents;
- security measures for access to our systems;
- only giving access to personal information to a person who is verified to be able to receive that information;
- control of access to our buildings;
- electronic security systems, such as firewalls and data encryption on our websites;
- culling of documents.
However, some personal records may be held for a specific period of time due to statutory requirements.
7. Disclosure of your information
We may also disclose your personal information to the following parties outside of Complete Staff Solutions:
- potential and actual employers and clients of Complete Staff Solutions;
- Complete Staff Solutions agents;
- contractors (e.g. people who are authorized to administer our computer systems or to other recruitment suppliers, where we are working on a joint recruitment project);
- professional advisers;
- consultants;
- representatives;
- a person seeking a reference about you;
- referees;
- a Workers Compensation body;
- any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information;
- at your request, we exchange information with your legal or financial advisers or other representatives.
8. Sharing outside of Australia
Complete Staff Solutions runs its business wholly in Australia. From time to time we may need to complete reference checks overseas from information supplied by you. This may lead to us needing to share some of your information with people who reside outside of Australia. We will obtain consent for this to happen.

9. Government Related Identifiers
In certain circumstances we may be required to collect government-related identifiers such as your tax file number. We will not use or disclose this information unless we are authorised by law.
10. Legal Requirements for Personal Information
Some laws such as taxation law, laws regulating employment agencies, laws relating to national security, laws relating to professional or trade registration and laws for the protection of certain classes of people (such as children or the elderly) may require that we collect certain types of information (including criminal history) from you that is relevant to the position/s for which you may be applying. There may be cases where our duties of care or contractual duties require us to obtain and disclose certain types of personal information relevant to specific jobs.
When requesting information of this type we will tell you whether the supply of that information is mandatory or voluntary.
11. What happens when we no longer need your information?
We keep your information for as long as we require it for our purposes of running a recruitment agency. We are also required to keep some of your information for certain periods of time under law, such as the Corporations Act and the Financial Transaction Reports Act for example. When we no longer require your information, we will ensure that your information is destroyed or de-identified.
12. Access to your information
Complete Staff Solutions will give you access to your personal information unless there are certain legal reasons why we cannot. You can ask us to access your personal information in writing.
We will give you access to your information in the form you want it where it is reasonable and practical. We may charge you a fee to cover our costs when giving you access, but we’ll always check with you first.
We are not always required to give you access to your personal information. Some of the situations where we do not have to give you access include when:
- we believe there is a threat to life or public safety;
- there is an unreasonable impact on other individuals;
- the request is frivolous;
- the information would not be ordinarily accessible because of legal proceedings;
- it would prejudice negotiations with you;
- it would be unlawful;
- it would jeopardise taking action against serious misconduct by you;
- it would be likely to harm the activities of an enforcement body (e.g. the police);
- it would harm the confidentiality of our commercial information; or
- if we cannot provide your information in the way you’ve requested, we will tell you why in writing.
13. How we correct your information
Complete Staff Solutions will check that your information is current and accurate. This will mean that we have to cross check it from third parties.
Contact us if you think there is something wrong with the information we hold about you and we will try to correct it if it is:
- inaccurate;
- out of date;
- incomplete;
- irrelevant; or
- misleading.
If you are worried that we have given incorrect information to others, you can ask us to tell them about the correction. We will try and help where we can – if we cannot, then we will let you know.
14. Questions or concerns
If you believe that our organisation has breached your privacy rights in any way or you would like to discuss any issues about our privacy policy please contact our Privacy Officer in writing:
Privacy Officer, Complete Staff Solutions
15. When we receive your complaint
We will take steps to confirm the authenticity and the contact details provided to us to ensure that we are responding to you or to a person whom you have authorized to receive information about your complaint.
Upon confirmation we will write to you to acknowledge receipt and to confirm that we are handling your complaint in accordance with our policy.
We may ask for clarification of certain aspects of the complaint and for further detail;
- we will consider the complaint and may make inquiries of people who can assist us to establish what has happened and why;
- We will require a reasonable time (usually 30 days) to respond.
If the complaint can be resolved by procedures for access and correction we will suggest these to you as possible solutions.
If we believe that your complaint may be capable of some other solution we will suggest that to you, on a confidential and without prejudice basis in our response.
If the complaint cannot be resolved by means that we propose in our response, we will suggest that you take your complaint to any recognised external dispute resolution scheme to which we belong or to the office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
16. Changes to this Privacy Policy
This Policy may change. We will let you know of any changes to this Policy by posting a notification on our website. Any information collected after an amended privacy statement has been posted on the site, will be subject to that amended privacy statement.